Tag Archive | Horde

Because I don’t want to!!

I opened up my basic garrison on my monk, which is my third 100 but fifth character to get through the beginning Draenor stuff.



I needed to get to Ashran to buy my pvp gear, but I didn’t have the portal tower yet,  hadn’t done the quest line to get the flight path there, and couldn’t quite figure out how to get it.  Kept having these silly convos.


Me: I need a portal to Ashran, I will tip.

Trade: You have it in your level 3 garrison.

Me: I didn’t level it

Trade: Well why not?

Me: Because I don’t want to

Trade: LOL

I FINALLY got a mage to do it, but it took asking several times over  a couple attempts, in a couple of areas.  So dumb.

Speaking of



horde bgs are TERRIBLE!  Like bad, if not worse than Alliance has been over the years.  This Twin Peaks for example, at the start we only had 9 people for about 3 minutes.


Then we lost a bunch and were down to 6-7 for another minute or so.  Needless to say, we lost.  We got GY camped so hard I just stayed a ghost for 4 minutes.

We won this one, and this just made me laugh.




This didn’t go well either.  We lost, down to 0 reinforcements, and getting camped at every single GY we were allowed to get.


Dungeons were bad too, on the 3rd boss in Skyreach, not once but TWICE the tank stopped tanking to go chase the adds, leaving the boss to Screach a ton of AOE damage, and none of the ranged were killing the adds, forcing the rogue to chase after them.  The shadow priest literally stated “I was running away from that bird for 3 minutes!!” I reminded them SHADOW IS DPS!!



Mist Monks


I forgot that, even after the ability prune, monks are still awesome.  I miss stealing and holding other peoples weapons, but the rest isn’t a big deal.  I got it to 93 so far.   I also love AV and to a lesser extend, IoC.  We do win sometimes but I just love open maps and the mini-battles all over.


Healing dungeons thus far is fairly easy too.


I like this better than my holy paladin, so I think that will stay ret.

Might Do Hunter/Druid

I started a new hunter on Mal’ganis, and ended up back on my 90 hunter.  MM is pretty boring, and I don’t really care for BM, so I’ve been trying Survival (SV) on the new char.  I think it might be fun.  Also tempted to take my blood elf back to human, but I missed the sale on faction changes. WoWScrnShot_110614_191833


Low level pvp is another story.  You generally run into crap like this; 4+ disc priests running around with a feral or rogues.



They hit like a truck, with huge shields and heals they can spam.  It’s pretty awesome.  We won this one, though.  Alliance is pretty good at low level pvp. Unfortunately I’m on Mal’ganis on this character, which is like 99% Horde, so the second I stepped out from Elwyn Forest to Three Corners, I got ganked by 90’s.  I figured I would last until at least Outlands.  Oh well.

Diva Healers

I find it amusing when I switch sides, who gets upset I’m not on their faction.  Misdora was raging at me the other night because I was healing Predator, formerly known as Deterrence.    Kept saying to stop healing ‘that trash’ and such.  Whereas Eklipz didn’t seem to mind.

We fought against 3 priests and a mage, just he and I, and I only died once.  To a mind control.  Damn priests.  That slight delay in flight form activating did it on my trip down the cliff.

Anyway Predator seems ok to me.  Great hunter.

I tried getting back into the swing of my hunter today but, out of practice.  It’s also annoying to not be a healer in dungeons or pvp.  Healers are such amazing princesses.  An undergeared shaman told whoever was FCing in a WSG that “stay by me or you won’t get heals”.  Ok.

1) That’s obvious and

2) try to keep up


The only time I may rant at an FC  is if they do twists and turns in the base and constantly LoS me.  But I still try to keep up.  I understand why they do it too.




Had this bit of fun with a hunter we killed twice.  They probably were upset I pressed X on them a few times.  Before they released.  Yep.   He wouldn’t have been able to solo me.  There was a heroic geared hunter that totally did though, it was embarrassing