
I Guess I can be Toxic (Hero Stacking)

Lately in quick play people have been stacking heroes a lot.  This team of Mei’s for instance.   I’ve also played against all Reapers.



We swapped to Junkrat and won.  I rightfully told them to “suck it”.



Playing with Ravenshield

I played Overwatch with Ravenshield last night.  He’s the warrior, I believe it was, I met on Sargeras on my paladin.  Anyway he was playing Reinholdt.   It was kind of cringey because he didn’t seem to notice when a Tracer was on me, or would just stand there holding a shield against a Junkrat while nowhere near the objective.

Joined up with Pyro who I can’t even remember where I met, I think with Bridgetroll, and the games were fun.  I tried out Pharah and did terrible though.

Overwatch and Smellybeard

Apparently you can spectate on friends games, and Trinith (Smellybeard, he use to run the forum war-games) watched me a bit.  He got into the next game as an enemy Tracer, and killed me a good 8 times.  Very annoying.



Speaking of, seeing yourself die to this is also annoying. Inanimate objects, am I right?



I’ve gotten nothing for Mercy even though I play her a ton other than sprays.  I had to buy this myself for 250 coins.


It looks good next to this Soldier 76, though.  Mmm hmm.
