History of my time across Lineage 2, World of Warcraft, SWTOR, and Overwatch

November 1, 2017 - Mercy’s Rez (Overwatch) November 1, 2017 - You have to buy boxes (Overwatch) August 25, 2017 - Mercy is getting changes (Overwatch) August 23, 2017 - Pharah (Overwatch) August 21, 2017 - The dupe fix/nerf (Overwatch) August 15, 2017 - Golden Weapons (Overwatch) August 15, 2017 - What Gives, PotGs? (Overwatch) August 13, 2017 - A-mei-zing! (or not) (Overwatch) July 31, 2017 - Mech Deaths by Enemy (Overwatch) July 26, 2017 - ABOUT THE DUPES! (Overwatch) June 1, 2017 - But, we won? (Overwatch) January 26, 2017 - Give me some Skin (Overwatch)

September 3, 2021 - What I liked to do vs now (PvP) August 2, 2021 - What happened (PvP) April 14, 2021 - Classic Still Bumping (Classic WoW, Quests) February 26, 2021 - The BEST time in Westfall Wpvp (Classic WoW, PvP) February 24, 2021 - Mage Vending Machines (PvP) February 15, 2021 - People like this (PvP) February 1, 2021 - Marshall Ocyla (PvP) January 22, 2021 - Ranking to 12 (PvP)
December 22, 2020 - COMMANDER Ocyla (PvP) December 9, 2020 - Classic Bgs (PvP) November 18, 2020 - Molten Core Swim Team (PvP) October 3, 2020 - I thought so (PvP) August 26, 2020 - Gquit (Classic WoW, Quests, World of Warcraft) June 24, 2020 - Classic WoW (PvP) June 22, 2020 - Priests (PvP) May 14, 2020 - I love fire but… (PvP) March 23, 2020 - The List (PvP) February 16, 2020 - Classic Fire Mage (PvP)
December 30, 2019 - Classic Alterac Valley (PvP) December 4, 2019 - Bots Bots Bots (PvP) December 1, 2019 - Classic Lineage 2, Isn’t (Lineage II, PvP) November 16, 2019 - Don’t have to Aim (PvP) July 14, 2019 - How I Handle the Toxic (PvP) June 19, 2019 - It was fun for me (PvP) May 23, 2019 - Hardcore Classic (PvP) April 21, 2019 - That damn flying thing (PvP) April 18, 2019 - Water Walking (PvP) March 25, 2019 - Brawl vs AI (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 22, 2019 - The Gates (World of Warcraft) March 15, 2019 - WINTERGRASP IS BACK!! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 13, 2019 - Diablo 1.0, I’m Ready (PvP) February 18, 2019 - Holy Paladin (World of Warcraft) February 4, 2019 - Look at my pig, my pig is AMAZING (World of Warcraft) January 24, 2019 - Third Faction (PvP) January 21, 2019 - Ana’s Deal (PvP) January 7, 2019 - Loot Systems (PvP) January 3, 2019 - It’s Time to Burn (PvP)
December 28, 2018 - Arcane Mage Seems Hard (PvP) December 27, 2018 - What is with dungeons? (PvP) November 1, 2018 - Kinda waiting on 8.1 (PvP) September 18, 2018 - Mythic Dungeons (World of Warcraft) September 17, 2018 - Raid Mechanics (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 8, 2018 - Feral Problems (World of Warcraft) August 29, 2018 - So much Winning. (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 27, 2018 - Strike a Pose (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 13, 2018 - Realm is Full (PvP) August 12, 2018 - The Fire (World of Warcraft) July 28, 2018 - MY HELM! (World of Warcraft) July 20, 2018 - Spoiled (Overwatch, World of Warcraft) July 18, 2018 - The new patch! (World of Warcraft) July 16, 2018 - Looking for Guild (World of Warcraft) July 14, 2018 - A fuck TON (World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 14, 2018 - I love Tol Barad (PvP) July 10, 2018 - Bring your rage to bear!!! … or not (World of Warcraft) July 8, 2018 - Bleeds and AOE (Quests, World of Warcraft) June 24, 2018 - I’m fire, not arcane (World of Warcraft) June 12, 2018 - Trying to get back into World Defending…. (World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 10, 2018 - Just take my money! (PvP) May 25, 2018 - Ice Time (Quests, World of Warcraft) May 14, 2018 - Frost Mage Challenge, I’m done (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 13, 2018 - Class/Spec Challenge Modes (World of Warcraft) April 30, 2018 - Why SO many healers? (World of Warcraft) April 23, 2018 - First Order (World of Warcraft) January 21, 2018 - Worse than Timeless Isle (World of Warcraft, World PvP)
December 26, 2017 - Holiday Events (World of Warcraft) November 30, 2017 - Yes, but they aren’t ME (PvP) November 27, 2017 - Streets are uneven when you’re down (World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 19, 2017 - A Special Kind of Stupid (World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 4, 2017 - As I stand in Tol Barad (PvP) October 16, 2017 - The Queues (World of Warcraft) October 4, 2017 - Quiet on the front (World of Warcraft) September 16, 2017 - New Pet: Shadow! (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) September 11, 2017 - Casting animation changes, and we’re on Argus! (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 20, 2017 - Trial of Style (World of Warcraft) July 5, 2017 - Hunter…of DEATH! (World of Warcraft) July 5, 2017 - Missed Mid-Summer (World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 2, 2017 - Shaco (World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 30, 2017 - That Thing I Do (Quests, World of Warcraft) June 28, 2017 - Hunter, whaaaaat? (World of Warcraft) June 1, 2017 - I can actually play FROST (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) May 11, 2017 - Happy Balloon Day (Quests, World of Warcraft) May 8, 2017 - DEMON HUNTERS! (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 17, 2017 - Fire is better than Heals (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 10, 2017 - I like FIRE (Quests, World of Warcraft) April 10, 2017 - Worst PVP, ever. (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 10, 2017 - 13 million SP.. I mean.. AP (Quests, World of Warcraft) March 16, 2017 - Dictionary, Much? (World of Warcraft) March 11, 2017 - Farmer Saldean has GUARDS (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 1, 2017 - First Prestige (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 24, 2017 - People Hate Mages? (World of Warcraft) February 21, 2017 - Big Love Rocket (Quests, World of Warcraft) February 20, 2017 - Laughed myself silly (Quests, World of Warcraft) February 16, 2017 - Heroes of the Storm (PvP) February 10, 2017 - Poor PW Shield (World of Warcraft) January 23, 2017 - Holystab, 5 years later (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) January 20, 2017 - The Free for All Zones (World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 20, 2017 - Nightfallen down… (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 3, 2017 - These Kirin Tor Quests… (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 2, 2017 - So uh, everyone left? (World of Warcraft)
December 22, 2016 - Making things better (Quests, Raids, World of Warcraft) December 22, 2016 - Uncouth Things (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 28, 2016 - Dungeons have been horrible (World of Warcraft) November 22, 2016 - Horde on Whisperwind (World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 22, 2016 - Changes to Tol Barad (World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 22, 2016 - Steampunk Food Buff (Quests, Raids, World of Warcraft) November 13, 2016 - The Priest Hall (Quests, World of Warcraft) October 18, 2016 - And by help, I mean MURDER (Quests, World of Warcraft) October 18, 2016 - So that’s where that guy went (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 18, 2016 - High Priest Ocyla (Quests, World of Warcraft) October 14, 2016 - Heh, auction house people… (Quests, World of Warcraft) October 14, 2016 - Raven Priests (Quests, World of Warcraft) October 14, 2016 - Engineering (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 22, 2016 - Ore Placer Person (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 21, 2016 - Naralex is my Bae (Pet Battles, Quests, World of Warcraft) September 21, 2016 - That’s ok, I don’t like coffee anyway (World of Warcraft) September 21, 2016 - My kitties and I will RULE THE WORLD! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 14, 2016 - YES!!! The Murloc costume IS BACK! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 14, 2016 - MOOSE! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 11, 2016 - Ding 110! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 11, 2016 - Taking Away Things We Had (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 11, 2016 - I will subscribe to your newsletter, Verstok (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 9, 2016 - Going to move off Bleeding Hollow (World of Warcraft) September 8, 2016 - Oh my, the transmogs! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 8, 2016 - He plays Sarcastaball (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 8, 2016 - I ran down here before you were supposed to (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 8, 2016 - Mage Class Hall (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 8, 2016 - The class scenarios are pretty fun (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 8, 2016 - Too bad you can’t say “no” (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Oh, you better BELIEVE that’s a paddlin’ (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - One killin’ coming right up sir! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Druids, amiright? (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - You eat pieces of shit for breakfast? (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - I wish I could have kept these guys (Pet Battles, Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - I kept picking the bad choices… (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Squeee! So cute! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Cheers! Love! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - My fiance, my fiance, I cannot find my fiance! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Fancy Druids! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Everybody is dying up in here. (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - About time someone gave me a lift (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Yoink, we’re getting outta here (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - BIG npcs and mobs are making a come back (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - First it was the candles but… (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Weirwood Tree, Much? (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - New Dragon model (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Challenge Accepted (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Nuts and BOLTS! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Whoa, is that a vanilla loading screen? (World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - My Class Hall is PRETTY! (World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - This could be bad (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - We’re here to pump YOU up! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - New Class, Demon Hunter (PvP) September 7, 2016 - Kalimdor Invasion (PvP) September 7, 2016 - Death Drop (World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - That Fel Reaver (World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Milisandre Transmog (World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Updated Transmog (World of Warcraft) September 7, 2016 - Much Dying was had (World of Warcraft) August 19, 2016 - THE MOOSIE! (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 13, 2016 - The Invasions (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 13, 2016 - Old school Alterac Valley (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 13, 2016 - THEY DIDN’T (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 10, 2016 - Honoring Players with Pets (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) August 9, 2016 - Muh priest (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 8, 2016 - I never learn (World of Warcraft) May 19, 2016 - Spent my last moments making Horde SUFFER (World of Warcraft, World PvP) May 19, 2016 - Hi, have a flag my friend! (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 14, 2016 - I miss when horde weren’t salty (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 12, 2016 - Looks Cute, Hurts Feelings (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 5, 2016 - When I want you, I want you (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 25, 2016 - That Alliance Beetle Bike (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 7, 2016 - You… have to click it (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 7, 2016 - That’s How we do it BOYS! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 1, 2016 - Not Worthy (World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 17, 2016 - The Babies (World of Warcraft) February 11, 2016 - I love my holy paladin (World of Warcraft) February 8, 2016 - Fightin’ ’round the world (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 27, 2016 - My Wish is Your Command (World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 14, 2016 - Ashes of Al’ar, on Accident (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 11, 2016 - I can’t believe I’m doing the ring quest again (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 11, 2016 - This is what versing a premade looks like (World of Warcraft, World PvP)
December 22, 2015 - KNEEL BEFORE ZOD (World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 21, 2015 - Grumpus, how appropriate (World of Warcraft) December 21, 2015 - Star Wars is Taking Over EVERYTHING (World of Warcraft) December 14, 2015 - Alliance Vanguard (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 3, 2015 - Arena Hot Streak (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 30, 2015 - Who needs a selfie cam? (World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 29, 2015 - I’ve become a rager (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 26, 2015 - A Special Kind of Willful Stupid (World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 24, 2015 - I knew this set looked familiar (World of Warcraft) November 23, 2015 - Fingernails on a chalkboard (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 11, 2015 - I’m all over the place (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 8, 2015 - “It’s a PVP server” is not an excuse (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 31, 2015 - Princess Tank (World of Warcraft) October 28, 2015 - Why U Halfta be Mad? (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 21, 2015 - Firelands Hunter (World of Warcraft) October 21, 2015 - One time I hit this guy so hard.. (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 18, 2015 - The skeletons are up… (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 18, 2015 - You sound familiar (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 13, 2015 - Where dis boss? (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) October 8, 2015 - Why We Can’t Have Nice Things! (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 5, 2015 - You King of the Forest?? (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 1, 2015 - Double Your Pleasure (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 22, 2015 - Carpet Matches the Drapes (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) September 19, 2015 - Ok then (World of Warcraft) September 18, 2015 - I just needed one event… (PvP) September 18, 2015 - Watching World Defense (World of Warcraft, World PvP) September 16, 2015 - Thanks, Sun Tzu (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) September 14, 2015 - What? He’s gonna what? With what? (World of Warcraft, World PvP) September 11, 2015 - Boxing bot trains (PvP) August 26, 2015 - Ermph, I found the FEELS (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 25, 2015 - No, We’re Searching for Treas-ah! (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 25, 2015 - Now with 100% More Screenshots (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 22, 2015 - Got Back to Questing (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 22, 2015 - Oh YOU (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 12, 2015 - Ashran is so Toxic (PvP) August 7, 2015 - I’m an Ashran BADDY (World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 24, 2015 - I JUST DONT LIKE U (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 21, 2015 - Agincourt (World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 21, 2015 - Get the Blank off my Blank (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 21, 2015 - Thanks, Inaccurate Queue Times (World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 21, 2015 - /Sit AWWW (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) July 10, 2015 - What Do I Do With You Now? (World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 10, 2015 - Most Beautiful Zone (World of Warcraft) June 24, 2015 - Ashran feels like a dungeon (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 23, 2015 - 6.2 and Look Who’s in My Garrison? (Quests, World of Warcraft) June 21, 2015 - Paper Gear (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 19, 2015 - That’s not cool, forums! (World of Warcraft) June 18, 2015 - Think Pink (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 17, 2015 - Day ‘n’ Night (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 14, 2015 - Because I don’t want to!! (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 9, 2015 - Selfie Contest (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) May 27, 2015 - My Pants Finally Dropped! (World of Warcraft) May 22, 2015 - Twitch (World of Warcraft) May 8, 2015 - He got me! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 27, 2015 - Westfall and Darkshire (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 17, 2015 - Spreading the Joy of WPvP (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 15, 2015 - I didn’t catch him but… (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 13, 2015 - So uh. Frost DK damage… (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 10, 2015 - This is MY SHIP (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 9, 2015 - Mist Monks (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 25, 2015 - Well, I finally found a Horde war chest (Pet Battles, PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) March 20, 2015 - The Best Part of WPvP (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 16, 2015 - This SOUNDS Amazing (PvP) March 13, 2015 - They Fixed Pepe! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 12, 2015 - Playing with Toys (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 9, 2015 - That’s My Thing… and Everybody Knows it (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 4, 2015 - This ain’t a scene, it’s a goddamned arms race (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 2, 2015 - Raiding PTSD (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 23, 2015 - Today’s Menu Alliance is Serving… (World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 20, 2015 - Tracking for the Non-Tracker (World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 19, 2015 - Basement Dweller (World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 13, 2015 - Ashran Relic (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) February 13, 2015 - BANNED (Quests, World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 9, 2015 - Wholesome and Charitable (World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 6, 2015 - Land Shark (World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 6, 2015 - This is Why You Don’t do THAT (World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 1, 2015 - Toying Around (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) January 30, 2015 - Pet Me (World of Warcraft) January 30, 2015 - Can’t touch this (Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 29, 2015 - 6v6 in Westfall? (Pet Battles, PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 25, 2015 - This is Pepe, you’ve got a friend! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 23, 2015 - I did just love you, didn’t you feel it? (World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 23, 2015 - Weirdest Rage Tell Thus Far (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 20, 2015 - Dragonsoul 25m Heroic (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 18, 2015 - Adding People Faster! (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 17, 2015 - Queue to Queue to Queue (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 16, 2015 - Back to Being Bad (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 14, 2015 - Bad cop, Bad cop? (World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 13, 2015 - Rogue Rolodex (Quests, World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 12, 2015 - You made me bleed my own blood! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 9, 2015 - Sad, Strange Little Man (Quests, World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 6, 2015 - Mr. Terrible’s Power leveling Service (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft)
December 31, 2014 - SEVEN MINUTE ABS! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 27, 2014 - Y U Always Jump? (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 23, 2014 - “They chose death” (World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 22, 2014 - And Stay OUT! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 21, 2014 - Doing Favors… (World of Warcraft) December 21, 2014 - Pet Battle Bags (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) December 19, 2014 - I dip, you dip! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 18, 2014 - I’m Coming For You (World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 17, 2014 - Yep, that’s a wipe. (World of Warcraft) December 17, 2014 - Even my Battle Pet Matches! (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 17, 2014 - I want a NPC! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 13, 2014 - Pet Battle Buddies (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) December 11, 2014 - Why Can’t I Have Infinite Mounts? (World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 9, 2014 - Highmaul LFR (Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 7, 2014 - DPS Sucked, why? (World of Warcraft) December 6, 2014 - Getting Petted (PvP) December 4, 2014 - For a Complete Failure (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 28, 2014 - A Queue for Battle.net? (World of Warcraft) November 26, 2014 - I’ve got uh, things to do, and stuff (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 26, 2014 - Ashran is getting better (Quests, World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 25, 2014 - I… I can’t heal this (World of Warcraft) November 23, 2014 - Pet Battles (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) November 22, 2014 - South Shore vs Tarren Mill (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 21, 2014 - Just Ask the Right Way (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 19, 2014 - Well, you are not stabbing me yet. (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 18, 2014 - Ninja Onions Spoil Things (Pet Battles, Quests, World of Warcraft) November 16, 2014 - More staring (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 15, 2014 - What the actual fuck?! (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 14, 2014 - Queues are still at 3+ hours (World of Warcraft) November 14, 2014 - Yanking It (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 13, 2014 - So um. Not today, then? (World of Warcraft) November 13, 2014 - I haven’t seen this since Cataclysm (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 12, 2014 - And So It Begins (World of Warcraft) November 12, 2014 - How Alliance Feels on a 99% Horde Populated Server (World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 8, 2014 - Might Do Hunter/Druid (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 5, 2014 - 360 PVP is Rough (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 31, 2014 - More Transmogs (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 30, 2014 - Blanket of Bodies (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 29, 2014 - Building a Bridge with the Bodies (Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 24, 2014 - Scale, Much? (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 23, 2014 - Wintergrasp is BROKEN (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 22, 2014 - Some People Just Need Killing, Again (Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 17, 2014 - Fun Times Balancing (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 17, 2014 - The Things I Lost (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) October 14, 2014 - Warlords of Draenor (Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 8, 2014 - I took a huge smelly orc! (Quests, World of Warcraft) October 6, 2014 - Playing with my Settings (World of Warcraft) October 2, 2014 - Ready for the Next Expansion (World of Warcraft, World PvP) September 17, 2014 - Can’t/Won’t Heal you IF (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 15, 2014 - “Your good” (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) September 10, 2014 - Diva Healers (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) September 3, 2014 - That Ugly Drake! (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 1, 2014 - DragonSoul is Not to Be (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 29, 2014 - That’s how I like it, game. (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 21, 2014 - 2 Trinkets 1 Night (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 19, 2014 - Battle Kitty Button Bloat (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 12, 2014 - Wellp. Alliance and dead frogs (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 7, 2014 - NERF FERAL (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) August 4, 2014 - Well fine then /hairflip (World of Warcraft) July 31, 2014 - PvP in Pandaria (PvP) July 30, 2014 - Paying for Challenge Modes (World of Warcraft) July 27, 2014 - Time Lords (World of Warcraft) July 23, 2014 - No Rude Stuff (World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 19, 2014 - Guilds? Hello? (World of Warcraft) July 17, 2014 - Achieved Ladiesman Status (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 16, 2014 - Druid went back to Alliance (World of Warcraft) July 14, 2014 - Down to One Guild Again (World of Warcraft) July 11, 2014 - It Doesn’t Always Go My Way (World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 11, 2014 - Do you want to do arena w/me? (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 9, 2014 - Gear me and I’ll be Your BFF (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 8, 2014 - Hour Plus IoC (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 7, 2014 - Ganging Up (World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 30, 2014 - This Guild Cracks me Up (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 21, 2014 - The Bestest World Event of ALL TIME (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 19, 2014 - Talk Dirty to Me? (World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 18, 2014 - I really enjoy WPVP (World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 17, 2014 - Punch Monks (World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 16, 2014 - Critscreamin (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 16, 2014 - The 7 Steps of Backpedaling Denial (World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 13, 2014 - Don’t Tell Me What to Do (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) June 12, 2014 - Nocked Up (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 11, 2014 - Old Comments I Found (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 10, 2014 - Queues have been wacky (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 9, 2014 - Solo Queuing as Ally is a Mixed Bag (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 6, 2014 - Worst RBGS ever (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 5, 2014 - If you attack long enough, I WILL come get you (World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 5, 2014 - Met Another Rogue (World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 2, 2014 - I think Horde are Jerkier (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 30, 2014 - I know how to kite and such (World of Warcraft) May 30, 2014 - Trying to Learn Shadow Again (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 28, 2014 - Alliance Just as Bad as I remember (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 27, 2014 - Legendary Cloak, Only Took Forever (Quests, World of Warcraft) May 27, 2014 - Finding Things to Do (World of Warcraft) May 21, 2014 - Ur Trash (PvP) May 19, 2014 - Can’t be an officer? GQUIT!!! (World of Warcraft) May 18, 2014 - Being a new 90 stinks (PvP) May 15, 2014 - Rainbows and Ponies (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 13, 2014 - Thunderhorn Guild (PvP) May 12, 2014 - I can just TELL (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 10, 2014 - And we tell this BG, NOT TODAY! (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 6, 2014 - Entire Team, no HK’s (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 6, 2014 - Paying Attention is Expensive (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 1, 2014 - Super Nintendo Squozen (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 30, 2014 - Matron Title (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 27, 2014 - And that’s how you get ANTS (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 23, 2014 - I’m Gonna Wreck It! (World of Warcraft) April 17, 2014 - 2300 Healer? No? (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 16, 2014 - Warlock Replacement (World of Warcraft) April 14, 2014 - The Randomess of Low Level Behavior (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 9, 2014 - Dminished (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 8, 2014 - The Warrior is Satan Himself (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 4, 2014 - YOU DPS. ME, HEALZ. (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 1, 2014 - Like running around with your mouth open… (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 31, 2014 - Low Level PvP (World of Warcraft) March 28, 2014 - Shifting Blame (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 27, 2014 - Prideful, about time (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 22, 2014 - Yolo RBGs Have Been Terrible Lately (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 20, 2014 - Well, this just won’t do (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 19, 2014 - Just a vicious asshole (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 17, 2014 - First Alliance Compliment (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 16, 2014 - I think I figured out flag guarding (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 15, 2014 - People that grief low level towns… (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 14, 2014 - Traitor (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 11, 2014 - Rogues, ruining incoming counts since 2004 (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 6, 2014 - Prideful Gear (World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 4, 2014 - Horde is Stupid BC They Keep Killing Me (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 28, 2014 - Don’t afk around me (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 27, 2014 - I look good (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 26, 2014 - 4x Glad Baddies (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 25, 2014 - Went Fury (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 20, 2014 - Insulting Healers (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 19, 2014 - New Character Models (World of Warcraft) February 18, 2014 - Melee have it the worst, hands down (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 15, 2014 - Tanking for the first time ever (Quests, World of Warcraft) February 14, 2014 - 8 Boxing in Halaa (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 9, 2014 - Boarthrills and Pool Ponies (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 5, 2014 - Mo Pets (Pet Battles, PvP, World of Warcraft) February 5, 2014 - Tol Barad (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) February 3, 2014 - Pet Taming (Pet Battles, PvP, World of Warcraft) February 3, 2014 - Fun with Alliance (World of Warcraft, World PvP) February 2, 2014 - Hunter is a good dps choice for a healer (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 31, 2014 - People that play certain classes (World of Warcraft) January 30, 2014 - Speaking of Flex (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 30, 2014 - Tips for World PvP (World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 29, 2014 - The funny thing about DK’s and Paladins (World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 27, 2014 - World PvP is Screwed Up (World of Warcraft, World PvP) January 16, 2014 - Hunters are Fun (PvP, World of Warcraft)
December 13, 2013 - Making Horde Friends (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 8, 2013 - World PvP is Better with People (World of Warcraft, World PvP) December 2, 2013 - There’s no Crying in PvP! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) November 18, 2013 - 1650+ RBGs (PvP) November 18, 2013 - 1700+ RBGs (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 9, 2013 - Horde Seems to be Better (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 24, 2013 - My Druid is Now Horde (Pet Battles, PvP, World of Warcraft) October 24, 2013 - Celestial Tournament can DIAF (Pet Battles) October 9, 2013 - 2 Petting (PvP) September 28, 2013 - Guild Meltdown (PvP) September 27, 2013 - Proving Grounds are HARD (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 25, 2013 - NOT IT (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 19, 2013 - People in LFR are Rude (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 17, 2013 - Legendary Cloak (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 15, 2013 - Censer of Eternal Agony (PvP) September 10, 2013 - Hordebreaker (PvP) September 6, 2013 - New Raid Priest (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 25, 2013 - Lei Shen Kill (Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) August 19, 2013 - Deadfrog is MEAN (World of Warcraft, World PvP) August 8, 2013 - Killing Stuff and Taking Names (Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) August 7, 2013 - Don’t be Dumb (World of Warcraft, World PvP) July 31, 2013 - Heal Assigments for real? (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 30, 2013 - Priests are Evil (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 28, 2013 - Gquitting (World of Warcraft) July 18, 2013 - Pugging in Raid (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 16, 2013 - Chinese translations for Lineage fing 2 (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 15, 2013 - Always Going HAM (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 6, 2013 - Try not to be stupid (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 1, 2013 - The whole guild up and Quit (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 26, 2013 - Cloud Serpents (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 19, 2013 - Trial Runs <> Carries (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 13, 2013 - The Bad Druid (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 12, 2013 - Can we please start on time? (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 5, 2013 - Goldshire (Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 4, 2013 - Rogues are Fast (PvP) June 2, 2013 - Dark Animus Trash (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) May 31, 2013 - I’ve never had the Blue Crystal this long (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 28, 2013 - Veteran of the Alliance (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 28, 2013 - 3’s with Holystab (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 24, 2013 - Joined a pvp guild (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 22, 2013 - Reported! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) May 19, 2013 - Loot Fussing (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 14, 2013 - Later, Hotbrass (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 8, 2013 - Megaera Kill (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 4, 2013 - Guild RBGs (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 2, 2013 - StoneCore Mount (PvP) April 30, 2013 - Darkest (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 28, 2013 - Sometimes I Have to be Mean (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 28, 2013 - Serves you guys right (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 26, 2013 - Crafting is Hard (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 24, 2013 - Being a Loot Whore (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 22, 2013 - Lose to Cap (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 20, 2013 - Oondasta (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 13, 2013 - You GIVE IT NAO (PvP) April 13, 2013 - Salary Capped (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 8, 2013 - It Went Badly (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 8, 2013 - It’s called Defending (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 7, 2013 - Argh CC! (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 3, 2013 - What does that even mean? (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 3, 2013 - Are you new? (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 1, 2013 - Stealthed Heals (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 31, 2013 - Purging of Dalaran (Quests, World of Warcraft) March 30, 2013 - Girl Trouble? (PvP) March 24, 2013 - PVP Raging (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 21, 2013 - Favors (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 18, 2013 - Oromis (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 15, 2013 - I’m Popular but… (World of Warcraft) March 12, 2013 - Totally Called It (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 11, 2013 - Dominate Mind (PvP) March 6, 2013 - 5.2 Disc (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 5, 2013 - Noob Dungeons (PvP) March 2, 2013 - PVP Server (PvP) February 26, 2013 - Tired of Raiding (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 26, 2013 - 4 piece FINALLY (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 24, 2013 - Fox Kit (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) February 11, 2013 - That drake is ugly (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 11, 2013 - Heroic Stone Guard (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 6, 2013 - Transmogs (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 31, 2013 - I spec’d Google! (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 29, 2013 - Rogue Blues (PvP) January 29, 2013 - You can come if… (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 29, 2013 - The More You Know (World of Warcraft) January 24, 2013 - Warbomb (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 20, 2013 - Infinite Whelpling (Pet Battles, PvP, World of Warcraft) January 19, 2013 - Forever Needy (World of Warcraft) January 18, 2013 - Cassio is a Closet Hordie (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) January 18, 2013 - Can’t handle CC? (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) January 16, 2013 - Disc is OP now (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 14, 2013 - Flying around (World of Warcraft) January 8, 2013 - Ultrabomber/Warbomb (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 6, 2013 - ShieldWall Dailies (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 2, 2013 - Prior to Base Resil… (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 2, 2013 - Luck with gear (Raids, World of Warcraft)
December 20, 2012 - Some People Just Need Killing (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 15, 2012 - Nice people can be bad. (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 15, 2012 - Wait for me (World of Warcraft) December 13, 2012 - No one is ever on (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 12, 2012 - You know how tanks are always dying (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 10, 2012 - Temple of Superball (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 6, 2012 - Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 30, 2012 - 40 man “Boxer” (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) November 26, 2012 - Item Scaling (World of Warcraft) November 23, 2012 - My Fragile Little Mind (World of Warcraft) November 20, 2012 - Perfide is Insane (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 18, 2012 - Khaoticmage (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 15, 2012 - Scaling is fun (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 14, 2012 - Fail Bags (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 8, 2012 - Elegon (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2012 - Griefers in LFR (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 2, 2012 - Sigh. (World of Warcraft) October 31, 2012 - I don’t need anything (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 27, 2012 - Spicecake is an ass (World of Warcraft) October 24, 2012 - Progression /s (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 23, 2012 - LFR doesn’t count (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 18, 2012 - Mogu’shan Vaults (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 16, 2012 - Wow, those numbers hurt my eyes! (World of Warcraft) October 14, 2012 - Sealgaer (World of Warcraft) October 13, 2012 - Kicked! (World of Warcraft) October 12, 2012 - Wiggle Wiggle, Yeah! (World of Warcraft) October 11, 2012 - If it’s not PLATE… (World of Warcraft) October 11, 2012 - OMG LFR IS SERIOUS (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) October 9, 2012 - Wrathion (World of Warcraft) October 8, 2012 - LFM Right Nao (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 6, 2012 - In the mountains! (World of Warcraft) October 2, 2012 - I’m pretty! (World of Warcraft) October 1, 2012 - Sight Seeing (World of Warcraft) September 30, 2012 - Brawl (World of Warcraft) September 28, 2012 - Sha of Anger (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 26, 2012 - Buggy (World of Warcraft) September 26, 2012 - Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 26, 2012 - AOE Looting! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 25, 2012 - Mists of Pandaria (World of Warcraft) September 24, 2012 - HEALS SUCK OMG (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 22, 2012 - The Stoutspectre! (World of Warcraft) September 22, 2012 - Holystab is awful (World of Warcraft) September 16, 2012 - Improved stats on pvp gear (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 14, 2012 - Naming Pets (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) September 5, 2012 - Blood Elf Priest (World of Warcraft) August 31, 2012 - Or you could kill me… (World of Warcraft) August 28, 2012 - New Talents (World of Warcraft) August 28, 2012 - Use It or you Lose It (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 28, 2012 - Whisperwind Eleven (World of Warcraft) August 26, 2012 - Powertrip the Fail Mage (World of Warcraft) August 22, 2012 - The Only Time (Thus Far) I’ve Rage-logged (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 19, 2012 - Ugh my luck (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 11, 2012 - Heroic Hagara (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 8, 2012 - OMG HELP (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 7, 2012 - Fratricide (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 6, 2012 - Randoms are rough (World of Warcraft) August 2, 2012 - New people argh (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 31, 2012 - I don’t know what happened! (World of Warcraft) July 31, 2012 - Joining Post Mortem (World of Warcraft) July 28, 2012 - Angiecakes (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 26, 2012 - Oh this isn’t my main (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 20, 2012 - So what is no one is doing it right? (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 20, 2012 - Not Raiding with these guys (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 19, 2012 - I sort of hate mages (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 15, 2012 - Post Mortem (PvP) July 13, 2012 - Spurious Sarcophagus (World of Warcraft) July 11, 2012 - Bounties (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 6, 2012 - Guild Premades that aren’t Mine (World of Warcraft) July 6, 2012 - Facepalm (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 3, 2012 - Bored without a Rogue (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 1, 2012 - Tank-o-tron (World of Warcraft) June 29, 2012 - Thanks, No-Show (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 27, 2012 - I leveled Enchanting (World of Warcraft) June 23, 2012 - What’s the prob, we didn’t wipe! (World of Warcraft) June 23, 2012 - Maybe you should GO (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 21, 2012 - Can’t Standya (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 19, 2012 - Don’t be a Brat (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 17, 2012 - Queueing as dps stinks (World of Warcraft) June 17, 2012 - Subzero (World of Warcraft) June 16, 2012 - Drunken Raid Night (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 15, 2012 - Reins of the Blue Protodrake (World of Warcraft) June 15, 2012 - That “Soulprince” type (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 12, 2012 - Behind the boat house… (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 11, 2012 - Annibelle (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 11, 2012 - 7k Bounty on Me (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 8, 2012 - Frat (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 8, 2012 - Saintlyface (World of Warcraft) June 8, 2012 - He Kind of Bugs Me (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 7, 2012 - Ok then Shut up (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 4, 2012 - Pants on the Head (World of Warcraft) June 4, 2012 - Transmogs (World of Warcraft) June 3, 2012 - Inconsiderate Idiot Type (World of Warcraft) June 2, 2012 - WrathofGod (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 1, 2012 - Space Goat Barbie (World of Warcraft) May 29, 2012 - HANDLE IT (World of Warcraft) May 29, 2012 - Diablo 3 is Out (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 24, 2012 - I hate BH groups sometimes (World of Warcraft) May 18, 2012 - Voranaku (Quests, World of Warcraft) May 11, 2012 - We’ve done this before (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 10, 2012 - Work is Poop! (Quests, World of Warcraft) May 8, 2012 - Doing Heroics (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 5, 2012 - Lightning Rod (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 4, 2012 - Shared loot pieces (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 3, 2012 - Cunning Proc is Cool (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 1, 2012 - Blood elf Minions (Quests, World of Warcraft) May 1, 2012 - Prismic/Search (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 26, 2012 - Just keep going (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 24, 2012 - Heroic Zon’ozz (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 22, 2012 - Mages, always the mages. (World of Warcraft) April 20, 2012 - Bella just can’t Priest (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 17, 2012 - Boss DPS (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 15, 2012 - Mages are Douchbags (World of Warcraft) April 14, 2012 - You sure? Ok then (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 14, 2012 - When Smite Healing was Still a Choice (World of Warcraft) April 13, 2012 - You Belong in Jail (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 7, 2012 - Get over here (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 7, 2012 - I’m not a fan of cool downs (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 6, 2012 - Pugs (World of Warcraft) April 4, 2012 - DragonSoul is sort of boring (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 27, 2012 - Cunning of the Cruel (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 24, 2012 - Afk, Trash (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 24, 2012 - Elitist Jerk (World of Warcraft) March 22, 2012 - Ilikeanimals (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) March 17, 2012 - Ninja Log (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 16, 2012 - My Mouth was Open! (Quests, Raids, World of Warcraft) March 10, 2012 - Lfr gear rolls (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 8, 2012 - Why you… (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 3, 2012 - Satchels are not always worth it (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 26, 2012 - OMG yer MMR (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 24, 2012 - Dude stfu (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 21, 2012 - AngelicGuard (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 19, 2012 - Why so bad? (World of Warcraft) February 19, 2012 - RBGs (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 18, 2012 - Get out and Push Healing (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 14, 2012 - Thrashing bad Hunters (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 12, 2012 - Wings! (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 9, 2012 - Jugger Not (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 8, 2012 - Doing Resto damage wrong? (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) February 6, 2012 - I give gifts on boss kills (sometimes) (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 5, 2012 - LFR Gear (World of Warcraft) February 2, 2012 - Suck it Dude (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 31, 2012 - Frostrated (World of Warcraft) January 29, 2012 - Nah don’t need enchants (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 28, 2012 - Things you don’t want to hear from pugs (World of Warcraft) January 28, 2012 - Sharing Gear in LFR (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 25, 2012 - Vengeful Druid (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 23, 2012 - Just the Two of Us (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 20, 2012 - When Bad Players gquit (World of Warcraft) January 20, 2012 - Kerigor (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 18, 2012 - White Hawkstrider (World of Warcraft) January 16, 2012 - Bad healers (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 15, 2012 - I’m Spoiled (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 10, 2012 - My interface is hosed (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 7, 2012 - Tharus beat my ass (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 5, 2012 - Rogue Names (World of Warcraft) January 4, 2012 - Ah, old LFR loot methods (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 3, 2012 - Loot Ninjas (World of Warcraft)
December 30, 2011 - Do we know this fight? (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 29, 2011 - I like talking (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 28, 2011 - I’ll take easy wins (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 27, 2011 - How I met Ultrabomber (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 26, 2011 - I know a loss when I see it (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 25, 2011 - Janusz is quitting (World of Warcraft) December 22, 2011 - Just Terrible (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) December 19, 2011 - Giving the Finger (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 19, 2011 - DKs make me want to log (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 19, 2011 - Drops nerfed (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 18, 2011 - Sometimes we win (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 18, 2011 - FML (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 17, 2011 - I want this set (Quests, Raids, World of Warcraft) December 17, 2011 - It was Lag (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 14, 2011 - Drops (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 13, 2011 - My Priest is bad luck (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 11, 2011 - Rogue Luck (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 11, 2011 - When you could VP cap in one day (World of Warcraft) December 11, 2011 - Pickpocket Hagara (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 10, 2011 - Ti’tahk, the Steps of Time (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 10, 2011 - Satchels = Bad Groups (PvP) December 9, 2011 - Transmog is the best thing ever (World of Warcraft) December 8, 2011 - Fire Spec (World of Warcraft) December 7, 2011 - Will of Unbinding (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 7, 2011 - Dragon Soul LFR (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 7, 2011 - New BH Boss (World of Warcraft) December 4, 2011 - Jaina’s Staff (World of Warcraft) December 4, 2011 - That’s a lot of Fire (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 3, 2011 - Didn’t I Kill You? (World of Warcraft) December 3, 2011 - Draenei to Human (PvP) December 1, 2011 - Saxomophone (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 30, 2011 - End Time (World of Warcraft) November 30, 2011 - Stealth Changes (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 29, 2011 - Patch Day (World of Warcraft) November 28, 2011 - Fail Firelands (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 27, 2011 - We Just Lost parties (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 24, 2011 - No Turkey for U (World of Warcraft) November 24, 2011 - I’m out, got what I wanted (World of Warcraft) November 22, 2011 - Pretend it’s PVE (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 19, 2011 - Rag Kill (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) November 15, 2011 - Cassio (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 12, 2011 - Murkbottom (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 12, 2011 - ZA and ZG are hard (World of Warcraft) November 11, 2011 - Ravenlord (World of Warcraft) November 7, 2011 - Hardmode Ulduar (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 5, 2011 - He spec’d sarcasm (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 4, 2011 - Cho’gall (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 2, 2011 - Hailon Staff (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) October 30, 2011 - Your Wish Is… (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) October 28, 2011 - Angelus (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 26, 2011 - Cat on a broom (Pet Battles, PvP, World of Warcraft) October 26, 2011 - Elleria the Hallowed (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 24, 2011 - Tricky Treats (World of Warcraft) October 24, 2011 - My Trinket Luck (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 22, 2011 - Wickerman Fun (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 22, 2011 - Fail BoT (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 20, 2011 - Killing Flight masters (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 19, 2011 - Try Healing Maybe? (World of Warcraft) October 18, 2011 - 1 year (World of Warcraft) October 17, 2011 - Z queues are awful (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 17, 2011 - Meanbaby (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 16, 2011 - Blade’s Edge (World of Warcraft, World PvP) October 14, 2011 - Bloodyslayer and just called to say YOU SUCK (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 13, 2011 - Does Faction Make it Better? (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 11, 2011 - I never fraps the epic stuff (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 10, 2011 - Battlemaster Janusz (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 7, 2011 - I hate Gilneas (PvP, World of Warcraft) October 6, 2011 - Loot council (Raids, World of Warcraft) October 5, 2011 - Arcane is boring but OP (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 30, 2011 - Heroic ICC 25 (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 29, 2011 - There there (Raids, World of Warcraft, World PvP) September 26, 2011 - Demoted (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 25, 2011 - 8-10 ouch (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 24, 2011 - Brewfest (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 21, 2011 - Noooooooooooooo (World of Warcraft) September 18, 2011 - Sage (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 16, 2011 - Someone is going to be mad. (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 15, 2011 - 6th Anniversary (World of Warcraft) September 10, 2011 - Heroic Majordomo (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2011 - Gnomes are creepy (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2011 - Hunter pets named Ocyla (World of Warcraft) September 4, 2011 - Meteors (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 28, 2011 - Playing bad (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 26, 2011 - Bringing more (PvP) August 26, 2011 - Deathpull (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 23, 2011 - Mind Control (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 22, 2011 - Do I have to do ALL the healing? (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 22, 2011 - Alliance is so bad (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 21, 2011 - T12 (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 20, 2011 - Damn u ugly Skit (PvP, Quests, Raids, World of Warcraft) August 19, 2011 - Mana Burn (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) August 17, 2011 - Old dungeon blues cost too much (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 15, 2011 - Deadmines (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 14, 2011 - Back to Disc (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 12, 2011 - Treecat (Raids, World of Warcraft) August 12, 2011 - Reading Mail (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 11, 2011 - Goldshire (World of Warcraft, World PvP) August 11, 2011 - All the Rogues (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 10, 2011 - Sealan (World of Warcraft) August 9, 2011 - Tharus (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 7, 2011 - 125 World Tree marks (Quests, Raids, World of Warcraft) August 4, 2011 - Leyara is kind of a jerk (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 3, 2011 - White Kitten (Quests, World of Warcraft) August 3, 2011 - Karmarouge (PvP, World of Warcraft) August 3, 2011 - Riding a rogue (World of Warcraft) August 1, 2011 - Firelands Quests (Quests, Raids, World of Warcraft) July 30, 2011 - Winning! (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 29, 2011 - Baleroc (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) July 28, 2011 - Chopper (World of Warcraft) July 27, 2011 - This needs to be a skill (World of Warcraft) July 25, 2011 - Al’akir (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 25, 2011 - So, yeah (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 24, 2011 - Healers Fight (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 22, 2011 - Hyjal Dailies (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 21, 2011 - Rayslayz is an ass (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 20, 2011 - Darkest / Oromist (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 19, 2011 - Baradin Hold (World of Warcraft) July 16, 2011 - Rhyolith Down (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 13, 2011 - Kids (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 12, 2011 - I love Tol Barad (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 11, 2011 - I hate crafting for dumb people (PvP, World of Warcraft) July 10, 2011 - Action Nine News (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) July 5, 2011 - Firelord Set (World of Warcraft) July 4, 2011 - 1 Tank 2 Healers (Quests, World of Warcraft) July 4, 2011 - Caverns of Time (World of Warcraft) July 3, 2011 - Defender of a Shattered World (World of Warcraft) July 3, 2011 - Ala’kir Down (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 2, 2011 - Somewhat Bitey (Quests, World of Warcraft) July 2, 2011 - Mage T11 (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 30, 2011 - Victory or Whatever (World of Warcraft) June 29, 2011 - Vash’jir (Quests, World of Warcraft) June 28, 2011 - Can I have that? (World of Warcraft) June 28, 2011 - Hyjal Quests (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) June 28, 2011 - Cataclysmicly Superior (World of Warcraft) June 27, 2011 - Joining as a casual (World of Warcraft) June 25, 2011 - My Bones (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 25, 2011 - Port? Port? Port? (World of Warcraft) June 24, 2011 - Left Bloodbathed and Beyond (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 24, 2011 - I LOVE MIDSUMMER (PvP, World of Warcraft, World PvP) June 22, 2011 - What do raid clears feel like, I forgot (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 20, 2011 - Lack of Participation (World of Warcraft) June 20, 2011 - Dear Arcane (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 19, 2011 - No one heals unless I do it (World of Warcraft) June 17, 2011 - Ugh raiding sometimes (World of Warcraft) June 16, 2011 - Trinkets (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 15, 2011 - Yep, figured. (World of Warcraft) June 14, 2011 - Really? (World of Warcraft) June 13, 2011 - Are you fing Kidding me? (World of Warcraft) June 11, 2011 - Yomommaa (PvP, World of Warcraft) June 11, 2011 - Ballsy yeah I know I have no gear DUH (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 9, 2011 - Cancelled Raids (World of Warcraft) June 6, 2011 - Don’t arena in blues (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 6, 2011 - Loot Drama (Raids, World of Warcraft) June 4, 2011 - Alliance pwns sometimes? (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) June 2, 2011 - Halls of Origination (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 31, 2011 - Pulling the Guards (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 30, 2011 - Ducks (World of Warcraft) May 29, 2011 - I’ll go if He goes (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 27, 2011 - I keep missing kills! (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 26, 2011 - Golden King mount (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 24, 2011 - Fail raids (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 23, 2011 - ZA Quest Robe (World of Warcraft) May 22, 2011 - Gotta Go, Pools on Fire (World of Warcraft) May 19, 2011 - Losing gear to a pug (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 17, 2011 - Summer raiding blues (World of Warcraft) May 16, 2011 - Called it (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 14, 2011 - Tunnel Vision (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 14, 2011 - ZG this time (World of Warcraft) May 12, 2011 - You can’t raid logged off (World of Warcraft) May 11, 2011 - Just go then! (World of Warcraft) May 9, 2011 - Yeah, it sucks. (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 9, 2011 - Arkwin (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 7, 2011 - Ugh Mages (World of Warcraft) May 6, 2011 - Master of Tol Barad (PvP, World of Warcraft) May 5, 2011 - ZG is hard (World of Warcraft) May 3, 2011 - When Awful Raiders Leave (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 3, 2011 - Douche-bag mage was a douche (Raids, World of Warcraft) May 2, 2011 - Shields snipe on charts (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 30, 2011 - Wintergrasp (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 30, 2011 - ZA use to be a real problem (World of Warcraft) April 28, 2011 - Changes to the Tol Barad Guards again (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 28, 2011 - Problim in the Alliance Camp (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) April 26, 2011 - Nish Rages a lot (World of Warcraft) April 25, 2011 - Better than Sharding (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 24, 2011 - Raiding in Blues (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 21, 2011 - Critters (Pet Battles, World of Warcraft) April 21, 2011 - Bugged out Turret (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 20, 2011 - Acks (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 19, 2011 - Drop it in the mail (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 19, 2011 - Roll = 1 (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 19, 2011 - I don’t like Arcane any more (World of Warcraft) April 16, 2011 - RNG hates me (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 16, 2011 - Could it get any worse? (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 14, 2011 - Put yer gear on (World of Warcraft) April 12, 2011 - Getting out and Pushing (World of Warcraft) April 11, 2011 - Resident is a Jerk (World of Warcraft) April 10, 2011 - MS/OS (Raids, World of Warcraft) April 9, 2011 - Well placed mushrooms (World of Warcraft, World PvP) April 8, 2011 - Ragefire Chasm (PvP, World of Warcraft) April 6, 2011 - Fel Reavers (World of Warcraft) April 4, 2011 - Like a Fart in the Wind (Quests, World of Warcraft) March 31, 2011 - TIME FOR THE FIST! (Quests, World of Warcraft) March 29, 2011 - Questing (Quests, World of Warcraft) March 27, 2011 - Ukko (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 25, 2011 - Whitemane Transmog (Quests, World of Warcraft) March 23, 2011 - This is why we lose (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 22, 2011 - Cute Hyjal Quests (Quests, World of Warcraft) March 21, 2011 - Ocyla the Ghoul (Quests, World of Warcraft) March 21, 2011 - I don’t always like 2’s (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 20, 2011 - Ascendent Council (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 17, 2011 - Gladiator Gear (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 15, 2011 - More Transmogs (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 13, 2011 - Just wait a sec! (World of Warcraft) March 13, 2011 - You’re Terrible for Winning (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 12, 2011 - Epic Meltdown (World of Warcraft) March 11, 2011 - BWD (Raids, World of Warcraft) March 10, 2011 - When Resil was still a thing (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 9, 2011 - Don’t Get Cocky, Kid (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 8, 2011 - I Love Stealing Paladin’s Wings (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 7, 2011 - MY Boat (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 5, 2011 - Nilvana is bad luck! (World of Warcraft) March 5, 2011 - Power Torrent is Expensive (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 4, 2011 - Fail Tea (PvP, World of Warcraft) March 2, 2011 - BG stats are making me insane. (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 28, 2011 - Must be bots, no one is this bad (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 27, 2011 - Rocket in my.. wait what (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 25, 2011 - EotS went.. well? (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 24, 2011 - Playing with my rogue (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 24, 2011 - Crushing Defeats in Tol Barad (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) February 23, 2011 - I like to watch rogues (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 22, 2011 - Ladiesman (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 21, 2011 - I feel like a traitor some how (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 20, 2011 - Worship (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 19, 2011 - Who can resist a Ladiesman? (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 19, 2011 - Joyride on a rogue (Quests, World of Warcraft) February 17, 2011 - ICC Drake (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 16, 2011 - I think all rogues have choppers (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 15, 2011 - Brain Pet (World of Warcraft) February 13, 2011 - That’s not how things work (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 12, 2011 - Brdlady (Raids, World of Warcraft) February 10, 2011 - Making Flasks (World of Warcraft) February 9, 2011 - Rtards (World of Warcraft) February 5, 2011 - Rogues are slippery (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) February 5, 2011 - So I met this one rogue… (PvP, World of Warcraft) February 4, 2011 - Deepholm (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) February 3, 2011 - PW Shield kind of sucks (World of Warcraft) February 1, 2011 - I’m a manataur! (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 28, 2011 - Why is his claw sleeping? (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 27, 2011 - I want that TB mount (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 26, 2011 - Afking for Honor (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 25, 2011 - Assholes in full effect (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 25, 2011 - Reusing armor textures is lame (World of Warcraft) January 24, 2011 - Tailoring CDs (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 23, 2011 - On a roll with gear (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 23, 2011 - Atramedes (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 23, 2011 - Fishing (World of Warcraft) January 22, 2011 - I’m Spoiled Part 2 (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 21, 2011 - I’m staying up too late. (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 20, 2011 - Druids are funny (World of Warcraft) January 19, 2011 - Kissing rogues is probably a bad idea (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 17, 2011 - 5 man Dungeons use to be Hard (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 16, 2011 - This guy is big (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 15, 2011 - I always get Rohash (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 14, 2011 - Pus Ball of Snot Boogers (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 13, 2011 - I dislike Stonecore (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 12, 2011 - Time Zones (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 12, 2011 - Herb Gathering (World of Warcraft) January 12, 2011 - Quest fixed (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 9, 2011 - Boxers (World of Warcraft) January 9, 2011 - Rathrak, the Poisonous Mind (Raids, World of Warcraft) January 9, 2011 - Lladin (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 8, 2011 - Broken End Zone Quest (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 8, 2011 - Magmaw (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) January 5, 2011 - Problim! (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 4, 2011 - I called Spectral Guise way early (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 4, 2011 - PVP healing (PvP, World of Warcraft) January 3, 2011 - Or a gnome warlock… (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 2, 2011 - What’s up with all the Tentacles (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 2, 2011 - Crucible of Carnage (Quests, World of Warcraft) January 1, 2011 - A Dwarven Wedding (Quests, World of Warcraft)
December 31, 2010 - Oh no you didn’t (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 31, 2010 - Julak-Doom (World of Warcraft) December 31, 2010 - I don’t like it when I can’t get in TB (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 30, 2010 - One for me, one for *hic* (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 30, 2010 - Bastion of Twilight (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 29, 2010 - JEALOUS (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 28, 2010 - Spamming Ice lance (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 28, 2010 - Box Head (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) December 27, 2010 - The Dookie Tree (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 26, 2010 - Grim Batol (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 24, 2010 - Math is hard, guys (World of Warcraft) December 23, 2010 - Does Cloth Exist? (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 23, 2010 - Onehitdan (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 21, 2010 - I remember people (World of Warcraft) December 21, 2010 - Hamburger?! Where?! (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 20, 2010 - Leap of Faith (World of Warcraft) December 20, 2010 - Lost City of the Tol’vir (World of Warcraft) December 17, 2010 - Ding 85 (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 16, 2010 - Scaling at beginning of an expansion… (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 15, 2010 - Can’t mine until max mining level, WUT? (World of Warcraft) December 15, 2010 - Alliance need to be prettier (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 14, 2010 - Rogues, what can you do? (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 14, 2010 - The AH (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 13, 2010 - Uldum (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 12, 2010 - Actually had info! (World of Warcraft) December 12, 2010 - DEATHWING (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 12, 2010 - Underlight (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 11, 2010 - Going down (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 10, 2010 - Dwarves (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 10, 2010 - Naga stole my bike (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 9, 2010 - Nespirah (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 8, 2010 - Mage Portals (World of Warcraft) December 8, 2010 - Shinies! (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 7, 2010 - Whisperwind is Full – Cataclysm (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 6, 2010 - Binding heal use to be bogus (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 5, 2010 - Wintergrasp (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 4, 2010 - Wasn’t I just on another continent? (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 3, 2010 - ICC Achievements (Raids, World of Warcraft) December 2, 2010 - I really need repairs (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 2, 2010 - Just Stop (PvP, World of Warcraft) December 1, 2010 - EllieBelly the Death Knight (Quests, World of Warcraft) December 1, 2010 - Alliance loses a lot (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 30, 2010 - You have a solid case (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 29, 2010 - Forge of Souls (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 28, 2010 - I kill hunters for fun (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 26, 2010 - Deathwing broke my stuffs! (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 25, 2010 - “I prefer to wait for 25 people” (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 24, 2010 - Turkey (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 23, 2010 - Updated Stormwind (World of Warcraft) November 22, 2010 - Ugh the Lich King (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) November 21, 2010 - No one home? (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 20, 2010 - HEAL PLZ (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) November 19, 2010 - Blood Queen (PvP, Quests, Raids, World of Warcraft) November 18, 2010 - Cataclysm Events (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) November 17, 2010 - Queued, please wait? Since when? (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) November 16, 2010 - The NSA (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 15, 2010 - Invasion in Stormwind (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 14, 2010 - Horde spies? (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 13, 2010 - Fing Tenacity (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) November 12, 2010 - Wrathful (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) November 11, 2010 - I loot yer bones! (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 10, 2010 - So bad dude (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 9, 2010 - That Water Boss in VH (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 7, 2010 - Wintergrasp (PvP) November 7, 2010 - Elleria the Mage (PvP) November 7, 2010 - Doing the CTA solo is a BAD idea (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 7, 2010 - Epic “I gotta go” excuses (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Preacher of Doom (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Draenei Princess, yep that’s right. (World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Lame “I’m out” excuses (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Ruby Sanctum (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - WoW has no pvp? Wut? (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - IliIlIilI (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - I love UK (World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Trick or Treat (World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Scourgelord Tyrannus, rawr (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Wish I had Blizzcon (World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Cog of Death (World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Blazing Hippogryph (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - How does he um… yeah. (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - When 250k hp use to be A LOT. (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - I’ve played too much (PvP, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Quick, Hide the Bones (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Remember weekly raids quests? (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Dance of Joy (Quests, World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - /wrists (World of Warcraft) November 6, 2010 - Elleria the Mage (PvP) November 5, 2010 - Halls of Reflection (World of Warcraft) November 5, 2010 - Azjol Nerub (World of Warcraft) November 5, 2010 - Masks (World of Warcraft) November 5, 2010 - There was no loot, hey! (World of Warcraft) November 5, 2010 - I meant to die like that (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 5, 2010 - Ooh Lprime and Arashikage takes me places (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 5, 2010 - We has reforging! (World of Warcraft) November 5, 2010 - Qeet is a loot ninja (World of Warcraft) November 3, 2010 - Yeah I’m a baddie who needs add-ons (World of Warcraft) November 3, 2010 - Giant patch fun (World of Warcraft) November 3, 2010 - Ulduar (Raids, World of Warcraft) November 3, 2010 - Why does the cat lady have a cleaver? (World of Warcraft) November 3, 2010 - ICC (World of Warcraft) November 3, 2010 - /flex 10k HK (World of Warcraft) November 2, 2010 - 40g a run, right (World of Warcraft) November 2, 2010 - Poor Martin Victus (World of Warcraft) November 2, 2010 - Day to day operations (World of Warcraft) November 1, 2010 - First Post (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 14, 2010 - I stop being a jerk, sometimes (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) September 13, 2010 - Glad I have fishing on one character (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) September 13, 2010 - Disarmed (PvP, Quests, World of Warcraft) September 12, 2010 - Oh you healers (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 11, 2010 - I don’t miss tenacity (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 10, 2010 - VOA25 (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 8, 2010 - Cultists (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 8, 2010 - Nerds Rage! (World of Warcraft, World PvP) September 8, 2010 - Blood Queen Lana’thel (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 8, 2010 - Horseman’s Mount (Quests, World of Warcraft, World PvP) September 7, 2010 - Internal Bag Error (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2010 - Not a sentry! (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 7, 2010 - Questing in WG (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 6, 2010 - Trial by Fire in pvp (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 6, 2010 - Gundrak (World of Warcraft) September 6, 2010 - Barfing (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 5, 2010 - The Honor Crunch (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 5, 2010 - Jealous of ele shamans with tenacity (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 4, 2010 - Leonz (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 4, 2010 - Day after a patch (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 4, 2010 - Amber Ledge (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 3, 2010 - Just kill me I need the mana (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 3, 2010 - We got nothing with no tanks (Raids, World of Warcraft) September 3, 2010 - Fishing dailies (Quests, World of Warcraft) September 3, 2010 - Remember queuing at a NPC? (PvP, Raids, World of Warcraft) September 2, 2010 - Hi Dalaran (PvP, World of Warcraft) September 1, 2010 - Elleria the Mage (World of Warcraft) July 16, 2010 - Rhyolith (Raids, World of Warcraft) July 12, 2010 - Day 11 (PvP) January 6, 2010 - Sassy Cat (Pet Battles, Quests, World of Warcraft) January 1, 2010 - When Dungeons were hard (World of Warcraft)

July 20, 2010 - Day 13 and Final (Lineage II) July 13, 2010 - Day 12 (Lineage II) July 11, 2010 - Day 10 (Lineage II) July 10, 2010 - Day 9 (Lineage II) July 9, 2010 - Day 8 (Lineage II) July 8, 2010 - Day 7 (Lineage II) July 7, 2010 - Day 6 (Lineage II) July 6, 2010 - Day 5 (Lineage II) July 5, 2010 - Day 4 (Lineage II) July 4, 2010 - Day 3 (Lineage II) July 3, 2010 - Day 2 (Lineage II) July 2, 2010 - Way of the Warrior (Lineage II) July 1, 2010 - Veteran Noob 2 – Day 1 (Lineage II) May 10, 2010 - Last Post (Lineage II) May 8, 2010 - Day 35 (Lineage II) May 7, 2010 - Day 34 (Lineage II) May 6, 2010 - Day 33 (Lineage II) May 3, 2010 - Day 32 (Lineage II) May 2, 2010 - Day 31 (Lineage II) May 1, 2010 - Day 30 (Lineage II) April 30, 2010 - Day 29 (Lineage II) April 29, 2010 - Day 28 (Lineage II) April 28, 2010 - Day 27 (Lineage II) April 27, 2010 - Day 26 (Lineage II) April 26, 2010 - Day 25 (Lineage II) April 25, 2010 - Day 24 (Lineage II) April 24, 2010 - Day 23 (Lineage II) April 23, 2010 - Day 22 (Lineage II) April 22, 2010 - Day 21 (Lineage II) April 21, 2010 - Day 20 (Lineage II) April 20, 2010 - Day 19 (Lineage II) April 19, 2010 - Day 18 (Lineage II) April 18, 2010 - Day 17 (Lineage II) April 17, 2010 - Day 16 (Lineage II) April 16, 2010 - Frozen Lab (Lineage II) April 16, 2010 - Day 15 (Lineage II) April 15, 2010 - Day 14 (Lineage II) April 14, 2010 - Day 13 (Lineage II) April 13, 2010 - That little dwarf (Lineage II) April 13, 2010 - Day 12 (Lineage II) April 12, 2010 - Danhadouha (Lineage II) April 12, 2010 - Day 11 (Lineage II) April 11, 2010 - Alligator Beach (Lineage II) April 11, 2010 - Day 10 (Lineage II) April 10, 2010 - Day 9 (Lineage II) April 9, 2010 - Day 8 (Lineage II) April 8, 2010 - We has a castle! (Lineage II) April 8, 2010 - Day 7 (Lineage II) April 7, 2010 - Day 6 (Lineage II) April 6, 2010 - Day 5 (Lineage II) April 5, 2010 - Day 4 (Lineage II) April 4, 2010 - What’s this thing? (Lineage II) April 4, 2010 - Day 3 (Lineage II) April 4, 2010 - Now What? (Lineage II) April 3, 2010 - Day 2 (Lineage II) April 2, 2010 - Newbie Guides (Lineage II, Quests) April 2, 2010 - Hm where to go (Lineage II, Quests) April 2, 2010 - Day 1 (Lineage II, Quests) April 1, 2010 - Veteran Noob (Lineage II)