
I FINALLY get that blasted naga quest done.  None of the comments on wowhead, helped at all.  The problem was, they tell you to defend the bridge, and there is only one doorway, so naturally one would assume you need to go out that door and defend THAT bridge.  No, you have to go out that door, travel completely around to the side of the thing where there is no door, and fight with the naga there.  Maybe I’m just stupid, but it makes little sense to direct a players attention to the open door where attackers are streaming in, then expect them to head away from that to another area.


Maice helped me with that one.  A lot of people you ask are fond of saying “read the quest” but good pointers involve catching and explaining things that may be overlooked.

After that I get to take my trip on the submarine, after being briefly on the surface…


and witnesss a CRAZY battle with a freakishly large octopus thing which I gape at and hit print screen far too late.  It was amazing in full motion.


and this well, this is just an extremely rare sighting of a FEMALE DWARF.


and going along those lines, this is just a funny dwarf displaying usual humorous dwarven dialog. Which, yes, I didn’t save but I’m sure it’s on [url=http://www.wowhead.com/npc=41910#comments]wowhead[/url].


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