Oh how the turntables

It’s wild how games go sometimes.  I hadn’t written about it, but here goes a summary.

I’ve been in SPM for 10 years now.  During that time we ran with Deacon who formed RR at some point, and I was invited to that.  When I wasn’t with SPM on Mondays, I was running with RR.  Basically every night I wasn’t playing OW.  I often didn’t talk much because many of these premades have their little cliques and a core group who talks and has in-takes and such.  But I decided to start being more vocal saying hi, goodnight, and joining in the banter.

During this time Oca was reaching out to me about maybe playing together.  Since there was bad blood I had even removed him from btags so there couldn’t be any queue sniping.  Which ofc was ridiculous because SPM was zero threat to BSG.  None, at all.  We had no chance, at all.

Anyway despite joining RR every night and trying to talk more, I got kicked out with no warning at all.  Just one day said goodnight to them and the next night, no community.  Not a single person reached out in Discord, game chat, nothing.  I had to message Deacon and basically ask what the deal was, and he said it was because Krienn made jokes about joining BSG or something.  Krienn is a known troll at times.

Then later I was told it was for trolling.  I almost never post on the WoW forums and I wasn’t posting in their discord, so I didn’t know how that could be.  Then I was told I had doxxed a member.  Um hello? I had screenshot a convo someone did in their discord where they mentioned “BC” or something kicked BSGs ass.  I wanted to show who said it incase it was in connection to whatever that abbreviation was.  I should note that in RR, you had to set up your discord name with your character name, so like Coquette-Whisperwind and this person was Anne- something or other.  So yes, I did that.  That’s not even remotely close to doxxing though.

Anyway so I got kicked and now I was back to having no one to queue with.  I figured in for a penny, in for a pound, and joined BSG.  I will note that even before joining, they were always friendly and would say hi to me in bgs if I queued into them, invite me to stuff, etc.  So I joined the community and later the guild. I also got invited to TFS.  So now I had BSG, SPM, and TFS! I was back to queueing with people all the time. That was in August 2024.

But by Feb 2025, I’m back to just SPM and technically TFS, but no one to play with on off nights.  TFS hasn’t really been queueing since it’s close to the end of the pvp season.

I just have to say it would be nice if active groups latest more than a few months.  This has been a reoccurring issue with communities and guilds for years now. My average lifespan prior like MoP and such was 1-2 years.

Timewalking Healing, Same as it Ever Was

I decided to level up my MW again because well I love healing and I think it’s time for another healing alt.  I enjoy the druid very much but I wanted to start trying different styles again. I use to play them all, back in the day.

Anyway I’ve been running Timewalking dungeons and it’s been mostly ok, though every tank seems hell-bent on outrunning the entire group, constantly.  My monk has double (just got triple) roll and my favorite little spell (Tiger’s Lust) which increases my running speed.

We got that troll dungeon and the tank is literally running for miles.  At one point he goes afk or something, and the paladin starts pulling, so I heal the paladin through it.  The tank (warrior) gets back and he runs through that twisting area headed to the boss who can transform into animals, and just pulls pulls pulls.  I can’t keep up and I’m throwing heals I can do when moving (Essent Font), I get aggro, and I die.  No one will rez because everyone is too busy running forward, so it’s standard practice to release and just run back.  While I’m running back they start the boss, and the paladin complains “where’s heals? bad heals” I’m like lol are you serious?

So we continue on and he’s berating me about being terrible heals and of course I tell him to STFU and EAD.  It’s so frustrating though.  The tank was clearly running too fast, pulling too much, not waiting for the healer to get back, but yell at the healer anyway. Would suck if it was a new healer right?

This entry was posted on September 10, 2023, in PvP.

You Don’t Score, Until You Score

I had to write about this because it was completely wild.

Alright so I phase into a new Ashran.  We decided to go to the left where you can farm the ogres for points to summon your big guy, in our case, Fangraal.

Only, we get wiped.  Then Horde gets the orb, and Horde gets the Ogre King, and horde gets the AA, then Horde almost kills our mage.

It’s not looking good, at all.  They have all the HKs, we’ve got nothing.  They summon their rock dude, they are rolling frost dragons, the healing serpent, and get to our base.  They are pulling our boss, it’s over, it’s over!

A very small stealthy team is at the horde base trying to take down the boss, and I’m about mid map in prowl.   I tell some druids and some rogues who are in the Horde base that it’s ‘over’, I join them in trying to take down their boss.  It fails.

But, would you believe it?  We kill the Ogre King, we save our mage and heal her up, we summon Fangraal, we get the AA, and we march from our base all the way to the horde base.  The kills start to even up around 30, so we’re 30 and 30.  Then 25 and 25, then 20 and 20.  Then 10 and 10.  It’s like whaaaat no way.  5 and 5, 1 and 1.  I’m not even kidding!!! We end up WINNING 1-0.

Sometimes sticking around is just worth it.

This entry was posted on June 16, 2023, in PvP.

Coupon Shadow

So ok, now I get Nightshade.  He has a 1 to 1 heal that is fairly quick and can be used in a pinch or for off healing in a group.  He uses the lowest shots of them all at only 2 per hit, which is an enormous savings in shot cost and carrying weight, not to mention less trips back to town.  He has like 300 patk less than the strongest pet, but that’s not really that big of a deal.  With a zone with herbs him not having VR isn’t much of a problem, and he has the highest mdef so he’s GREAT around mobs with magic attacks. He also has an AOE taunt which is super useful if you have to pop pet UD and pull ranged mobs in so you can hit them.

I basically only use him when grinding solo these days.  I call him Coupon Shadow because he’s so cheap to run.

This entry was posted on June 2, 2023, in PvP.

You Just Need One Drop

Funny story, so I had plans on going back out to VoS to grind but with all the sieges going on I couldn’t port hardly anywhere.  I ended up in Aden and thought I would just got to Seal of Shilen for a bit.  Well, like 5 minutes into it, a Guardian Sword dropped.  Top B!  I sold it for 115m, bought my BW light set outright, bought a maj necklace and ring (sealed though, I forgot unsealing costs so much, like 880k aa!) but held off upgrading my weapon or shield.  I’m not meleeing with my pet so I’m going to keep my balance around 100m for the moment.

This entry was posted on April 5, 2023, in PvP.