The dupe fix/nerf

Wellp, they fixed the duplicate problem.  The only issue now is, you get no coins, like, at all.  I’ve done about 25 levels since the event has come out.  I had just enough coins to purchase Mercy’s skin at 3,000 coins prior to the event.   I think I had about 50 left over.  You wanna know how many coins I have now? Oh, about 256.  After at least 25 boxes.

Why is this? Well when you get 2-4 duplicates per box, you got a little bit of coins for the duplicates.  The only summer skin I’ve picked up from a box is Junkrats.  Everything else has been non-duplicate player icons, sprays, voice lines, you know, kind of lame stuff.  (I did get’s game emote though, pretty cool).

I surmised earlier than the overall skin drop rate and event skin drop rate was nerfed severely after the winter holiday event, during the Chinese New Year event.  So, you don’t get event skins with any regularity.  You don’t get duplicates to earn coins to buy the very expensive 3,000 coin event skins.  And now, coins almost never drop either.

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