This is pvp related but UGH my server sometimes. Picked up with an old arena partner from some time ago, he wasn’t that good but didn’t rage and gave it a good shot and that’s all I can really expect on my pve server usually.
He’d been away from the game for a while and wanted to do area again. We do a few Bgs and I notice he’s getting wrecked pretty quickly, and has about the same health as me. I take a look at his gear, 7 missing enchants, no pvp trinkets, several pve heroic blues, etc. I tell him he needs to replace all that crap with pvp gear. He’s like yeah soon as I get some arena in I will. I’m like yeah no, you need to replace that shit, with pvp gear. You are dying way too fast, you need the resil and pvp power.
He tells me STR/CRIT are important and that the heroic PVE blues are better than the pvp gear. Sigh. I’d been through this before, trying to do arena with a dps in epic raid gear and they get DROPPED. Not interested in doing it again.