I ran some random bgs with Khaleesi and Goofin (think that’s how it’s spelled) since we all traded battletags together. Also readded Jugga, and got Paetheus on my list.
I also did some random bgs with Predator and had someone call me “a gd animal”. I had 100% wins in all those groups.
Now that I’ve been keeping Fraps loaded at all times, I have more video of pvp posted rather than screenshots. Usually! Horde has been hitting poor Farmer Saldean more than EVER though.
and a group of about 7 horde tried to raid Stormwind. That didn’t go so well. All that being said, I have “a thing” when I’m out in the world.
1) I will typically not attack anyone under 95, unless it will prevent them from killing quest npcs.
2) I will keep killing Horde in my zones until they give up, or make life so hard on me that I leave. Otherwise, no mercy!
3) It’s a PVE server, I WILL spawn camp. You shouldn’t have been causing trouble. Or learn to unflag.
4) I won’t rage-tell anyone, ever. If they start it though, I’ll match their tone.
5) I don’t troll for responses but I may do some minor flirty RP.
I never though of myself as an RPer, though, until Predator mentioned it. I don’t have elaborate back-stories or anything but I will tell people to get out of “my town” or “my Halaa”, and leave “my NPCs alone”. I like faction pride.