Day 26

Logged in and headed to Outlaw Forest again.  During this time I see something kind of shiny and white in the distance, though when I hover over it, it is not money or items.


Not thinking much of it, since maybe it’s a rock, I continue exping and gathering more warehouse keeper medals.  About 40% later, the rock that is not a rock gets the best of my curiosity and I approach to find a dead dwarf.


Well, hello there!  They stay quite dead for a while. That’s ok, I get to 55% and 30 medals, then head back to town.  I turn in my seal stones…


then play bingo with that jerk WH keeper and lose 3x in a row.  I put my mats in my WH and log out for maintenance.

Later I head back out to my usual area, still with about an hour of the vit buff left and start exping.  I pick up another 52 Lifestone and a +3 MEN -3 INT dye.  Shortly into this session a dwarf starting attacking me for no particular reason while Kai is busy with a mob.


I was not prepared in any way for pvp but fight back anyway, and die.  Of course, broadcasting ones daily activities on a website, one can come to expect this sort of thing.  I lose my vit buff, rebuff and go back to the area but this person is gone and I do not see them again. From the damage log they were likely much more prepared than me to win anyway.  I hit 55!


It seems there is some kind of Witch Doctor convention going on today!  I head back to town, restock, I win a Mold Hardener from Cliff and lose once.  Before I log I see someone in Giran enchants a Dynasty Dual Sword to +7 and giggle when the person (Honu) comments that ‘lord hates a coward’ and other people quote back ‘devil loves a fool’. I take a break for the day.

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