All the Rogues

Stood in town today and my staff and I must be turning heads. Rayslayz came by, and presumably inspected me, and asked if I wanted to do 2’s with his rogue. I said I couldn’t right now, but I’d rather not go through that unpleasantness again. I know I can fight with a rogue since Karma and I did so well, and I don’t need someone blaming everything on me.

My raid frames were acting up again in TB and it would not allow me to click certain people. Balaah is a rogue I run into a lot, who tries to direct the TB battles sometimes, and he was dying to a DK outside the walls of icg. I ran up to him and tried to bubble and…. he died. Because my frames refused to select him. I apologized to him about that later and in typical rogue fashion he was cool with it and appreciated being watched by healers. Oh I will have all the rogues on his server in my palm, oh I will XD

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