Day 6:
Apparently the market is quite fickle and today, unlike yesterday, three shops in Dion are selling D bsps. Of course I went through every last one yesterday and didn’t make a dime, other than the trip through Dragon Valley so that was problematic. Buying another 1,000 set me back to only 27,846. I recall seeing BuffToy with a kookaburra and decide to go get one. I learned also they come from the pet manager in Gludio.
Of course, the system tells me I cannot teleport to a village that is in siege. That is inconvenient! Why, I’ve had free ports everywhere until now! I set off walking.
Pet Manager Lundy says he needs a work hammer! Unfortunately that sells for 393,750 and I really doubt I’ve made that much money in total since level 1. That is out of the question. I try to go back to Dion and it is in siege also! I try Giran, also in siege. Did I mention I hate walking? I went to Oren instead. Then I tried to port to Hardin’s, since we went there yesterday, also shows in siege. I start walking back.
I recall one in my party yesterday saying the adena drops in Dragon Valley have been boosted a lot, so it is a good place to gather money. I keep on walking.
Halfway back I spot the mobs we were on before and decide to test out their adena manufacturing abilities. They are dark red but still only 2 shot with my shots, and drop around 500-1200 adena. Only… not EVERY time. I discover the only way to find if something is aggro or not, is to test them!
Assuming I am using 4-6 shots per kill and roughly 236 to 354 adena, I am making a little profit. But without the shots, I couldn’t hunt here safely at all. And since chests always seem to attack anyway, I decide to try to attack one first. One just explodes! Then another. And yet another. Then one attacks me, I kill it, and get nothing. I think perhaps they mislabeled these chests with the word treasure.
And just a bit of random trivia, what was this raid bosses original name? (Rinoket)
Working my way back to Giran I earn 50% of a level and up to 45k adena now. The unnecessary mobs bubbling continues as well. One thing I have noticed though, is that I have not received a single armor, jewelry, or weapon drop since my tunic drop back in the starting village. That seems broken? No drops in nearly 25 levels? I hit level 31. I go to Giran and learn some more skills and take a break.