Day 4

Day 4:

Start in at 8:00 am CST and go to Gludio and yell a bit for a kama. I get no takers. I head to Dion and repeat and this time pick up Rambus, and then DonBurnz.  DonBurnz is in academy gear and tagged, Rambus is not but appears to be in full brig so he likely already knows how to play.


We start the 26 kama and it appears Don did not pick up any buffs, and is not using shots, though his wolf is using shots.  He is told to hit the back of the mob but he doesn’t move, so Rambus readjust the mob so Don is in fact, hitting its back.  This leads to a bit of annoyance when 2 people are spamming shots and one is not, essentially taking everyone else for a ride.


It drops a Cursed Tunic which I get, 8 EAD which Rambus receives, and Cursed Stockings which Don picks up.  I thank them for group (which is common behavior in WoW) but they just SOE and drop party.  I am now 29 at 53%.  After refreshing shots I am at about 54k.

I head to Cruma area and hit 30, then go to Dion and learn more skills only, I don’t have any new ones so I pick up what’s left on the list. I am still jewelry-less from when the shadow items expired.  I run around idly in Dion for a bit, watching tagged and untagged, high level and not run around town but no one is talking.  I log out.

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