
Legendary Cloak

Decided to actually get back on the legendary quest line seems it feels more or less mandatory now since you need the cloak to jump the gap in the bridge on Timeless Isle. It seems wacked to do that (Hellbound cough cough) but eh I can’t let my gear get too far behind raids if I want to keep doing world pvp.

ShieldWall Dailies

Not much going on lately. We only did MV this week because Silly was missing (computer probs) and Dor was out. I got another shadow piece but lost the roll on an off hand. We did not do HoF.

I am enjoying the Shieldwall dailies though, not too many, the area progresses as you move along, pretty cool. The sandy landing beach I was just at the other day, now has an alliance fort on it. I like it.

40 man “Boxer”

Hm I have a lot of screenshots to catch up on.  I finally found the island that has the “Up” house on it, complete with grummie “asian kid”.


I ran into an epic 40 man botter in AV last week too.  Yes, BOTTER.  You can’t run 40 characters in unison dual boxing.  That shit is BOTTING.


Terrace of Endless Spring is available now, and this week for once I got lucky and picked up a new ring, used a luck token, won the same ring, then won the AWESOME healing trinket Spirits of the Sun.  I had a feeling I’d win that after Angey linked it.


These fights are quite fun in LFR too.


Golden lotus, after the recent patch, have a chance to be picked from random herbs.  But I’ve only see one like that so far.


I had to find 2 paragons for Klaxxi stuff before I got the epic ring and gosh, it took forever I swear.


And the Empress, is serious bidness apparently. She “scathed” this guy HARD.


This was fixed in the last patch, but when the Relic of Chi-ji was proc’ing, it was turning all spell effects whiter.  It was super obnoxious on pallies LoD.  It only made my wings more white and my DA bubbles a little more noticeable.


Did a bunch of question after I got exalted with Klaxxi too, one involved me rolling around in a barrel killing things, that was kind of different.

Hm let’s see.  We got Elegon this week, and the Vizier!  Disc has been buffed and I’m loving it in PVE atm.  I really enjoy the playstyle. I also use a token to win bracers I sorely needed, and I won the healing mace, Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor. Was replacing gear left and right this week, finally!


And yes, this dude is ice skating. I love these little things I see all over in the game.


Last of all! This is creepy just like all the statues in HoL!


Perfide is Insane

A few of my scribbles based on real game events!

Questing with Perfide:


Sightseeing with Alyis



Both are almost exactly how it happened!  Alyis DID jump off me, melee’d the Sha for a tick, then ran away and survived!! lol