I miss when horde weren’t salty

So apparently if you are Alliance, pvp gear does not activate in Tol Barad. WoWScrnShot_041416_220007

So thanks to that, this guy killed me over, and over, and over.  It was usually close like this though.  The best part was when he logged over to Alliance (it was probably that druid again) to say he whipped my “lame ass”


Yeah, I should have had like 100k more hp, but ok. Thanks for being a gracious winner, like always.


The Walking Dead?

So these zombies are standing around town in Aden, doing nothing.  No dialog, no movement, can’t even attack them.  What’s going on?Shot00058

I hit level 81 with Nuku’s help logged in as a mentor.  I don’t know why the mentor has to be online for the exp boost.  I heard they use to also need to be online to get the buffs, but they changed that.

I was able to go to Hellbound but everything is 100 these days and I died quick. Sigh.