Marshall Ocyla

I don’t know how it happened exactly but I was at 92% into rank 11 and I earned only 150k honor.  I am now at 13% into rank 12 and Marshall. I immediately bought my three purple pieces even if they have a bonus to Mind Blast and I’m disc.  I had someone explain the ranks to me but it’s so dumb.  So one week I can be at 95% and get 50k honor and go back to 92%, another week 3x as much honor grants me  about 20%.  So dumb.


This entry was posted on February 1, 2021, in PvP.

Ranking to 12

Ranking in classic is weird.  I was at about 95% last week and around 150k honor had taken me about half an entire bar.  I figured I would be safe with 50k honor for the last 5%.


I went DOWN even more! I had to get honorspy just to track it properly.  So this is the 4th week I’m trying to hit 12 but I am not sure it’s possible with the way classic works.  That’s unfortunate.

In other news I won  TWO AVS IN A ROW last night! I could not believe it.  One I phased into in-progress and went on to win even! I spent time on defense and we even wiped Horde trying to kill Van.  They literally got wiped with Van at around 10%!  Just wow. We then took back Aid Station, pushing them back to Stormpike, then took that back too, pushing then all the way back to SHGY.  I bet they were SO MAD.

I’m hoping to hit around 100k honor this week but if I don’t get 12 on reset day I just give up.  It’s too hard to chase.

This entry was posted on January 22, 2021, in PvP.


Finally got rank 11 and my fast mount at only 90g!  I also got exalted with Stormpike but that mount was still 640.  Classic pvp isn’t perfect but I am still doing tons of bgs and having a good time.

This entry was posted on December 22, 2020, in PvP.

Classic Bgs

Even though I lose A LOT I’m still for the majority of the time having fun!  I think yesterday I lost every single bg and today only won 1, which should have been 2 but who knows what happened.  We maintained 3 bases until near the end where we were down to 2 only for a little bit of time they recap’d a 3, but for some reason Horde won.  The entire bg Alliance side erupted with “WHAT!?!?!”



The night prior I had someone tell me I was a ‘smooth brain’ because I said we weren’t going to win because we had no HKs.  I’m talking like Horde had 5x more than us.  He insulted me a whole bunch and said you can win Arathi without a lot of Hks by ‘spinning and ccing’.  I have never, EVER won an AB where we were massively behind in HKs.  EVER.  It’s basically a 5 base king of the hill and you can’t take a flag by ‘spinning and ccing’ if you can’t kill the defenders.  What an idiot.


THIS was a win.  See how our hks are way way better? It’s a clear pattern.


Even so though it’s a good time in general.  I haven’t pvp’d this much in a long long time.

This entry was posted on December 9, 2020, in PvP.

My Luck with Guilds for the past 5 or so years

It’s been a weird thing but since Post Mortem I haven’t been in a very active guild which means not since Mist of Panderia.  For example:

Left Post Mortem, went to Time Lords.  They were active and raiding until one day, they all packed up and left.  They didn’t like the guilds “Disney Rules” because swearing was just too awesome I guess.  Guild was dead, left.

I honestly lose track of the names but I went to another guild which disbanded and went to another guild.  Which disbanded and went to another server. Which died…

Then in Classic, I already told those stories but now Molten Core is dead, not raiding, no one logging in, etc.  They were forming a pvp group but absolutely nothing has happened.  Makes for boring play and I’ve literally done NO dungeons as my priest.  I do love pvp healing though Alliance loses pretty much constantly. This weekend for AB I’m at like 3/20.

This entry was posted on November 29, 2020, in PvP.