Tag Archive | Wintergrasp

When Resil was still a thing

Ran WG with a hunter, and we two, took it XD


Ran a bunch of bgs, got my leg piece, and ran arena with Alexmx again, and we did good and got 5 wins in about 20 minutes.  Went to Orgrimmar to get a fishing achievement, and got killed a few times, and ran into Nobodi, and of course my slick rogue.


Then went on to more bgs and won EotS, won Stand, won AV, lost Gilneas, lost Strand, lost TB.  Spent some time in the Deeprun Tram thing fighting Ladiesman, and getting my ass kicked like usual. Won WSG and bought my belt.  Nearly at 3k resil now.

The Dookie Tree

Today I basically just farmed several battlegrounds, and WG and Tol  Barad until I got enough honor to pick up my PVP Helm.  I had some fun in WG though and busted up at least 3 vehicles by myself while resisting all the horde.  Being 85 in pvp gear has major perks against level 80’s.



During on BG a druid turns into that god awful ugly tree and I comment “that has gotta be the ugliest tree of all time”.  The person “lol”s and says they call it “the dookie tree”

Binding heal use to be bogus

Today I started out in WG farming for herbs, and hit the queue as it first opened and queued for it. However when the time ticked down I was thrown out to just outside the area. Well at least that wasn’t back to SW. This is quite bogus though, almost never being able to get into WG. I did not get in at all, and horde took WG.

Later I came back in and queued for it, while key binding another spot for Binding Heal. Now I just have to “learn” where it is so I don’t have to think about it when I need it. I get in on WG and we have 16 people in the raid. I said in raid I didn’t think we’d get it because the horde is traveling in their usual packs breaking up vehicles, but even though I died many times, we do capture it! I then humbly retract my statement and note what an awesome job that was.

I also /thank a shadow priest by the name of Nynaeeve who stopped to help me kill 2 horde that were chasing me.

That night I go BGing with Janusz at Arathi Basin and it’s all wins. And he rolls in kitty form, I like kitties, it’s all good XD


I log in and transmute a gem, then queue up for an in progress WG and get in.  We have 26 mins to go, and I appear to be talking to myself in general asking for vehicles locations; the only  person talking is me, saying where the vehicles are.  Sigh.

We do win, despite this jerk saying the same thing over and over.  I reported him.


My internet is being flakey, so I do not get in until around 9.  I get invited straight away to an Algalon the Observer fight and I figure why not.  I survive the first wipe but not the second but still, pretty cool looking fight.



After two attempts people leave and we give up.

After that 4 of us queue up for BGs, but I am still losing internet connection constantly so I have to give up for the night.

I kill hunters for fun

This morning I log in and turn in my weekly quest, then pick up my Wrathful gloves. I went with the satin set for the critical strike rating though I suppose I should have gone mooncloth since that actually has a healer bonus. Oh well.

Queued up for a WG and had quite the time. I nearly killed a hunter and made him run for cover at 2% health, then survived 3 other horde and a gun shooting at me for quite some time. Even though I killed all the east guns, by the time I come back, they are all back up. We lose since absolutely no one was working together. Sigh.