Tag Archive | Alliance

And by help, I mean MURDER

Illidan is a real asshole.


He drains his mages to death (I remember that being touched on in The Black Gyphon book) and keeps saying “I need help from my Moon Guard”.  Welp dude, you just keep murdering them, I can’t imagine why they fucked right off.  But only they didn’t, they kept coming to get killed.  Alrighty then.


You get asked by the naruu thing ‘what would you do?’.   I don’t know, but I’m guessing I wouldn’t be a dick. Just saying.

So that’s where that guy went

I think all the Captain whistles are gone in Ashran, though.  Not sure, I haven’t done that place in ages.



Apparently this is another one of those STUPID zones where you get flagged for pvp without actually visually going ‘green’ and even other Alliance can kill you.  I had a guardian druid absolutely MURDER me like 5x.  I was not pleased.

High Priest Ocyla

FINALLY went through my entire hall campaign for my priest, I don’t know how people do it within the first week.  I play a lot and still took this long. wowscrnshot_101816_082906

Apparently I needed the paladins help, or something.



Looks like Durumu has a brother.



You gotta wonder if Blizzard is running out of names for things.

Then this crazy golden… eradar looking thing named Lothraxion showed up.  He’s umm… High Commander of the Grand Army of Light.  That’s a heck of a title.


I got a slew of achievements, a somewhat uncrappy ilevel (816) and another weapon appearance.  oh and the High Priest title  That’s pretty sweet!



Raven Priests



At some point shadow priests got a glyph where you could change your orbs into ravens, because you know, the raven priests at Arathi Highlands and elsewhere.  It was buggy and they disappeared after a certain amount of time, but they were cool. We no longer have orbs, nor ravens, nor the chance to get them back.  So this part of the priest quest was like a kick in the face.  Just a little.


The best part of engineering is not having to go to town to do most of your things!wowscrnshot_101216_145549

However for some inconceivable reason, they made the glider, and rocket boosts NOT work in REGULAR random bgs.  But you can use the damn glider KIT, that ANYONE can use, just fine.  What the hell, seriously?