Tag Archive | Wintergrasp

I stop being a jerk, sometimes

Decided to pop on my mage and go out mining, though I did my fishing daily first, which launched the poison and recipe quests as well, lucky day!

When I go to turn in my fishing quest, I see a male blood elf PRIEST, probably the first one I’ve ever seen.  I must have made it obvious that I was looking at them because they wave to me, so I wave back and blow a kiss.

While I’m out mining I notice that when Orgims Hammer and the Skybreaker pass each other, they fire back and forth.

I spent some time killing their NPCs.

I run out of MP trying to kill this guy though, tried it three times and I’d run out of mp both times with about 10% hp left. Bummer.  I wonder if this guy is named after the Davos in the Song of Ice and Fire books since he’s on a boat and all.

I stop being a jerk, since no horde are coming to defend, and head back to mining.  Afterwards I head back to Dal, clean up some bags and realize I have TWO full bags just of old gear.  Eeesh.  I need to do something about that.  I smelt the saronite to send to Ocyla to transmute, then queue up for WG. It tells me to wait. Sigh.  I do not get in.

I then head to Stormwind to check out the new gear vendors. Yes, this stuff is way better than my epic gear is now.  Too bad it requires level 85. Damn.  Going back to wearing blues will be humbling.

I put in for a Character Recustomization to have my name changed to Elleria, which took me like 4 days to come up with since everything else I could think of was already taken.

I run WSG and we lose, I end up with 7 killing blows, 41 HK’s and 49 whole honor. I also get the Not In My House achievement.

Later I run WG and, I’m sorry, but what the fuck?  The horde gets like 5 vehicles in the first 5 minutes, rolls through the keep and wins it in under 7 minutes.  How the hell do they get vehicles so fast?  And I’m not talking catas, they had a demo rolling out within the first 3 mins of it starting, HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?  They had 2 sieges and another demo (because I broke the first) within 2 mins of that.  When we’re attacking in WG I can’t rank up fast enough to get anything but a cata.

Of course since there were no alliance at the keep other than 1 other and myself, who knows, it may have been a bunch of horde alts farming HK’s.  I’m mad.  We only had 6 people this raid, at prime time, that’s sad.  I logged out pretty ticked.

Glad I have fishing on one character

I log in and do my Dalaran fishing daily, then head to SW and made 5g, then 10g porting people.  All I really have to do is stand around and people ask.  I am not asking for tips, they are just doing it.

I go run the new Stormwind cooking daily, A Fisherman’s Feast and lucky for me I already have fishing.

7 gold 40 silver, Alliance rep and a chefs award. I pick up the new flight paths at Goldshire and Eastvale Logging Camp, then see WG is up and queue for it. I get in with 2 minutes to spare and still able to help kill a siege on our steps, several horde, then solo a hunter, unfortunately needing to pop mirrors and finish him off.

I don’t miss tenacity

Logged in and did my fishing daily, running into Rexe doing the same thing.

Turned it in and earned some Gold Coins which I sold and Pygmy Oils.  I queue up for WG and get in with 8 other people, which grows to around 20.  I spent the  majority of my time destroying sieges coming out of Sunken

though it’s even MORE fun to have the horde jump out, kick their ass, then kill their vehicle too.  I do not miss tenacity at ALL, because I can actually kill horde like in  BGs now. They breached through to inner and had a siege on the steps, but we broke it up and won, it was very close. That was a ton of fun!


This morning the Halloween event started so I queued up for it and 7 minutes later we had a group. The only problem is the “cog of death” is still in full swing so most people that mouse over the pumpkin to summon the Horseman gets frozen up.  I didn’t this time however and we killed him with no problems. I got my Loot Filled Pumpkin and the temporary flying broom.

Then I eat too much candy.


You know it’s been a good battle when you see this….

Just kill me I need the mana

When on my priest in WG a lower level priest asked someone to kill some “noob hunters” by the alliance camp. I switched to my mage and killed one of them on top of a column by the lake. The battle starts!

The horde takes Sunken Ring early on and they must outnumber us because they are dying very easily. A shaman and I take out a siege engine and a horde paladin (blood elf what else) and hunter driving it with little problems. However they overwhelm our low numbers with vehicles and take over the fortress. At the end I had to stand and let one of them take forever to kill me because I was out of MP and gems and MP flasks and evo were all on cool down (CD). Embarrassing!