
What I liked to do vs now

  1. World pvp.  Since they got rid of world defense and started the pvp toggle thing effectively putting you on a pvp server, I haven’t done any of that.  I’m not interested in just fighting people while questing, I want to do it in zones like WG and TB or defending zones.  This can’t even be done any more on retail and in classic, my server has no Horde anyway. So this fun is OVER.
  2. Raiding, I haven’t raided seriously since MoP and my last 6 or so guilds have been dead and I don’t expect that to get any better. I use to enjoy farming up mats to raid and look forward to getting gear but not any more. It’s basically OVER.
  3. Battlegrounds, have been a mess for a while and although it’s still kinda fun in classic, I gave up on retail. So it’s like half OVER.
  4. Arena/rbgs yeah, haven’t done those in a long while.
  5. Questing, after questing in SWTOR, WoW questing seems really bland.  Mind you Legion questiong and story was AMAZING but BfA felt like I was missing out on the major storyline and hd to read a book, or play horde to even get it.  Classic questing I’ve done before so yeah. Not really worth staying for.
  6. Pet battles.  I’m sure those are still around.  I did enjoy those but 15 a month to play pokemon, yeah.
  7. Social this is a big one.  I use to have battleground partners, dungeons, arena, rbgs, general friends, but they are all gone. All.
This entry was posted on September 3, 2021, in PvP.

Can’t tell if anyone is even playing

I hit 70 on my priest, finally, but gosh the world feels empty.  I was in Netherstorm the other day and a hunter kept tagging my mobs and it felt bot like.  I healed a boomkin who was nearly dead, cheered after they killed the mob and buffed them but they didn’t even give any indication they noticed.  I also buffed a rogue and they didn’t say a thing.  No one asks to group or anything.

I think I will cancel my sub.  It’s sad but I haven’t had an active guild since MoP (Post Mortem), haven’t played with any friends in  years, and don’t have a group to play with any more (not since Legion). I don’t even feel a desire to earn pvp gear any more after ranking to 12 in classic, do bgs or dungeons, or raid.

This entry was posted on September 3, 2021, in PvP.

What happened

I’ve been chugging along in classic for a while but I’m starting to think the problem is the players more than the game in general.  For example, in retail I had guilds that lasted at least a year from Wrath through MoP.  Like talking to people every day, getting asked to heal everything, raiding, arena, rbgs, everything.  The once Post Mortem blew up, it was just guilds ending left and right.  No one asked me to heal or do anything, for a long time.

Classic has been the same only, guilds last about 3-4 months.  I don’t raid, dungeon, or get asked to do anything.  Can’t seem to make friends.  I had that one friend from the start of classic who just disappeared one day, and I think it was because I casually said something about the political color of my state.

It’s probably time to just stop playing.  I may log my retail characters in all at key locations for them and stop.

This entry was posted on August 2, 2021, in PvP.

Classic Still Bumping

On the server I’m on, Pagle, it’s still very much bumping everywhere.  Westfall, Redridge, Duskwood, etc.  When people are waiting for buffs in Stormwind there are so many people it’s unreal, more than I think I’ve ever seen in town.


It’s like this in every direction!

That being said, druid is weird.  I had to do a quest to learn Bear Form, another that had me travel all over the world for Aquatic form, and several quests to learn Cure Poison. ALL BEFORE LEVEL 20!!!


But Cat form? Just hit level 20 and pay the trainer.  Weird.

I did not have to do any quests to learn skills on my mage and priest, other than the HIGHEST level water on the mage.

The BEST time in Westfall Wpvp

As I’ve written about, I spent a lot of time over the years playing the Punisher/Batman out in the world guarding Alliance zones.  I haven’t been able to really do that since Legion when World Defense was removed.  But it still exists in classic!  I saw some pings in Westfall so I parked my priest out there and oh boy last night was fun.  It was a warrior that you’d swear was a bot, running a specific circuit to kill the Alliance quest givers.  He never fought back, but he had an Alliance counter part that would talk trying to find out what other Alliance thought of him.

I killed him 3 times myself.

but then I paired with with a shadow priest and we hunted him some more.  But that’s not the best part!



After a while we had attracted the attention of more 60’s like a warlock and a rogue, and we kept this warrior stunlocked for a good 10 minutes. We decided he needed to face justice and I shit you not, we feared, MC’d, sapped, stunned that horde from Moonbrook all the way to Stormwind! He kept trying to hearth out and started yelling things, but it was no good because I kept him healed during the other priests MC so we could bring him to justice.

Where he died gloriously to the Stormwind guards!