I asked this hunter where he got this cute pet, since I’ve never seen anyone use it before. He said the Barrens. Then this line “Looks cute but hurts feelings” made me laugh.
When I want you, I want you
“That’s the last time I waste time fighting them”
Stormpike Militia beat Yaga’s Hydra group a few weeks ago. He stopped his stream and tried to delete it, but I had loaded the prior version before that happened, and was able to save all audio and all video save about 10 minutes at the start which ended up blank for some reason. We got to listen to, and see him type that he was never doing to fight us again. It was a very popcorn occasion.
They decided that night to send in a scout before each game, if they see us there, that person deserts and they requeue so they have no chance of fighting us. We have no way to counter because our queues are so long.
But that’s not good enough, we want to queue into them repeatedly and smash their faces. Thanks to them being dirty snakes though, I don’t think we can. It’s unfortunate.
That Alliance Beetle Bike
A day after we talked about this bike during Stormpike night, I ran into this person in Tol Barad. Added them to btags (Sandstorm), apparently they do IT for a school.
Then I tried to wreck this hunter while at an instance entrance but failed. My ret reactions aren’t that good right now and I totally lost. Boo.
And really, dps?
It’s not hard. Let your healers go heal if there is no danger.
You… have to click it
This poor guy didn’t know you had to click the relic to win. I assume.
and left it wide open until Alliance won.