
No, We’re Searching for Treas-ah!

The Dark Tide Roost took forever, but the rest were ok.  For some reason the Pit one isn’t available for sale in the Garrison though.





Finished treasure hunting too, I have no idea how anyone would do it without Handy Notes however.



Also got this



A burrahobbit? What’s a burrahobbit got to do with my pocket, anyways?


by these guys!



This look unpleasant


So does this.  This turned me into a bigger monstrosity that unfortunately killed slower than I could on my own, geared out at 100.


These guys reminded me a lot of the ugly half Zora guy in Ocarina of Time.


I like my flavor-text greys, yes yes.



It’s hard to see in this shot but, this Rylakinator is pummeling the two headed dragon on the ground.

I was in this zone FOR AGES so I noticed that and watched it for a bit.



Ended up just killing this guy several times to finish the missive


This was vaguely like the quest out in IceCrown where you fool the gargoyles into dropping the fanatics from the sky.



Pretty. I like to imagine myself sitting in these.



This guy is DEFIANT!  WORK IS POOP!! (oh wait that’s the Netherwing quest series)




I stood here for a long while watching this guy.  He’s holding two rams, one in each hand, and moving one up and down, then switching to the other, like making dolls talk to each other.  Very amusing.



and finally, GNOMES, am I right?



Now with 100% More Screenshots

So yeah, ahh, I take a lot more pictures when I’m out and about, than pvping for sure.


Finished up Loremaster the other night.  It went pretty quick, and I had a good time.  I like questing and I sort of forgot about all that.  Draenor is beautiful to look at in many areas too.


I absolutely want that Iron Star mount I got to use in one of the quests!  It’s fantastic looking!  Couldn’t get a screenshot to come out good though. WoWScrnShot_082215_160045



And, ouch.


Aww Miss Purr-Purr



Gross? But fun!


What’s… going on here?



Aww.  Sniff.  The Feels?






Run, run.  Hurry Hurry.







Got Back to Questing

I decided to work on the flight achievement, and I forgot that I actually like pve and looking around.

This is Deathgrin:


Frostfire Ridge.


Shadowmoon Valley reminds me quite a bit of Zelda 3, Link to the Past.  It has a very similar color palette.



And uh eww, I forgot that there is a pit of DEAD DRAENEI BODIES below where these guys are summoning a shadow thing.


Finally finished these.  Apparently I cancelled a lot of quests JUST BEFORE THE END ><


And this was just pretty.


Ashran is so Toxic

Ashran is pretty toxic, I swear it’s probably worse than the worst bg I’ve ever been in.

me: Oh wow, an hour queue to get into a group of 4 people?
player:  STFU and stop QQ

player: Are you new to this game?
Me: No why
player: you have no arena rating, you must be brand new

Players: bunch of baddies in here, probably don’t even have 1200 arena rating!!

Player 1: Amazing heals Coquette/Mistmedic!
Me: Hey thanks!
Player 2:  Oh please, they suck, I never got a heal, they are trash.  They have less healing than the DK.
Our healers suck, they are garbage, wish we could kick them, what on earth are the healers doing, bunch of baddies, I never get heals, ever, you guys suck.

And heaven forbid someone gets the AA, the toxicity rains down from the skies in a never ending torrent.

DK gets it:  Noooo not melee, the DK is undergeared!! (has half CP gear) omg baddie give it to a ranged, everyone report the DK for cheating, report him report him!!!

Hunter gets it:  Omg hunter such a baddie, he’s not doing anything, he’s not even with the group (he was), GIVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO ISN’T BAD OMG


Hunter gets it and tries to avoid dying to 40 horde but can’t: Stupid hunter, lost the AA, so bad, kick the hunter, report as cheating, report afk!!

Basically if any healer gets it, melee, anyone not with the best gear, or barely any  arena rating, isn’t with the group for a second, happened to get mirked by horde, oh boy you are in for a rough time.

Makes me want to stay out in the nice, peaceful world.

