Tag Archive | RBG

I think I figured out flag guarding

So between regular and rated bgs (bad ones) I think I have a grip on who guards flags. I think people go through the following things:

1)  Is no one at the base guarding it?

Good, someone else can do it.

2)  I’m the only one at the base but I’m going to leave because

Someone else can do it.

3)  I ran like hell to get the flag but I’m not going to guard it because

Someone else can do it.

4) I’m at a base but the enemy is coming, I’m gonna run off because

Someone else can do it.

I did have a very good yolo tonight though that were calling incs in AB and aoeing like a boss.  That makes me happy.

Rogues, ruining incoming counts since 2004

Man, 2004, has this game really been out that long? Gosh.  Haven’t been playing that long myself but still.

Anywho, got cap last week but yolo rbgs have been bad.  I’ve lost way more than I’ve won, and frankly hunter guarding is boring.


I think we won this one, but that was it.  I had a fun group on my druid as well.  I’ve been adding horde pvpers to my btags list left and right, but no one EVVVEEEER invites to do anything.  Only Crucifixion does, and we’ve inexplicably run into each other in bgs, not even grouped lately.

I won something like 16/18 bgs today besides all that.  Players can get a free boost to 90 with the WoD expansion however, so bgs have been infested with people barely geared, which realllly does wreck your bg experience.

Veteran of the Alliance

On Saturday or Sunday, I forget, I got such a great RBG lose to cap group, we want 3-4 times and didn’t lose once, had a good time in vent, and got my 75 wins to get the RBG mount and Veteran of the Alliance. Bought a new Tyran belt.

Guild RBGs

Ran a few more LFRs the other night and got bracers I didn’t need. Something at least.

We ran RBGS as a guild and still took Fel even though his connection sucks but he managed to stay with us most of the time. We actually won like 5, I think it was, too. Bought Tyrannical pants and cloak


Did RBGS last night and got easy cap on my ally priest, my druid, but the horde side was harder. Took forever to get going, and lost miserably on all three maps. So, did not cap that char.

And Oromis told me he had a rogue named Darkest, and I finally found the entry for that (Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:15 pm)

Knew I remembered him from somewhere.