
Well, I finally found a Horde war chest

Only took months.


And finally got a Nightshare Sproutling from the garden!


I’m still pissing off that hunter, apparently.  We had this dumb convo the other day:


him: stop hiding

me: that’s what ferals do

him: no that’s what rogues do lol

me: every heard of prowl?

him: not as slick as u think u are



killed him twice for that.


And these crazy birds in Ashran pulled me through the ground and got me Dc’d.  Thanks, man,  Apparently that’s from LeBlanc’s Recorder.


I’ve been recording all my wpvp shenanigans, so no screenshots of that lately.  I can’t even remember the last time anyone got me 1v1 either.

6v6 in Westfall?

I got into a 6v6 out by Saldean’s Farm the other day, Ravenshield came with, and randomly joined a few other players.  Unfortunately the spriest, warlock, and paladin were no good, and kept engaging the horde nowhere near where I was.  I won’t break stealth to run after you, especially when I said where I was waiting.

However a hunter doing a considerable amount of damage, named Skittles (Alanis) joined, and ended up adding them to my list.  A ‘not a guy’ for once, but under 20 as per usual.  Either everyone who plays this game is a teen, or some real lying is going down.




Ashran, unfortunately had some changes for the worst.  They put in gladiator mobs at the end of the bridges to the boss, which have more health than Fangral or Kronus, and respawn constantly when it’s not “time” to kill the boss.  And the boss is on a 30 minute timer now.  So if you happen to summon captains or Fangral at the wrong time, these glad mobs eat them alive and you are screwed.  Awesome.

We had maybe 10 alliance in raid this morning, when usually it was a full raid or two.  Just awful.


And pet battles.  Sigh.  FIGURES.


But never doing this again.



Mr. Terrible’s Power leveling Service

I found this strategy on Wowhead, but noting workflow mostly for myself.



1) Low level pet, can even be level 1

2) Emperor Crab (P/P) or something with Whirlpool, Surge, and Healing Wave.

3) Nexus Whelpling, Frost Breath, Mana Surge, Arcane Storm.


Things of note.  Surge will always  before Mr. Terrible moves.  Healing wave will not.


Step one: Carry pet comes in.  Gets hit, swap out.  Bring in second crab pet.


Ask the questions per round:


Does he have Spiked Skin?

No, Surge

repeat until he does Spiked Skin.

Does he have spiked skin, but you have more than 70 health?


Does Mr. Terrible have less than 800 health?

Whirlpool then…

If he doesn’t have Spiked Skin, Surge, then Healing Wave.

If he does have Spiked Skin, pass, then Healing Wave.

Whirlpool hits, Surge once more as required.

If he’s STILL alive at that point, Whirlpool again, and repeat  last whirlpool pattern.

(Try to end this fight with at least 500 health)

Carroteye comes out.



Healing Wave if it’s up, otherwise Surge until dead. With luck the carrot will be almost dead.

If the Carrot isn’t less than 1k health before the crab dies, forfeit.

Bring out Nexus Whelp, Frost Breath if Carrot is under 500 health, otherwise Arcane Storm and Mana Surge.

Sloppus comes out.  Either continue 2 more mana surges from prior round, or Arcane Storm, and Mana Surge.  Frost breath to end it if needed.


And after all that, even THEN sometimes it fails.  Pet battles can make me so mad. A crit, or a string of misses on the last pet and you’re done.









Y U Always Jump?



On the other hand, a paladin with the glyphed version of consecration, kept that annoying disc priest from kiling the Westfall npcs for a while.  I have to wait for her to flag to do anything, he can just spam that and prevent her from doing much of anything without actively waiting for a target.


Spent time, on Timeless Isle trying to farm the rare pets, but didn’t see Garnia up not once.  Got a new moth though.



There have been several fights lately where pets with a lot of defensive’s, such as moths, and rabbits, have been extremely useful.  Dodge and burrow for instant, are golden for undead fights.  Damn double turn racial.

Pet Battle Bags

I decided to clear out every last beast of fable, with the quests, and every legendary and pandaren spirit trainer the other day.  Turned out to be something like 15 bags.  Received the following:

Flawless mechanical Battle Stone (1)

Lesser Pet Treat (3)

Battle Pet Bandage (12)

Magical Mini-Treat (8)

Magical Pet Biscuit (7)

Sack of Expired Pet Food (4)

Well-loved toy (3)

Flawless Dragonkin Battle-stone (1)

Pandaren Air Spirit  (1)

Flawless Undead Battle-stone (1)

Happy Pet Snack (4)

Hair Ball (2)