
I like FIRE

For the first time in … ever? I haven’t felt like healing.  I don’t know what it is, exactly.  Farming honor and AP is one thing, I suppose, and gear, but the amount of pressure on healers in pvp isn’t the type of challenge I’m looking for.  I like a good fight but getting destroyed in half a second isn’t it.

That being said, fire mage is a lot of fun.  I haven’t main’d a mage since early Wrath but, I’m really enjoying it.  The rotation is dynamic enough with good options for AOE and single target.  My mains for this expansion may end up  being mage and priest.

Worst PVP, ever.


If I wasn’t running with SPM, I don’t think I’d be doing pvp at all.  I haven’t done world pvp since this expansion came out, I haven’t done Ashran because it sucks, nor any random battlegrounds.  I mean, there’s always been some unbalances, sometimes ridiculously so, but nothing that I can recall like this.

In particular, the MOBILITY and knock-backs are absolutely off the charts.  A demon hunter doesn’t want to fight you? Cool, in 2 seconds he’s halfway across the map.  Warrior wants to get away? He can heroic leap like 2-3 times and also be across the world.  Add monks to that list.  I almost killed a wind walker and they decided to leave, and they were miles away from me in no time at all.

The irony is, druids originally had displacer beast which blinked them and put them into stealth.  That was nerfed to just be a blink.  Then it was nerfed again to be an arcane school of magic so if you were silenced, you can no longer displacer.  But all these melee? Yep, across the map in no time flat.  Paladins also got this weird thing they can do where they instantly mount up and run away, even in combat.  It’s only available for a few seconds so, it seems balanced at least.

Then the knock-backs.  Druids had typhoon but it had limited scope and had a slight delay so shoving people wasn’t always as precise as I would have liked it to be.  Hunters had their explosive trap and ele shaman had their thunderstorm thingy.  Mages way back when had blast wave which shoved people like typhoon but that has been long gone.

Now? Oh monks Ring of Peace is a constant knock-back the entire time you encounter it.  Not just one time, like Ursol’s Vortex pull-back ability no, THE ENTIRE TIME.  And not only that, it’s a bit of a jump up and push back, meaning if you are near a low edge of something, like the inner ring of a bunker in AV,  you can still get punted out.  Speaking of Ring of Peace, originally when it applied a constant silence and disarm in it’s area of effect, well that got nerfed.  But now it has a constant area of effect.. again? ok?

Warriors have some bowling-ball thing I don’t know the name of, but they rush into  you and knock everyone back.  I mean, did we really need MORE KNOCK BACKS and insane melee mobility?

13 million SP.. I mean.. AP

I had been explaining ‘over-enchanting’ skills from Lineage 2 recently.  That was when you earned ridiculous amounts of SP (I can’t remember what that even stood for, spirit points?) like millions and millions and increased the power of your base spells.


Then this new patch hit and all my skills cost 13 million AP (artifact points).  Did those L2 devs come to Blizzard, or something?

Oh and increase damage and health stam by 10%? Sure, why the fuck not?



Dictionary, Much?

I had this dumb conversation in trade today.  This person is basically describing shameless behavior, like being ‘gear grabby’ but then labeling it with other words.


It’s like ok, use it in a sentence.  “Ocyla was totally shameless, and took ALL the gear, what a hussy!”.  That makes sense, right?  Or “Ocyla was polite and passed gear to someone else who needed it, so shameless”.  Nope, that doesn’t make sense.  Words mean things people.

Farmer Saldean has GUARDS

Apparently all my protecting has paid off in some fashion.  Mentillos has been back around (the warrior who could never beat me) told me that Saldean now has guards, and instantly respawns.


But, you can’t test this as Alliance, no no.  I brought my horde down.  A level ??? Westfall Brigade Guard instantly spawns and nearly woooped my ass.


I wasn’t even flagged, but the guard flagged me.  This is good because then I cannot stay safely unflagged, open a can of woop-ass on the Farmer, then run away.  You know, like that level 20 disc priest kept doing.  or that Frost DK.  Or, any of the others.  I get preemptively smacked.   Nice Blizzard, seriously, GOOD.  Maybe name it “Coquette” next time, k?