
Quest fixed

Yesterday I heard the problem quest was fixed, and it was, and I completed it today, yay!

I half assed mined while fishing and farming for Volatiles to make my cloth, then created a pair of epic pants for my mage. I may not be raiding right away but I like questing on this character more than on the priest, who I like raiding on more.

Broken End Zone Quest

I’m near the end of the Twilight Highlands quests, and go to get the hammer just floating in the middle of nowhere, and then it cut scenes to this trouble and I got whomped clear off the mountain.


then the game prompts you to run back to this guy


with the help of Cassius the White, Mathias Shaw and a dwarf whose name escapes me, you have to fight him with their help. Unfortunately however the quest is bugged and even when you get him to the point the Wildhammer people are supposed to help you, 2 seconds after this shot he vanishes and the event resets.


I tried it at least 5 times, and apparently it’s so broken you can look it up in the online help as being broken. BOOO.

Or a gnome warlock…

Alrighty first off, THESE robes are a red version of my priests robes, and are easily my favorite, EVER.


Secondly, this was easily the best questing day EVER.  I get my wish, which I’ve mentioned to some people, a few times.  You’ll see.  First I get to kill a bunch of Twilight guys, flanked by a deadly procession that make taking them out really easy.  They have clever quotes as we are tripping along too.


as we move towards Grim Batol we run into the Life Binder.


and she has an amazing little cut scene, but I won’t explain anything that would give it away.


and this is just, wow and OMG


after that part, I get to kill Obsidian Pyrewings by using the mechanic to ride the protodrakes out in Storm Peaks in Northrend, only you must kill them then quickly latch-hook onto another one, or fall off.  You take no falling damage it seems but you end up aggroing crap on the ground most of the time.


I follow a twilight drake to the lair of what they say is the only female dragon capable of continuing the line, and we have to destroy her too.


Another quest has be in charge of another squad of people, this time on gryphons!


A bit after that I get my wish, that I made back when I was in Tanaris and saw Caliph Scorpidsting, I get to be escorted up a mountain by a group of STEALTHED ROGUES! Ha ha, YOU know what I’m talkin’ BOUT.


Then oooh wait for it, I meet Master Mathias Shaw, the leader of SI: 7! Gosh you rogues, grrr.


and this, was just funny.


he helps me take out several semi bosses by stealthing in after I’ve taken a bit of a beating.


and YES you DO get to rescure that poor red dragon I ran into earlier, as part of this chain.


What’s up with all the Tentacles

Back in Twilight Highlands we fly around the tentacle mess before getting sucked in, on purpose, I guess?  And I really wish screenshots would not record my cursor.


moving it out of the way while in action is difficult. At some point I pass out, I think it was, and end up back by Thrall where Deathwing is thrashing about.  I’m so busy trying to take a screenshot I don’t do anything, get called ‘useless human’ by Thrall (whatever I’d kick your ass if I could) and go back into the maw of the tentacles.


I kill the brain with the help of some of the Earthen Ring I rescued (all who have amusing dialog)


Aftwards I get sent to the red dragon area, and for whatever reason they are ‘red’ to me, even though I have a red drake, and I’m Exalted with Wyrmrest Temple.  They grab me and throw my ass in front of another angry red dragon in human form.  Again, exalted? What gives?


I do a quest where I kill the twilight drakes and use the same animation I did way back when returning red dragons to the earth prior to the Wrathgate incident, of the vines taking it back to the earth.

It occurs to me that I forgot I am 85, and have a lot of JP and honor points so I buy a new robe, and 2 pieces of the blue pvp gear.  The robe I bought is sexy like the priest one only red.  Rawr.  I need 50 more points for the shoulders.

Crucible of Carnage

Ran Crucible of Carnage with Maice last night,


and earned a 333 weapon.  I had already been using a 333 weapon but it had hit on it, and this one had spirit so I swapped it out and put on the Heartsong enchant on it, which is new to Cata.

We also ran a dungeon or two, and I purchased Gloves of Purification