
I like FIRE

For the first time in … ever? I haven’t felt like healing.  I don’t know what it is, exactly.  Farming honor and AP is one thing, I suppose, and gear, but the amount of pressure on healers in pvp isn’t the type of challenge I’m looking for.  I like a good fight but getting destroyed in half a second isn’t it.

That being said, fire mage is a lot of fun.  I haven’t main’d a mage since early Wrath but, I’m really enjoying it.  The rotation is dynamic enough with good options for AOE and single target.  My mains for this expansion may end up  being mage and priest.

13 million SP.. I mean.. AP

I had been explaining ‘over-enchanting’ skills from Lineage 2 recently.  That was when you earned ridiculous amounts of SP (I can’t remember what that even stood for, spirit points?) like millions and millions and increased the power of your base spells.


Then this new patch hit and all my skills cost 13 million AP (artifact points).  Did those L2 devs come to Blizzard, or something?

Oh and increase damage and health stam by 10%? Sure, why the fuck not?



Big Love Rocket


I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist.  I’ve run that dungeon on every eligible character, every day, every year Crown Chemical has been available.  I ran it 10 times every day this year.  No mount.  I did buy this thing though, it’s hilarious.  It says things like “it’s not you, it’s me” and such.

Laughed myself silly

The other night I decided to do some dungeons, time-walking dungeons, on my fire mage.  We get End Time, which I like.

We get the Jaina version of it and everyone scatters to get the pieces.  Then the tank pulls the boss.  Without clearing any of the trash.  You can get away with clearing only 2 groups if I remember right, but it’s a must because Jaina ports all over and the trash paths.

Needless to say the healer nor the tank could keep up and I ended up dying and running back 4x.  After the 4th death I popped Time Warp on my way back in because fuck this noise right?  Tank says “wtf, why did you hero?”  GEE I DUNNO because I died 4x!?

As we moved into the bronze section he commented ‘don’t you dare touch that hour glass’ and I said ‘and if I do?’

As fate would have it, the group was sick of his crap and although they were not vocal, they touched the hourglass repeatedly all at the wrong times.  I lmao at that, because the tank was raging after the group attempted to kick him during the Murazond fight.

GOOD.  Ha.

Holystab, 5 years later

I randomly logged onto my horde priest today for some reason.  No one I remember from horde is really on these days, I haven’t heard from Seagaer in probably 4-5 years, Ladiesman in 4, Fratricide in probably just as long, etc.

But then Holystab not only messages me, but remembers me.  I found him exceedingly obnoxious back in 2012 but 5 years is  a long time.  I consented to trade battletags (but not real id) and we’ll see if he has grown up or not.

Last week we’ve been doing AV but it’s been next to impossible to get the same queue with everyone, and I think I’ve lost 90% or more of my games.  Losing isn’t so bad, but I don’t need to group up, repeatedly drop queue and requeue for 30 minutes, wait 10 mins to get into queue only to end up with 2-4 other people and lose.  I can lose much faster by myself since we’re basically playing alone anyway.

The other problem of course is we’re not all strat callers.  Miz does it, Zek, Krienn, maybe Dooker.  I don’t.  So when it’s my group with Bobos (who often doesn’t join vent) and Xerk, vent is absolutely silent and I don’t care for that.  If I do say what I’m doing it’s met with silence which is uncomfortable.

Additionally splitting groups is annoying because others feel left out.  Oh you won your game, cool well, the 3 of us are getting destroyed so, that’s fun.  The same thing happens when people break off to do mythics, that’s only 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 dps.  Certain people seem to be the favorites who end up getting picked first as well.

I know we’re trying hard to include everyone though but it’s looking like it might no longer be doable in AV.