
Ding 110!

I hit 110 on my priest by getting to Surimar early, and trying to kill every rare I could find.  Oddly enough from 100-110, it seems like I ran into no one, anywhere from 105 and up.  No one else was tagging the rares, the rares weren’t constantly down because people kept killing them.  No one joined in with me when I was doing it.  It was odd.



Had 4 800 ilevel items by that time though.

And ughghghghghg.  You’re lucky I like you, Khadgar.



Beats revered in WoD I guess.

Taking Away Things We Had

I already griped to a GM about how weapon transmog enchants were taken away.  If you had the enchanting hut in Draenor leveled up, you could transmog all the enchants for some dust.  Well they locked all that and you have to earn it again.  I was pretty mad, I mean I EARNED it once already, and now I have to earn it again?


I literally made them say it, I had to open the ticket at least twice.

Now I find out, that druids have to earn their fur colors and looks.  You use to be able to change it by switching your hair color.  I didn’t really care because I think the female Nelf hairstyles are across the board ugly, so I always wear a helm on mine.  But now, guess what. You have to earn the different colors and looks.  Ugh.   So something we had…. yep.

I will subscribe to your newsletter, Verstok

I decided to open up my druid clan hall, and after some thought, I will make feral my main and level the weapons as feral.  There just seems to be a ridiculous glut of healers lately, everywhere.

That also led me to do the quest as feral, which was interesting.  It opens with a druid, Verstok, stealing the daggers right in front of the demons face, telling me to piss right off, and running away.  It was fabulous. wowscrnshot_090916_091238


He gave me a whooping, while yelling “I’ll never submit!” (so cute) , but I guess forgot about all his heals, because when I came back he was still at 30% health and I finished him off.



Then you fight this thing, which was much easier.




I got the fangs of Ashamane, but man, does it cost A LOT to transmog weapons now.  Like 300g just for weapons, and if you do a full transmog, which I tend to do, it’s like 500g.  Not all of us are at gold cap, Blizz.  Why make it so easy to arrange and swap transmogs, but so wickedly expensive?


Oh my, the transmogs!


The quest gear is the same in all the regions, but this set is noteworthy to me that I 1) like it  and 2) several of the recolors I like.  This one especially, I think I’ll wear it now.  Just not the helm, probably going to wear the halo again.