Tag Archive | Dungeons

Ugh Mages

Today I was supposed to run a dungeon with Acks but he logged off shortly after we talked about that, and I wanted to try another satchel so I queued solo. I got SFK and it was another terrible run with the shaman doing 3k dps, and all fights taking twice as long as they should. During the last boss people stood in the pistol barrage repeatedly and died, so during the first attempt I went OOM around 20% with just the tank and I still alive. I said “oom” when I finally ran out and died, and the snarky paladin said ‘maybe if you removed the dots you wouldn’t have’. Um, it’s a curse, and I can’t remove that. And I can’t outheal stupid. They ragequit and we barely got it the next time, again making me use my Core of Ripeness, Shadow fiend, a mana pot, and hymn of hope just to get through it.

After that I msg’d Peejay to see if he wanted to do arena but got no response, so I asked Acks, and we ran until I capped. We only had one loss and that was a close one, with both other players nearly dead (mage and a rogue). I picked up the healing pvp wand to replace my dps one. I finally got exalted with Therazane also.

My last dungeon, I messed up and mentioned it in guild chat, and Fist wanted to come on his mage. Maice said he’d come with too, and this is just another example of mage that are kind of douches. He starts out the worm fight by saying flat out he WON’T help dps the adds, because arcane has a shit AOE. I point out that even arcane can use blizzard. Then during the stone giant boss he says he has to respec because arcane has no dots. Um no but you can still throw a frostfire bolt? Geez. Then the rogue who wasn’t doing very good dps, left on that fight after he died, but Maice and Fist got it down anyway (I had died due to a boss positioning problem). So even bad players leave in a huff when things aren’t perfect. Seems to be the theme for this expansion.

Master of Tol Barad

Managed to get the Tower Plower achievement today and ended up with Master of Tol Barad even though it showed I did not have one of the quests done. During one battle, afterwards, a rogue named Bakstabz sapped me a few times in the middle of the alliance camp. I switched to horde just to say ‘good one’.

Ran into Zukk again during a TB, blew a kiss and got a /lick in return, funny.  It still took alliance a while to get him off me.

Later on ran a dungeon with Acks and the dps was horrible and every fight took twice as long as usual. Well, his dps was fine but the group besides that was fail, dying standing in green stuff, doing bad dps, etc.  The tank of that group, Ideki-Kargath gave me a “good job on healing I know it was not easy”.  Yep, no joke.  I queued again without him since he usually logs around 10, and the first bosse in Blackrock whatever it’s called took 7 fing minutes. We failed repeatedly on the second boss, and it was like raid healing even on trash.  Then that fail group all left. Then the next group failed on the same boss. Since we didn’t clear that boss, the big mob doesn’t show up to help you.  I am really, really hating all cata dungeons. I dropped out of that dungeon with 90g in repairs. So no exotic satchel for me there.

Tried to queue one more time and got a GOOD group for Lost City, got the first boss down fast, was happy! Then the tank and a dps left group. ugh. The new tank says “one sec” makes us all wait then leaves the party. Then the second tank joined, and quit straight away. After that the run went smooth, but I did end up with 17k heals. For real, I took a screenshot.


I got my satchel and got 78 g and a flask of the winds. Got 10k heals on Siamat and same on the high prophet.  So I can do it, when I need to.

ZG is hard

So I went against what I said I wasn’t gonna do and tried ZG, and wiped twice on the first boss and left in a huff. Then I queued again for the Exotic Satchel, but Acks wanted to go, and I asked if I would lose my satchel, he said no, but I knew I would, which I did. Plus I had to wait extra to get in the dungeon. But, I’ve never finished these fing dungeons so it’s not like I would have gotten it anyway.

We got ZA and wiped, and wiped, and wiped. 2 hours in, we still have 3 bosses to go and I logged out. So pissed, so very pissed off.


Yesterday I mentioned to Rexe that I was in WG alone and he came along. We defended the fort no problem since I think there was only a horde warlock running around.


The next time we had 5 active people, and the battle was quite fun that time, with horde having instant sieges, and managed to break into the inner courtyard.  I had help from a paladin and 2 warlocks breaking up the vehicles, and the warrior was taking down the towers.  The warlocks shadowed me nearly the entire raid so we had no issues even busting up 3-4 sieges that rolled in at regular intervals.


I had also noticed earlier that Rexe had a cute little pet cub, which he told me you can get in Winterspring, so I went and got one.


It sits down after a while, and will fall asleep if you are idle too long.  I have noticed though that if it sleeps, you have to walk quite a distance away before it “wakes up” and comes back to you.

At night we ran a few battlegrounds with guildies, Pala, Apollo, Alex, Acks, and Tet I think, and got IoC twice, won on, lost one.  This just made me laugh out loud.


After that I ran the new instance, ZG with Seanjohn and Fist.  Fist seems to have a bit of the “go go” impatience that I don’t care for in instances.  He need rolled on two wands that were only slightly worse than the one I spend 3 months raiding to get.  That burns a little.  I had read in forums that some healers didn’t need to use flash heal AT ALL in these dungeons/raids but yeah, lies.  I did hit that coveted “14k heals” mark on the poison boss though.


If we had 2 healers for some reason, I wouldn’t have since I try to work with the other healer and not just spam the charts.  We got that instance done, even though we went through like 4 tanks.

After that I grouped up with Rexe’s group in ZA, and for the first time went in their vent and heard everyone.  That run was pretty rough, and we were not able to get down the boss that transforms into animals.  We kept getting the lynx and the enraged swipe thing it did, there was no outhealing it, at all.  Putting guardian spirit on the person wasn’t enough, the boss would rip through that and still kill the player.  The only way we managed to survive it was to throw guardian spirit AND the paladins hand of protection but of course the next time they did it, we were out of CDs.  We wiped on that a number of times then it was too late and we stopped.

I had at least 200g in repairs for a run that I really don’t need anything from. I think they need to tone it down A LITTLE since from a healing stand point, at this time, it’s harder than normal mode Chimaeron.

ZA use to be a real problem

Tried to queue for ZA today on my mage, because I want that new robe. But like my other groups, we wiped on trash over and over, wiped on the boss, wiped on trash, etc. It’s not fun at all. To me it’s like worse than raiding. So I waited 30 mins to queue in, only to have people repeatedly leave the group, to get a single boss down. We ended up with 2 people dead, one who went afk, and the other who wouldn’t let me kick the afker. I was so mad and just gave up.