Tag Archive | Horde

The whole guild up and Quit

The Wicked Avengers, I’m pretty sure is dead. No one is logging in any more and I haven’t seen Oromis in weeks except in Diablo.

I ran a TB with Sealgear and Ladiesman and ran into a paladin named Trance and a DK named Excidium, I think it was, who TROUNCED ME GOOD. I was pretty shocked! Had pretty much everything locked and interupted and saw massive chunks of health being torn off. Crazy.

3’s with Holystab

Got asked by Holystab to do 3’s with him on his shadow priest and Seal on his hunter.  The first fight was a holy pally and hunter, just 2 players.  Holy died damn near immediately and even SS and flash healing like mad I couldn’t keep him up.  Then we went on to lose.  3 players lost to 2.  Ugh.  Then we tried again and he was running all over the place and dropped dead again. I just left and said “ok I’m done”.  He was saying that as holy no one ever dies and he nevers goes OOM and just whatever.

I then grabbed Ladiesman and we went 8-1.


So I got 1800 cap at least. I missed playing with a good player/rogue.

Joined a pvp guild

I joined Wicked Avengers last week, and I almost immediately did three’s with a hunter and druid and capped super quick. We went something like 8-2 or 3 I think, they did 2’s with the druid. OMFG it’s so much easier when you had partners that bring the pain to the other team so I’m not tanking for my life, or partners that don’t hit the dirt without me spamming heals like mad. Was really nice. Oro asked me to do 3’s with an ele shaman and his warlock but I haven’t had time yet.

Salary Capped

Been on my horde priest a lot, mostly pvping.  I got a  Tyran robe on my horde priest from winning bgs and last night I did 2’s with Sealgaer. Remember I use to do 2’s with Ultrabomber? Yeah.  Night and day.



It was more fun than running with Shock for some reason, I think because I prefer being partnered with a range.  He did a good job keeping in my LoS and providing a lot of peels as well.  I have a hard time doing that with melee for whatever reason. It’s nice to play with a hunter that doesn’t just let me try to tank everything with no help.  Was quite fun!

Last night I got an invite to a pvp guild by Oromis:


He mentioned that they would pull me in immediately since he already saw me heal in bgs when I was undergeared.  Hm.  I like the people in Frats guild, but I don’t think they are pvpers.  Not sure if I’ll switch though but it would be nice.  Might give it a shot and maybe get a little more rating than I’ve had before.


Was on horde quite a bit today and I have to say, random bgs as alliance as just as bad as being on horde. Lost almost all day today but finally picked up a malv staff. When I was doing a Temple of superball, I saw at the start someone riding on the same golden dragon as me. Later this same player, which by the transmog I thought was a paladin, kneeling in the center as we were winning. Struck me as a little Tebow-odd and I noticed they were in a bright yellow transmog like myself, and further noticed they were from my server.

After we won, we both ended up in the horde pvp vendor area. I said something like “same bg, weird huh” but go no reply so I whispered that I liked his transmog. We got to talking a bit and did TB together where ally outnumbered us 5 to 2, and then did a winning EoTs. The name was Oromïs, who is actually a DK, who linked me his 2200 and 2400 2’s and 3’s achievements. He said he did TB a lot, which I have as well but I honestly do not remember him at all. Anyway the name, Oromis is apparently from some book I’ve never heard off. I think. Oddly enough a goggle search wasn’t terrible clear about it just browsing quick.

It would be lovely to make friends with someone who likes to pvp and isn’t awful.