
Veteran Noob 2 – Day 1

This time you know and I know I already know how to play, but I again just want to see how things go as a new person so I’m going to lay off the “just born yesterday” effect 😉

Day 1:

Created a new kamael charater and noted another new player with me right off the bat.  I get to 3 just wacking the goblins though it nearly takes me to death fighting without healing 3-4 of them. Maybe it’s unique to me but I see the old issue is still there where you target one mob, then switch to another and F key an attack and it flips to the first mob. I hate that. I hit 4 and leave the starter area.


I get a Magic ring right away from a Grey Elpy. Then another! Woo!  Apparently these are jackpot mobs and I also get an Apprentice Earring as well. I get 5 and get another earring. Then a Necklace of Magic!



Fully jewelry equipped I trip my way down to town. (It should be noted that all starter areas have mobs that drop all the jewelry, they just always aren’t where you might happen to go) I obtain a few more magic items along the way.

I speak to an NPC in the Kamael Guild then talk to the Gatekeeper and get a scroll of Giran but I don’t want to go anywhere just yet. I’m noting no other players in this town currently. This is where the game would benefit greatly from the question mark/exclamation mark system WoW has where you can clearly see quest npcs and turn ins on the map.  I’m sure other games use it to but I play Wow too, ok?.

I see another playing running the same quests as I. I end up with a helm, boots, gloves, and top and bottom.  Wow, I am practically fully equipped at level 6. I run back to the Newbie Guide, grab my buffs, and my weapon coupons and trade them all in for a dagger right away.


I pick up the [url=]next newbie quest[/url] and take a long boring walk down to the mob area, which is on the map.


Clearing mobs along the way gets me level 7. I grab my skills at the conveniently placed masters at Stronghold I and get nearly every skill, as they are all cheaply priced in SP.

Now I get little glowy things drawn to me on every kill but still cannot use  my Fallen Attack or Fallen Arrow.  Apparently it requires NOT a dagger. I should L2R.  I hit 8 just clearing mobs to where I’m going again. Muertos appear to be cousins or something, it’s creepy killing them.


I SOE back to town. Turn in my quest, hit 8, run the newbie guide, get 10. That last quest was profitable after only a few items, I’m at 13,079 already.

I go to talk to Kekropus only he has a giant list of quests to choose from for whatever reason.  Not just ones available to me. I have to close out of a ton of windows telling me the quest doesn’t apply to me first. Getting the direction arrow often requires opening the quest list first. I see another player on my way back to this one.

Heading back and forth from this quest I find a pair of Pants free for the taking and grab them. I see another new player, this time a light elf.

Back at the original cave that same new player is still wacking away at the same mobs.  Either they are really dumb or someone is botting early.

In town I see a tagged person hanging out, someone in devotion. This quest is pissing me off with all it’s back and forth running already. I see a high level player run past as I head back to town for the millionth time. Kekropus tells me to go to the Hills of Gold, which I’ve already been to like 20 times to get some claws. Ugh. I take a break.

Last Post

Well I guess the days can kind of be stopped now that my main and alts are all on the same server as the rest of my clan 🙂

I log in as AmberDrake (77 cardinal and all that) to look around, I notice the clan is at peace, level 10, and my rank is Count.  The base is Swamp Fortress, and I am in the main clan Argonautes!

I shoot over to Aden and ask about the clan hall I heard they got but they said it was a mistake by NCsoft that they did not receive it, and currently are still out 2.1 billion adena.  Apparently it hasn’t been returned to the clan. I check one of the Aden halls and it looks like the GMs still have them locked down since the one I looked at is owned by NCsoft40 lord of the NCsoft40 clan. Curious to see how that will be handled.

While I’m messing around I keep seeing spam by “Gloomy Baby White Tiget Matriarch” spamming all kinds of stuff like “I feel kind of sleepy” and “roar my body feels light as a feather”.  Sort of obnoxious.

I forgot I’ve left my majestic robes on my SE but you and I both know my gear is brutally behind in the times so it hardly matters, still wearing DC robes 😀 Ah well. The server does seem a lot more active and I’ll have to give actual exping a go when I get some free time.

Day 35

Logged in this morning and said hello to Zoub and Furrious and the rest of clannies on before maintenance.  I tried to summon Kai the cat but it tells me I don’t have the required items.  Ok then, Furrious sends me C crystals and notes that he has been unable to sell them.  Same message about required items.  Clearly I haven’t been reading all of my updates so I check my skills and the summons now take Spirit Ore.


I think well at least I can craft my C bsps right?  Well, I’m told that would be pointless because you can buy those same shots for 54 adena in Oren, 56 in Schuttgart and crafted would be 100.  Sooo, what DO lower level dwarves craft to make money now?


I buy more ore, but I still have plenty of shots and head out to Fields of Massacre.  I am at max vitality still but I earn about .2 per white mob and .3 per yellow and pink mobs.  The trees and green slugs in this area are less dangerous at .2 per mob, and the Doom Knights and related skeletons are yellow and pink to me, but more dangerously social aggro because they stun.  I have to heal Kai quite a bit since the stun allows the Doom Knights to wack away freely up to 3+ times assuming I didn’t also aggro anything else.


I go from 2% to 15% and not altogether pleased at the leveling speed at 59.  .3 at harder mobs at max vit is bogus, let’s be honest.  Maybe I’m just in a “bad” area? I log out for the maintenance.

Day 34

After quite a long break I log in to check out the new areas.  I am not really pleased about the old Plains of the Lizardmen, turning into the new area.  It use to be one of my favorite places to go.  What can one do?




I did note an amusing character name as I roamed about however. Someone really needs to find another person it looks like.

220noob 218noob 219noob

Then before I log out for upcoming maintenance I take a picture of the event manager Freya


which for those of us casuals, will be the only Freya we’re likely to ever see.

Day 33

I had a long break from the game while I was on vacation!

I am at 26% and make it to 51% in the Frozen Lab before buffs run, I’m down to Vit 3, and servers are coming down shortly anyway.  I don’t see any other players where I’m at, but I do get a 100% Doom Shield rec.

I head back to town and say hello to bats as he has logged in and restock my shots, then break for maintenance.

After maint I hop back in and get a party with Adan again in Witches, with SOFOYLITSA.


Since the Vit event is back in effect, I have picked that up and hit 59!


When they have to go afk a bit, I need to log, I have studying to do today 🙂 I pick up 10k beast shots, which leaves me around 2 mill adena, and log out.