
Glad I have fishing on one character

I log in and do my Dalaran fishing daily, then head to SW and made 5g, then 10g porting people.  All I really have to do is stand around and people ask.  I am not asking for tips, they are just doing it.

I go run the new Stormwind cooking daily, A Fisherman’s Feast and lucky for me I already have fishing.

7 gold 40 silver, Alliance rep and a chefs award. I pick up the new flight paths at Goldshire and Eastvale Logging Camp, then see WG is up and queue for it. I get in with 2 minutes to spare and still able to help kill a siege on our steps, several horde, then solo a hunter, unfortunately needing to pop mirrors and finish him off.


I log in and say hello to Brd, and do my fishing daily which is Disarmed again.  I also fish up a Rusty Prison Key which I use in this chest in the water

I open the chest and receive Chain Gain Leggings (Blizzard, have I told you I love you recently?), Potion of Wild Magic, Pungent Seal Whey, Crude Eating Utensils, and Water Soaked Letter. Here is the letter, for fun

I waited for it to respawn since I had 2 of these keys and this time earned a Prison Manifest, Potion of Speed, Water Soaked Letter, and Crude Eating Utensils again and another bottle of moonshine.

I get in a WG battle and start out as Arcane, but my survivability and skill flexibility makes me unhappy and I switch back to frost.  I do a lot of Ice Lance spamming since it allows me to run, SPAMMING IT, to catch up to sieges and continue to do damage while still moving.

I die at least twice to a horde be paladin named Xiv around Sunken but unfortunately most of that was due to video lag, running into horde before they faded in on my screen.  Oh well.  I get him back later on a few times, as well as another BD paladin named Safety. I blow kisses both times.

They only manage to breach east and we win when the towers go down near the end. Unfortunately for the attackers, low numbers means you either have everyone in a vehicle with no on foot defenders, or you have a few vehicles with defenders, which can still be taken out fairly easily.  You need a sizable force to properly defend a vehicle since you have to shut down people like me willing to suicide just to break it up.


I log in today and start doing the cult quests in Stormwind, then catch a WG battle.  I use the trick I noticed in other battles to take down guns in a spot where they cannot hit me.  We lose however, which is sad because horde was barely putting up any resistance.

I then finish my quests, and the nice thing about doing them late is there is no one around blocking the activity.

and this, this was just my usual poor timing of a screenshot XD  Apparently if you are still wearing the Cultist gear here it gets automatically removed at this point.

I run my fishing daily and make out like a bandit earning a Sealed Vial of Poison for another easy quest turn in, and a Brilliant Stormjewel plus 7 gold. That quest involved going into the sewers and turning in something for 14 gold 80 silver.  Though it would be funny if there was a chance to drop the poison and kill yourself.  Maybe.

I run my cooking daily and collect my carrots in the forest, cook them up with the Chilled Meats and turn it in for spices and my 9g.

I run WG and end up protecting a tower, taking like 3 minutes just to kill a priest, then killed one catapult before a god damn shaman hops out and destroys me.  There is no point, NONE, in trying to kill one with tenacity unless you have 5 other people.  It’s like killing a tank that can heal while nuking. We win this time however.

Later, since I have nothing else to do, I run some BGs and get Arathi.  We lose though I learn that rogues can sap me even with Ice Barrier up.  That seems wrong, I mean, I though the damage would knock them out of stealth but it doesn’t appear to.  Before and after this I chatter idly in guild wondering if the crabby mage will strike up a conversation but they do not.

I run Isle of Conquest and hang out protecting the Glaive against a few horde and fondly give them a /pat.  I like the glaive vehicles quite a bit. We win that one.

I couldn’t manage to get the weekly on either char this week so I guess I’ll just have to skip it this time.  This char has maxed out JP anyway.  I am seriously considering a name change on this character however, since too many other people have names starting with Silver.

Horseman’s Mount

I feel lucky today and!

I am! Woo!

Then I join another For the Alliance raid led by Holyprophet and HOPE to kill the Horde leaders this time.  We kill Sylvanas, Thrall, Cairne Bloodhoof, and Lor’themar Theron with little problems and I didn’t die once.  Rayzo is with me too.

Only after Thrall he ends up dying and doesn’t get a summon before Undercity, gets understandably upset and logs off.

I get my letter from King Varian and my black war bear! Boosh! Cuddly!

Internal Bag Error

Today I spent time mining, in between a few WG battles which we won. It is getting more balanced now however, with more Horde joining against what seems like an equal amount of alliance and ends up with a lot of close calls. Much more exciting. I target and knock down at least 3 Blood elf paladins, tosses kisses when I can manage it XD I fish in WG for about an hour also to get the fish needed for the feasts.

I also head to Moa’ki Harbor area and fish up 3 stacks of Dragonfin Angelfish and spam them on the AH. I should have sold them in stacks but I wasn’t thinking straight. I am unable to buy Northern Spices from the vendor because of an “internal bag error”. Apparently everyone is getting that. Maice gives me some so I can make some more Fish Feasts.

Maice also prospects 3 stacks of Titanium Ore I have and I end up with a slew of blue and purple gems, and some Titanium Dusts which I offer him but he says he doesn’t need it. My gold pile could use some work so I put that up on the AH also.