
Not a sentry!

I run the horseman early this morning and get the Mask Task achievement by earning a Flimsy Dwarven Mask.  I do my fishing Daily of Jewel of the Sewers and get 9g, a New Age Painting grey item worth 25g, and a Waterlogged Recipe which can start another quest but I may sell it because I really don’t need the cooking tokens right now.

I then head to the inn in Dalaran and Trick or Treat the innkeeper and get a treat bag which has a Flimsy Female Troll mask.

I head out to go mining again and while I’m in Ice Crown I do the Not a Bug quest. I am very annoyed I cannot right click off that stupid pumpkin head, by the way. Not a Bug you collect Dark Matter from the summoned Voids then go to a dark crystal and summon a new one to spy on the enemy.

Drag and Drop is fun and easy as well, you kill Bitter Initiates for orbs to throw at the Dark Subjugator, which makes them look like a “good” guy,  and then  a Sentry picks them up and flies off, dropping them over the edge to their death.

The That’s Abominable! is even more fun, where you generate a horrible construct of your own …

then sent it into Alliance soldiers that were turned into abominations by Arthas to server as scourge.  Its best abilities are Flatulate, which I generally don’t use but it’s funny, and Burst at the Seams which AOE explodes killing many abominations of alliance dead at once.  I like it a lot. During all this I continue to mine my ore as it comes up, and gather silver and cloth from random mobs. I return to the Skybreaker and turn in my 3 quests for 13g each.

On the way to finish some old quests I have from the same npc, I run my Assault by Ground and Air quests too. I like Assault by Air even if you have to run it a few times just to see the Vyrkul scrambling over roof tops to throw spears at you.

I get bored of mining and return to Dal to smelt my Saronite Ore, then sent it to my priest to convert it with her Alchemy into Titanium bars. I have so much I have to send 2 emails.

Questing in WG

I log in and run my Horseman daily, noting that the priest healer did zero healing the entire fight and just stood there doing nothing.  I sarcastically thank them for nothing.  The rogue nearly died during that.

I then head to the forge and melt all my saronite ore down to bars, as well as the cobalt ore, Eternium Ore, and any other ore besides Titanium that I have.

I pick up the cooking daily which is Sewer Stew and pick carrots in Crystalsong Forest, then grab the fishing daily which is Dangerously Delicious.  Before I head to WG for that I do some mining around Ice Crown to start earning money for higher repair bills.

Along the way I grab and complete the King of the Mountain daily for a nice 13g.

I head back to Dalaran, queuing for WG 10 mins before it starts through the menu as I fly and turn in Sewer Stew for nearly 10g, my cooking award, and a bag of spices.

I go to WG and pick up all my PVP quests. I fish in WG to get my Terrorfish for about 8 minutes, then it tells me WG is full and ports me out.  I am REALLY getting sick of that. I then leave queue, requeue and get in. Go figure.  I only die once, build a siege engine, take down a tower before it gets destroyed, and earn something like 50 honor. I blow kisses to one particular blood elf paladin at least 2 times before he dies XD  We win, and I turn in my quests for 13g times 4 plus 16 honor per. I could have sworn I did VOA already but I check my calendar and I have not.

I do Warding the Warriors and it seems the large versions of the elementals no longer give 2x the armor like they use to.  I continue to fly around gathering ore, then grab the Skybreaker Assault by Ground quest, the one I did before to escort the men up the mountain. 13g richer I pick up Assault by Air daily as well. I have NOT done that one before.  I think it’s a little buggy since I had to do 3 flights, and even not paying attention and doing nothing got me 2 quest items, and firing like crazy got me 1, and another 13g in the bag.

I then head up to the Skybreaker and talk to Thassarian, who has a cool story in the comics, and grab the daily quests Not a Bug, Drag and Drop, and That’s Abominable!

WG is up again and I queue for that.  We nearly lose thanks to no one responding to my inquiries on where the horde vehicles are. There was one on the way east side plugging away for many minutes unnoticed.  I run into my old pain in the butt horde warrior named Deerslayer, the one I fought against once with a DK on my priest for a good 5 minutes straight.  He notices me and charges for a stun but I blink out and he goes down, but not without a decent fight.

Amber Ledge

I log in and grab the fishing daily which is Blood is Thicker. I fly to Amber Ledge in Borean Tundra and hit the lake from there. I like this ledge, btw.

At any rate this quest requires you kill an animal in the Tundra which turns you red,

then you rinse it off in the lake leaving behind a pool of blood in the water, which you then fish in to pull up 5 Bloodtooth  Frenzy fish.

Back in Dalaran someone throws me a Happy Fun Rock, which is one of a number of things you can throw to another friendly player and they can catch it. I turn in my fishing quest, get 7 gold, and some useless stuff I vendor and throw the rock to someone else.  Then I log out, because it’s wicked late.

Fishing dailies

I log in and pick up my fishing daily which is The Ghostfish again (yay!) and the cooking daily is Convention at the Legerdemain which is also my favorite.  I like that one because I can easily cook up the stew and then nab my bottle of wine.

Plus you just have to run across the way to turn it in, to a lounge I’d love to stay in for real. Oddly enough I never noticed this guy was a high elf, maybe he’d like to go upstairs with me, ah ha ha XD  Bar tenders are easy, no?

I get my 9 gold and bag of spices then go to the ghostfish. Reminder, the ghostfish must be eaten within 60 seconds or it vanishes!  I remember to bolt my frostweave cloth to save room in inventory; it takes 5 cloth to make 1 bolt. While I’m out this way I head to WG to do my Bones and Arrows pvp quest.

Why do I look like I’m constantly mid-sigh? Ugh. Those mobs are also a great source of Crystallized Shadow which is another reason why I love WG so much. All the crystallized elements can be found here, as long as you are willing to risk some pvp. I turn that in and get my money and Stone Keeper Shards. I hitch the WG portal back to Dalaran and turn in the fishing quest. My haul is more junk and 10 gold.

I kick myself when flying to the Shadow Vault because I see a Titanium Vein part way there. I fly back, is it still there? YES! WOO!

I grab a few more Saronite veins, one containing a Scarlet Ruby. I get tromped on by an elite getting one node and have to sit and eat my mage food.

I decide to skip the Shadow Vault quests for right now and get the Assault by Ground one from the Skybreaker Squad Leader.

We go through several ambushes before arriving at the village.

I FLY back back to get my award of 13g, I learned my lesson trying to walk back down before and dying to said respawned ambushes.

On my way to join the WG battle I hit another Titanium Vein; this is a lucky day. I get rank 1 and build a catapult, and on my way to FlameWatch Tower, another Titanium Vein! Omg! I hop out, mine it, then set to breaking down the towers.

There are very few Horde on, seems like only a few paladins who have something like 20 stacks of Tenacity and take 10 Alliance just to kill.  We win like usual.

I fly around looking for ore and get another Titanium vein, I am on a roll!  I am up to 2 full stacks (20) of Titanium Ore. Too bad its value has dropped considerably lately, from 300g a stack or more to less than 120.  Then I find another, what a lucky day indeed!

Stoutspectre, who got me in this game originally, links me some items which I control+click on to preview on my character.  NICE

And this is exactly why I fly on a gryphon, for their compact size when trying to land ON a node because there is nowhere else to stand.

I find 2 more Titanium Nodes and then hit WG again with Stout.  We destroy the Horde despite their Tenacity again and have some fun along the way in the chopper!

Although I beg it’s a bad idea to take off gear anywhere in WG 😉 Then I take a break.

Sassy Cat

Ok first off, I want this cat as a pet.


so back to questing, the red dragon I saved is now flying about knocking Twlight Skyterrors out of the sky which I then take out on the ground.


She’s clearly PISSED.  I mean, that much is obvious since she had been chained down in the midst of many other mangled red dragon bodies too.  I also free elementals that turn friendly and attack enemies for me.


I take out some other guys, once forgetting to downgrade them to something I can kill and one steamrolls me in about 2 seconds.


and this, GIANT water elemental starts some quests.


like killing this guy


and helping these dwarves, who yes, were drowned by being hooked to anchors, or in a cage, at the bottom of the lake, to talk.


later on I get to take a roller coaster mine cart ride into some caves.


I’d hate to see another Fantasy Isle, but that might be fun as a regular thing you could do XD