Tag Archive | Tol Barad

Fun with Alliance

Phased into a Tol Barad battle with 5 alliance staring me in the face. Warrior, mage, holy priest, paladin of some sort, rogue. KILLED.  THEM. ALL.  Couldn’t screenshot everything because it lags me, but got close.











Holy Priest


Didn’t get the warrior screenshot,  but killed him at least 3x, got the priest 2x (then she started running) and the paladin 1x, and mage 2x.  Lost, but it was worth it!


Try not to be stupid

Ran into a curious healing shaman in TB today on my hunter, named Kaokao. They said something to the effect of “try not to be stupid” and I said “I try my best not to be”. He said he assumes that most of the WoW population are “retarded”. Annibelle stuck up for me and said “don’t talk to her like she’s an idiot”. He went on to say most people are idiots etc etc. I explained I’ve been doing TB since it came out and I know how it works. We went back and forth a bit but it just came down to he think everyone is stupid, to which I said “you must make lots of friends” and he said “who needs wow friends?”. “Not you apparently” I said.

He was in Westfall Buddies which I think is a pvp guild.

The whole guild up and Quit

The Wicked Avengers, I’m pretty sure is dead. No one is logging in any more and I haven’t seen Oromis in weeks except in Diablo.

I ran a TB with Sealgear and Ladiesman and ran into a paladin named Trance and a DK named Excidium, I think it was, who TROUNCED ME GOOD. I was pretty shocked! Had pretty much everything locked and interupted and saw massive chunks of health being torn off. Crazy.


Went in Tol Barad today hoping for some horde, but nope had that shaman Mazill show up who I recall being a dick. He queues in with


Incomplete sentences like that phrased as a demand, bother me. So I said

“I hear npcs give quests”

then we get

“but if I leave i cant get the Q so fuck u prick”

Yes, your problem makes it my problem, makes sense.

So I said “Fuck you lazy ass I don’t have it anyway”.

then I got “fuck you” laugh spam, got called pussy a few times and emoted “asks politely to suck him off”.

Reported. I rarely report anyone and I can handle swearing, name calling, laughing, but I’m not dealing with emotes like that.

Also tried the new bg, Deepwind Gorge, didn’t die once, and got a win on the first try. Seems like an interesting map.

What does that even mean?

We think the mage may have left because there was not enough activity in the guild for him. I’ve seen this not that long ago actually. Another person joined, asked for dungeons once or twice, then left under a week later. And it’s always at like, 11am, when most people are not playing. Some people expect a guild to provide constant activity, and I’ve been in several guilds since I’ve been playing and that’s never been the case. Esp if you are like “hey lets raid but not LFR!” that’s going to be rough.

Another pattern I’ve seen lately is when a person says something, and another refutes the action, the first person replies with “…”. What does that even mean? For example in TB today

rogue: Go to a base and hide
me: Well if you stealth it won’t cap
rogue: I didn’t mean that I mean, stay hidden out of view.
me: Why? if they see what appears to be an empty base, they would stop and try to take it. When the bar doesn’t move it’s obvious someone is there. Attackers don’t approach an empty base they don’t have and LEAVE because they can’t see you.
rogue: …

Warbomb was fond of doing that when his suggestions weren’t met with cries of “sir YES sir!”