Tag Archive | Mage

I know a loss when I see it

Tried to get CP cap last night in random bgs but went 0/5 and gave up.

Then this morning did 0/2 on the mage then 0/1 on the priest finally got 1 win at Gilneas.

Half of these I just rage quit, there was just no point. When you see horde take the yellow gate within 1 min, it’s a loss, when you see the horde flag returned to their base and absolutely no alliance are in range to get it back with their full team escorting their fc it’s a loss, when they have 2 in gilneas and your team is split up all over the map, it’s a loss. I lose a lot, it’s easy to predict.

Case in point got into a SotA and horde took it in about 1.5 minutes, so just stood on the boat and waited to lose. Basically 5 demos rolled through all the gates, completely unmolested. Then won a TP where we destroyed them, so 1/2 there.

Janusz is quitting

Janusz told me the other day that he was quitting until MoP.  I had already transferred my shaman back, but it’s not like I played with either person I transferred over to play with in the 3 months I was there anyway. At least we could have real id dungeoned or bg’d though.

Anyway, sigh.  People I know that pvp, never stay around.

Did my grinch run


and occasionally I run into people with cool transmogs like a person dual wielding Zin’rokh Destroyer of Worlds.  Or maybe it’s just normally two swords I dunno. Either way it was cool.

I go to Ironforge and play with my little ragdoll presents.


This is unrelated to my mage, but my shaman got a white polar bear mount from an exotic satchel, once again proving she’s the luckiest char I have right now.


I did a bunch of mining now that my JCer is back, and this is just so pretty to look at, especially in motion, in Deepholm.


Ran into Tierael, who I made friends with sometime back in Wrath, still in his old wrath gear, and helped him get that snowman achievement in Dalaran.


He seemed to remember me but said he doesn’t have time to play with work and stuff, and is still level 81 and in 265’s so has a lot of catching up to do.


Giving the Finger

Ran the first 4 bosses in LFR on my mage and won Finger of Zon’ozz.  It’s a minor, minor upgrade, and I was going to give it to the next highest rolls but the priest who was second highest left, and I’m just not being nice to another mage I’m sorry.  Well, that and they all had the same wand as me already, so f’em. Lost rolls on my tier shoulders, legs, and helm. BH dropped no cloth at all.


Ran first 4 on my shaman, who I transferred back to Whisperwind today, and she won nothing in BH nor FLR.

Ran the last 4 with Relentless and got no loot, but 3 of the bosses dropped nothing for mages anyway. Siiigh.