Tag Archive | Tol Barad


So Sealan told me the other day that Dirtydk renamed to Sanitary and DKmohawk (Frostrated/Restosham) is now Juntoko.

I duo’d the old icc 5 mans with Sealan the other day too, I miss those.  People say that it’s “faceroll” but they have to remember the severe upgrade from wrath gear to just quest cata greens, much less raid gear.


Been running into Divinefaith and Kmasmdgtfo (his cousin he says) in WG lately too.  Oh and I have Aitan/Fratricide on real id now.  The game really needs a note screen to post how you came to have someone on realid.  I know it’s supposed to only be for “real people you see IRL all the time” but let’s be serious.  I don’t know THAT many people IRL that play and I often want to talk to people on the opposite faction or across their many many alts.  Speaking of which I’ve gotten Peejay on my realid for like the 400005th time.

This was  a funny raid chat in TB too, they were saying something about horde not putting up a good fight which started with the line about Fratricide (him being good I’m assuming) then I had to laugh about the bounty on Ladiesman.


I had told him some weeks back, that I’d put a giant bounty for him, but he said then we couldn’t stand around together flagged in TB and make the alliance stop to stare, then run off without doing anything.  Big babies, I’d heal them if they started a fight.  Oh well.

That “Soulprince” type

The Subzero pally I met on my mage seems to totally fit that “Soulprince” category I have mentioned before. There’s never a “hi how are you?” or anything just “hey we need a healer for Gruuls lair, Naxx, Hor, CoS, PoS etc”. The last two times I said no but occasionally we have sort of silly conversations like

him: wanna heal naxx?

me: no

him: we’re full just need healers

me: no

him: oops lol just filled sorry

Um, yeah I said no, I didn’t want to go anyway.

Been adding friends to my list left and right lately thanks to pvp in WG/TB. Picked up Iocane who was a rogue who helped kill a horde being irritating on our docks, Misery another rogue who also has a paladin (Damnesia/Crucifixion) they pvp a lot with, and a priest whose name escapes me at the moment (edit: Sassyhooves). If I remember right both Iocane and the priest are both female too.

In TB I’ve been following around Cann from VoW because he seems really good at the fire mage pvp. Plus once I came running to his rescue after a battle, after mind visioning where he was and caught him just before a death. Oddly enough depending on who is at TB, I don’t always get a warm reception. We had one today where there were around 5 horde at Slags for a good 8 minutes and other than a DK running in once in a while, no one ever came to help. We had 0/3 bases with 2 minutes left, and no one was at slags nor WV. I said “we’re going to lose like this” and got the usualy stupid “if you think that way why are you here?” (obviously I’m trying to make us win, duh) and “don’t be a negative nancy”.

There is nothing negative about looking at a map and determining we probably don’t have what it takes to win it. Especially when no one is moving out of ICG and still aren’t taking it. I was told I should leave the raid, I was like seriously? Two people confirmed it so I left (Marvel and Mysterea). Was kind of amusing.

9 minutes later or so they did end up taking it, but geez.

Behind the boat house…

Did a few WG/TBs today, the Ezmerralda DK has a mage named Katyah I found out.

Anyway ran into Ladiesman at one of the TBs last night, he ran into a ton of alliance at the end at the bridge, lept off the side and I went after him, only to get schooled into next year, down to 1% health and sapped.  Well, the water did not help my movement either.

Then did our usual practice battles a bit


I think when I’m out of CDs he’s out of things to bring me down fast, and it’s just an endless stalemate.  But he’s tricky! Oh yes.


Then after we lost WG went and hid in a little room looking at Fratricide on that rare mount.



Been hammering TB/WG lately, and made friends with a DK named Ezmerralda who has been showing up to both, and seems to know how to pvp and such.

I wish you could add notes to friend list names to remind you, outside of something like this, where you met someone though.  I sometimes pick up friends several in a week and… I don’t always remember their history.

Anyway, how popular have I been in TB latey? VERY.  I’m nowhere near a base here.


I was leaving ICG trying to get to Slags, but yeah didn’t make it obviously.

7k Bounty on Me

As mentioned in http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/5150759425]this thread I have a bounty on me thanks to Ladiesman.  This was because I was lamenting that no one gives me the “special attention” in TB that he does, that and I did http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMnWNrzVVf0&list=UU2j6WlAq0Ydt-YlqD0bAp5g&index=5&feature=plcp]a video basically mocking no one making even the slightest effort to CC me.

So in an attempt to make my pvp more lively I have this bounty.  Only Fratricide killed me in WG after I had to run from him and 2 other players, so he got that already.  There is still a 2k one on me from Sage  but I don’t know if anyone claimed that.

The rogues that do show up in TB lately are completely unimpressive.

Anyway ran a bunch of dungeons with that Saintly paladin, and we tried a few terrible LFRs with him.  Seems like a nice guy, not at all demanding or pushy like that Subzero guy.