Tag Archive | Dragon Soul

My interface is hosed

Got asked to raid by Nilvana tonight on the main and only raid team left in A9n.  Wasn’t really prepared and my dps was not very good.  Won Finger of Zon’ozz normal to replace the LFR one I had.  I had a number of problems I need to fix, my hit was a 13% instead of 17, and my interface was literally barfing words and numbers all over so bad I was having trouble functioning.  My dbm needs to be rearranged something fierce.


We all got knocked off the boat here, first time I’ve seen it like this.

And I got blown off by Deathwing Spine when I didn’t go to the left fast enough.  Besides doing LFR the only normal fights I’ve done have only been up to the 3rd boss so yeah, my bad. Didn’t know all the normal mechanics. Still, I miss raiding with a group that is good.  We stopped at Madness when the dps wasn’t high enough.

I’ve since then fixed my hit and de-cluttered the disaster that was my screen.

Just Terrible

Tried 3’s with Acks and his friend, but it went, fucking, terrible. TERRIBLE. We only won 2, because the other team logged in 1 person, and 2, respectively. Then I took an extra loss when they were dicking around fighting each other and left me to phase in by myself. Lost a few more, than the rogue inconceivably LEFT arena before it started to do god knows what leaving Acks and I to take another loss. Took another loss, and got an invite from Meanbaby for a raid and I told them guys I’m out. Without those two easy matches it would have been 7 straight losses, that’s just stupid shit at like, 200 rating. If they weren’t stupid fing losses I wouldn’t have been very upset but it was those 2 stupid losses plus Acks saying he had like, 200 resil.

This group, siiiigh. Facepalm. Three healers, three priests, 2 disc 1 holy. How does this keep happening? Lost the roll on the healing neck on the first boss (again), then won a roll on a mail healing belt boe, Belt of Ghostly Graces. For my SHAMAN. Hilarious, seriously, she’s gotten most of the loot so far one way or another.

We got the first boss down then spent the rest of the night failing on the bouncy ball guy. I brought in my shaman near the end for Hero, since we had a single attempt get to 1.5%, but every try after that barely got to 3rd phase. I really hate that fight.

Giving the Finger

Ran the first 4 bosses in LFR on my mage and won Finger of Zon’ozz.  It’s a minor, minor upgrade, and I was going to give it to the next highest rolls but the priest who was second highest left, and I’m just not being nice to another mage I’m sorry.  Well, that and they all had the same wand as me already, so f’em. Lost rolls on my tier shoulders, legs, and helm. BH dropped no cloth at all.


Ran first 4 on my shaman, who I transferred back to Whisperwind today, and she won nothing in BH nor FLR.

Ran the last 4 with Relentless and got no loot, but 3 of the bosses dropped nothing for mages anyway. Siiigh.

Drops nerfed

I’ve read/heard there’s been a lot of unhappiness with the Cataclysm update, on various sides of the coin.  Casual raiders were not happy with the Firelands raids saying it was too hard.  I rather enjoyed them.  Hard core raiders were upset when it was nerfed and quit over it because they weren’t as hard. etc

I really had no problem with the difficulty of ICC, Bot/Bwd, or Firelands. What is kind of getting my goat lately is progress on gear, particularly tailored items. When cata first came out you could buy the epic pants/belt patterns with a bunch of embersilk or dreamcloth. You could make steady self-made progress on those.

Then Firelands rolls around and the patterns are drops from the FL raid trash ONLY.  Did I ever see those drop? No. Did I ever get a pattern? No.  I bought the spirit boots rec from the AH once and flipped it for profit expecting more to show up, but then the drops were nerfed into nonexistence and I literally never saw that boot pattern again until it didn’t even matter any more. Maybe it’s because I didn’t want to drop 15- 30k on a recipe that would never, EVER recup the costs of itself. But I had no way to get that pattern myself.

Now with Dragon Soul we still have the same crap with patterns, but ALL tier is based on tokens, when previously you could get everything but shoulders and helmet from VP. Now you have to win tokens to get anything, or get lucky in BH. Add to that you cannot prospect epic gems from any ore, those also only come from raids.  I know people asked for gear and such to go back to BC standards which I guess were “fun” to some people, but I personally like being able to make progress to some degree outside of raiding, even though I’ve always raided. The cost of inferno rubies have gone way up too since most people are using those instead of a 2-15k gems from raids.  Anyway my point is, I like being able to make my own, even if slow, progress on a few things myself, and not having to require raids 100% to get every upgrade.