Tag Archive | I Laughed

Or a gnome warlock…

Alrighty first off, THESE robes are a red version of my priests robes, and are easily my favorite, EVER.


Secondly, this was easily the best questing day EVER.  I get my wish, which I’ve mentioned to some people, a few times.  You’ll see.  First I get to kill a bunch of Twilight guys, flanked by a deadly procession that make taking them out really easy.  They have clever quotes as we are tripping along too.


as we move towards Grim Batol we run into the Life Binder.


and she has an amazing little cut scene, but I won’t explain anything that would give it away.


and this is just, wow and OMG


after that part, I get to kill Obsidian Pyrewings by using the mechanic to ride the protodrakes out in Storm Peaks in Northrend, only you must kill them then quickly latch-hook onto another one, or fall off.  You take no falling damage it seems but you end up aggroing crap on the ground most of the time.


I follow a twilight drake to the lair of what they say is the only female dragon capable of continuing the line, and we have to destroy her too.


Another quest has be in charge of another squad of people, this time on gryphons!


A bit after that I get my wish, that I made back when I was in Tanaris and saw Caliph Scorpidsting, I get to be escorted up a mountain by a group of STEALTHED ROGUES! Ha ha, YOU know what I’m talkin’ BOUT.


Then oooh wait for it, I meet Master Mathias Shaw, the leader of SI: 7! Gosh you rogues, grrr.


and this, was just funny.


he helps me take out several semi bosses by stealthing in after I’ve taken a bit of a beating.


and YES you DO get to rescure that poor red dragon I ran into earlier, as part of this chain.


Oh no you didn’t

I picked up on my quests out in Twilight Highlands again, and this cut scene was pretty cool seeing that the monsters detects you are watching, calls you out directly, then slams you out of the scrying orb you are using, and whispers what a punk you are.


once again popping out mirrors to kill this guy


and using a dwarven bazooka thing to kill some flying mounted enemies.


and this, this stuff.  It’s just awesome, really.


Later on you compose a song for Fanny and of course I picked all “bawdy” and “silly”

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Today I busted ass with a vengeance to get to the point I could learn the patterns Dontpuntme needs.  I finished up the entire Deepholm chain, and what an awesome bunch of stuff that was.


A lot of it revolves around solving conflicts with the stone guys that live down here.  Oh and their wicked fat brood mother.


Apparently this one doesn’t need looks nor a personality, as Stout pointed out accurately.

This little guy was just adorable.


and it didn’t come out well in the shot, but at one point you collect bat wings or parts for him, and once you are done he’s seen running around carrying like 10 of them, like 10x the size of himself.  It was quite amusing. Speaking of, lol!


I had a fun little romp with this guy, chasing him all over a cave.  It’s amazing that a quest involves almost as much awareness as some raids, like this one did, chasing after him, avoiding explosions, etc.


and escorting these guys around was cute.


and before I keep saying all this cute stuff, I’d like to point out that lacking anyone to heal when in spirit form on my priest, I spit on horde.  Jan told me that was “classy”.  Well, they deserve it!

Anyway then it went on to an awesome chase on a dragon after another dragon, and fortunately I am ranged so I kept spamming Ice Lance most of the trip.


And this guy, like the lady, had a voice.  Why, hello there, what a fantastic name.


the battle in the temple was flat out EPIC and I managed to snap off a few shots.


After I beat that lady down, again (who btw had a great quote of “I’m not that easy, hon”) I am phased in with Stout and I can see his awesome mount,  jealous.  I R jealous.


I rush through the Twilight Highland beginning quests and I figured Stout would like this shot.


I get to the point I can buy the patterns, and I am thankful Dreamcloth is BoP.  It’s about time tailors were given some control over their patterns and production so that a single tailor can’t ruin sales for most of the server.

I remember people

I can’t recall if it’s come up in this log before, but today I notice that Tierael, who is a paladin I made friends with months ago in WG, is back online playing. We discuss the new content, how gear works, etc and I give him some tips and a port.


I also run into Leonz who gives me a green winter outfit, which I forget to take a photo of, but I will later.  I am trying to convince both paladins to join my newer guild as well.  I haven’t really played with either, so I can’t vouch for them all that much though.

Then at the bank, for some reason, three fat boomkins are blocking an entire side of the bank.  Why I don’t know.


I don’t even know how they got back there.

Hamburger?! Where?!

The other day Dontpuntme helped me level up my tailoring from around 488 to 515.  This may not found like a lot but it was a significant amount of cloth and Volatiles that would have taken me forever to farm, along with everyone else who was helping me, or probably 2k gold. I also traded 100 Elementium with Cinor for around 90 cloth.  I can create my own pvp gear, which is awesome, and a 36 slot herb bag.  Dontpuntme let me keep the bag and 2 of the pvp pieces, which was nice. Of course I did promise like my first 2 weeks of full Dreamcloth making to him as well.

And, I love trade chat, I really do.  I laughed, I couldn’t help it.


I  tried going out to Vashj’ir to farm cloth, and back to Hyjal, but the drop rate is really miserable and I made about 3 bolts (15 cloth) before I gave up in frustration.

I also head back out to Silithus to turn in this quest I’ve been hauling around since I did AQ, the original one,  with Arashikage.


I spent some money on cloth in the AH and nearly have tailoring at max, woo!