Tag Archive | Tol Barad


We ran rbgs last night and I got to go on my mage again.  I got enough points to get my new robe finally.

The last 2 days have been pretty good for alliance pvp oddly enough. I had

Gilneas – Win
Twin Peaks – Win
EotS – Win (4 cap no less)
AV – Win
AB – Win

but we still constantly lose TB.

The last TB, besides stealing horde pally wings constantly, I ran into Shock on his mage.  Two of us chased him out of ICG where he invized and the other person left.  I waited around for it to fall then we 1v1’d on the bridge, with me very narrowly winning. I took this shot just as he died.


We then went to Orgrimmar and killed some horde, at least until 2 dk’s and a healer came out and, we were silly fighting them on their GY and got insta spawned on a little too much XD  Switched to horde to go talk to them but I am honestly not much of a shit-talker in pvp.  I mean, not in the sense of “ha ha u so bad omg loser” but I’ll get riled up when people say stupid stuff about someone not rezzing while in combat, a healer not healing when sapped, or other dumb junk like that.


One of these days a horde paladin is going to come to alliance to tell me to stop stealing wings I’m sure.  I stole this one paladins, Yresa  I think the name was, at least 5x in one battle.  Then they  tried to kill me with a dk and someone else when I was at our guards outside of the bridge, but I blinked back out of the death grip, snared them a bunch of times and another alliance player helped beat them to death.  I blew kisses a few times, poor guy.  At about 24 keybinds I am running out of places to comfortably hit skills though, after taking fire talents to make fireblast useful enough to stick on one.

I never fraps the epic stuff

Ran into Sprta, who has a BE warrior named Qnj, after an awesome TB today. He was at low health so despite Hordesguard and another rogue nearby I rushed into that mess, threw two SW deaths, killed him, then made it back to pull the guards at our camp and didn’t die to either rogue ;) I never turn on fraps when I do epic stuff!! GAH.

Also went on the horde side today to say hello to Sealgaer, a hunter who was trying very hard to kill me and would not have, if I didn’t some how get aggro from fing Problim and die to that.

Gnomes are creepy

So that druid I took a shot of about a month ago standing up on his chopper, Sealan, we’re friends now and I got him invited to A9N.  Before that I have some catching up to do.  First off, this gnome was creepy as fuck


I had an Eye of the Storm battle where someone refused to cap the flag even though it was time so I life gripped them into capping it.  Ass.


Ladiesman got me here at slags and I just stayed dead watching for a while.


Heard a couple of funny statements in general/trade lately, first was

Puckyhuddle: Your fat fck dinosaur is blocking my mailbox of joy.


Crisfabulous: There once was a man from nantucket…
Ruusty: lets just say the rumors about him are highly exaggerated

I ran into the smaller version of that giant blue dragon in town

Bringing more

Had a funny TB the other day where I went from slags, up to the south spire chased by a dk and paladin, down the path,


almost completely OOM the entire time, all the way to WV, where an alliance called out that there was “only 2 at wv” and I laughed and said that I was bringing more with me.


then someone finished this legendary staff and were being impressive in the middle of SW


We ran rbgs last night and won 3 I think, but I lost more rating overall. I hate Gilneas, whoever caps first basically keeps it the entire fight and you may as well just log out.  3 bases for 20 people with each base being only a 10 second ride is dumb.

Mind Control

Ran arena with Karma on his DK and rogue, got 6 wins or so in. Also ran a BH but even with a higher roll did not win the ring I wanted. Bought a Ruthless wand and will probably pick up a ring this time.

Been using MC offensively quite a bit lately, pulling people out of the doors at ICG and trying to walk them into the river. I’d like to keep the horde away from me to avoid that, rather than coming in to pound me. We won 2 today and lost at least 3.

Also picked up a new belt from the vendor near the raid portal for Firelands. There is a nice 391 ring if you are exalted, by from what Vorios said, it will take so long it probably won’t even matter by the time I get it. I miss trash runs because I can’t log in early enough for them and I just don’t feel like farming when I’m. Or if I do, there’s never groups doing it. Oh well. I hate grinding.