Tag Archive | Blackwing Descent


Last night we ran BWD, which Arkwin told us to study up on the heroic fights for Chimaeron, Maloriak and Atramedes, which I did, and it turns out no one could even flip it to heroic.

We had me healing as disc again, Seyfer holy paladin, and a druid who insisted on tank healing. We got up to Nef and tried a few times and got him down to 48%. I was again irritated with the raid when Arkwin, during the trash before Omnotron, told me to stop standing on him even though I don’t recall being near anyone, then when SJ said something to him privately, said aloud in vent that I did the same thing “last week” and that I repeatedly “chased me around” the last raids too. I don’t know if that was supposed to be funny? I take comments about things I may be doing wrong in a raid seriously, and serious comments that are meant to be a joke, are not funny to me. Then inexplicably we invited the bitchy bear tank Ith who asked for an invite so he could have guild repairs. Another joke? I don’t know I don’t like these guys at all.

Shields snipe on charts

Did BWD last night and buzzed through to Nefarian, made a couple of attempts, which were my first real tries, and then called it.

I was asked first if I had a dps spec, which no I do not. So that meant another healer wanted to go. That ticked me off a little to start. I’m disc and holy. I was asked if I could go disc and I said fine. During the Omnotron right I was asked if I went disc and I was probably a little testy when I answered yes because you told me to. Then Seyfer and Arkwin pm’d me saying I was healing a lot better and such. I’m sure it just looked better on the charts; I wasn’t doing any more healing than in holy, and it felt like I was actually doing less. It probably just looked good because I was spamming prayer of healing which ticks off Divine Aegis on several people and makes my numbers jump. I had around 10k healing this time around but let’s be honest, no one was ever dying when I was on holy either, unless it was a mistake of some kind.

I prefer holy in raids because I can renew, CoH on the run, and I like my speedy bubble and guardian spirit. Pain suppression is crap compared to that IMO, and pw barrier is bleh too. I liked it better when it was just a giant PW shield. To cap the night off one of the other guys said something about getting that disc priest they said is so good, so I honestly felt like I’m on the verge of being kicked out of the raid group for someone else.

Raiding in Blues

Ran BWD last night and, I was very lucky. Won Treads of Savage Beatings BoE, won Mantle of Roaring Flames shoulders to replace my heroic blues, and Chimearon finally, finally dropped the Finkle’s Mixer Upper wand. I also got that, so now my blues are all gone.

Drop it in the mail

We did BWD the other night with almost all guild, but it feels like we’re back to when we first started raiding. Multiple wipes per boss, and only got Magmaw, Omnotron, and Maloriak down. I’m tearing through food like crazy again, 1 stack is back to lasting me one night. Maloriak once again did not drop my trinket.

Peejay offered me a Nef kill, which I jokingly replied and said “sure drop it in the mail”. He said he was serious and they were working on that kill right then. Sigh.

Reforging another 3.5% haste seemed to make no difference in my casting speed though, so I may have to look at my enchants.


Last night we did BWD with 4 pugs, two of which ended up joining the guild. I’m not sure if that was because Jan was trying to enforce loot council on half pugs or because they liked us. I’ve said time and time again I really don’t like loot council, I’m ok with rolling MS need, OS need, greed, etc even in a group with the same people. Then you can’t very well get bitchy that someone made a decision you did not like, because a roll is a roll.

We got three bosses down then failed repeatedly on Atramedes. We had two shamans healing so I was tank healing on disc this time but I felt like I had to do quite a bit of raid healing as well. One of the shamans, Fatalty, was being quite the douche during some of the fights by yelling that people needed to get in his range to heal, screaming MOVE MOVE when he was targeted with the flame on Atramedes, etc. Funny how when I heal with Nilv and Almasi, range isn’t a problem, we just all spread out to be in range of everyone.

At one point during the raid that guy casually mentioned he was streaming our raids, which he did not ask beforehand if it was ok. I record myself playing so, I really didn’t have a problem with it, and his video was not working so he was just streaming vent. However a few people took issue with it and asked him to stop. He took it offline, which I was watching on my second monitor, then brought it back up shortly after. They told him again, to turn it off. He did for a few minutes then turned it back on again. He was told if he didn’t stop he’d be booted from the raid, so he was, and threw a fit asking what the big deal was, he was trying to get his video working, blah blah. Well the point was, you were asked by the RL to stop, and didn’t. He raged in vent before leaving, including a ‘fuck you guys” and such. Class act.

I’m beginning to think that Maloriak will never drop my trinket too.