
Pet Battle Buddies

I parked every character I had capable of flying in Northrend to finally try to get an Unborn Val’kyr pet.  Flew around for hours the other day and couldn’t find one.  I did however run into a horde DK named Hugs-Thrall who promptly pulled out his Valk, to rub it in I suppose.



That turned into a emote-pet parade party where we both pulled out pets back and forth, did a pet battle I lost (I really don’t pet pvp)



and then I sent a btag invite.  They ended up looking for spawn points for  me until I gave up.


Logged in this morning, and caught TWO active valk’s being captured.  Ugh.  Crux invited me to his BR server which doesn’t CRZ with anything, and I finally caught one out in Dragonblight.




About flipping time.


Pet Battles

Ugh some of these pet trainers.  I tried looking up guides on wowhead, but those are bogus for a few reasons.  The main problem is people using rare pets most people don’t even have. Baby Blizzard Bear or a Netherwing strategy? DIAF I don’t have those.   Or strats that work if you have flawless RNG that happened to go your way.

Cymre Brightblade, all her pets can heal to full.  The first one is undead but dies and comes back to life full.  The lantern has Wish (a huge heal), and the last one just heals to full for no damn reason.  I’m not even sure what skill it was.  The Anub Idol could handle that fine blocking Rot, but it took ages and didn’t pan out for the rest of the fights.

I used a Bandicoon, Pandaren Dragonling, and  a Phoenix Hatchling.  I probably wouldn’t have needed the last pet at all if I had taking the lightning attack on my dragonling instead of the bomb run.


Ninja Onions Spoil Things

Beyond this picture, you’ve been warned.  I feel silly saying “spoiler” here but someone spoiled it for me and I wasn’t happy.



So yeah, kicked in the feels right about here.


Yes, we have Admiral Taylor.  Sniff.  Awww.  The… the onions, don’t look at me like that! Waah.



Still not clear on how you can have a ghost for a follower, but ok!



Then later on, come on dude.  He’s beating a dead, hanging corpse.  It’s those little details, you know?


And the new pet masters can be rough.  This team made it easy though.




Mo Pets

Camped Karkin on and off today and finally got him. Zarcowie-Hellscream was helping me watch earlier and I helped him tame Kirix.




Shortly after I took this I killed a hunter with better gear than me, with a terrible rogue on my ass, then killed the rogue as a druid showed up.  Then I just left, I’m not that awesome.

Pet Taming

I’ve been going to Molten Front a lot looking for Deth’tilac, and found her today.


It’s purple, I decided it’s a she ok?


So pretty!

She had some 77 mill health so it took some doing.  I also tamed Ban’thalos which took a few Disengage fail deaths.  When Seal mentioned a crab pet I had missed out in the same area, I went camping for Karkin.  I’ve never, ever seen a hunter with him.  He wasn’t up but I did manage to die in several spectacular ways though.


I was technically in lava at this point, but could only see it when zoomed in.  Fun.  I forgot as a ghost you can’t land on these little ledges.




So I ‘died’ as a ghost over and over until I managed to nab my body again.

And after we took Tol Barad from a bunch of undergeared Alliance, Seal and I scattered their guards to the wind.

