
Poor PW Shield

Thanks to the Chemical Crown Valentines Event, I’ve been playing all my healers hoping to get that DAMN LOVE ROCKET that I haven’t seen in 8 years.  UGH.

Anyway I noticed that the Mistweaver’s spell have been upgraded and are beautiful now!  That being said, I miss the old rotation, I really liked the flow.  Soothing mist, which made surging instant cast, 3 of those and you had enough chi to pop uh, that other spell that made your other heals get stronger, then more surging.  Renewing mist to sprinkle over your team then Uplift to boost it into another heal.  It was so calming to heal with MW.  I haven’t learned the current model well enough but it looks like they swept soothing into the casted spell which channels automatically and uplift is now vivify? Not sure.

Anyway the LOOK of the spells is what got me.  Here is a mistweaver:


It’s harder to tell when it’s not in motion, but it’s these curving tendrils of sparkly green power that spins and glitters as you channel.  It’s so pretty!  It use to be a hazy beam of straight green.

The other healers are the same, as far as I can tell, but paladins already had a flash of light on the target with a very satisfying sound effect, shamans have the water dump and splash of Riptide with other water noises from casting.

But, PW shield for priests is still boring.  I noticed mages get a very decent shield upgrade




with a similar one for fire (and frost I assume)


but PW shield is still the boring old faint halo of almost nothing.  We were told we couldn’t have divine aegis bubbles because it was ‘too busy’ but I don’t think that’s a reason now, what with DK’s summoning FROST WYRMS and paths of frost, mages casting METEORS and massive ice attacks, and demon hunters turning into basically the Lineage 2 kamael transform.  There’s no reason it still needs to look like a dragons butthole.



Holystab, 5 years later

I randomly logged onto my horde priest today for some reason.  No one I remember from horde is really on these days, I haven’t heard from Seagaer in probably 4-5 years, Ladiesman in 4, Fratricide in probably just as long, etc.

But then Holystab not only messages me, but remembers me.  I found him exceedingly obnoxious back in 2012 but 5 years is  a long time.  I consented to trade battletags (but not real id) and we’ll see if he has grown up or not.

Last week we’ve been doing AV but it’s been next to impossible to get the same queue with everyone, and I think I’ve lost 90% or more of my games.  Losing isn’t so bad, but I don’t need to group up, repeatedly drop queue and requeue for 30 minutes, wait 10 mins to get into queue only to end up with 2-4 other people and lose.  I can lose much faster by myself since we’re basically playing alone anyway.

The other problem of course is we’re not all strat callers.  Miz does it, Zek, Krienn, maybe Dooker.  I don’t.  So when it’s my group with Bobos (who often doesn’t join vent) and Xerk, vent is absolutely silent and I don’t care for that.  If I do say what I’m doing it’s met with silence which is uncomfortable.

Additionally splitting groups is annoying because others feel left out.  Oh you won your game, cool well, the 3 of us are getting destroyed so, that’s fun.  The same thing happens when people break off to do mythics, that’s only 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 dps.  Certain people seem to be the favorites who end up getting picked first as well.

I know we’re trying hard to include everyone though but it’s looking like it might no longer be doable in AV.

The Free for All Zones

There are a few zones in Legion where everyone can hit everyone else.  Most of the time it’s a mess with dps hitting me for half of my life before I can even blink, or a shadow priest destroying everyone in 2 seconds.  One caught me in a mind bomb thing, and a silence, and I wasn’t able to do a single thing before I died.  That was fun.

I did ok this last one though, I nearly killed this rogue and would have if I didn’t mess up a penance


I killed this guy



and this priest



also took out a warrior but didn’t screenshot it.  I also ran into Cassio and caught him in a Mind Control, but he’s prickly about that and life grips, as I remember.  I didn’t attack him.  Free for all zones aren’t for me.  I don’t like starting crap with people.   Disc is also rather weak in zones like this where dps can tear you apart even through pain sup.  The Darkbrul area is REALLY bad for this.  Fuck that zone, seriously.



Nightfallen down…

and just, sigh.  Several more to go.


You know, the class hall armor was a good idea.  First it’s a copy of the Challenge Mode Gold stuff from MoP that I didn’t get because of multiple reasons previously discussed.  But mostly because I didn’t try hard enough.  It was also somewhat cheap gear.  The only problem of course, is that I outleveled most of it quickly or was beyond it before I even got access to the stuff.  Not sure why that was.  Gear is a little weird these days.  Back in Cata you’d get dungeon blues from the vendors and rep, maybe an epic here or there from the big rep grinds.  But you raided in blues and replaced that stuff with epics in your raids.

Then LFR happened with Dragon Soul and it was ok, get your LFR welfare epics while also doing normal or above raiding and skip the blue stuff altogether.  That was kind of sad.

Of course every expansion after that, you’d be wearing raid gear, new expansion happened, and you were replacing that junk with greens fairly quickly.  I think the only exception was Draenor where I think my previous stuff lasted a few levels first.

Oh well.  We did some raiding with Stormpike but now we’re  back to just AV.  Figures, since I dropped like 70k on a trinket to riad.