Also killed Dyvercent-Ysera who I swear I’ve killed before, who STILL hasn’t gotten to 100.
I’ve become a rager
I’m afraid battlegrounds have been so bad I’ve become a rager.
No carts capped in SSM, and we’re being GY camped. Rage quit.
Horde gets 4 bases at the start of AB and I’m the only one that came back to Stables? Rage quit.
Horde has 6 people on D with the EFC and only 2 of us on O, and our FC still dies? Rage quit.
Watch all three carts end up red the entire trip in SSM? Yep. I’m out.
A Special Kind of Willful Stupid
I knew this set looked familiar
Fingernails on a chalkboard
I’d like to think, that other than ranting and raving here, I’m pretty calm in game. I don’t throw things or scream or whatever. But man. When someone pulls an Ironclaw/Cinor/Frostrated I see red so fast my head spins.
Someone named Danish in my new guild was forming a group for Ashran, I left mine and joined them. Only… one person was doing arena. One was in a bg. Uh, looks like we’re not ready.
He says to queue as merc, so I do. None of the party is in there, and about 60 seconds later Danish decides to leave and starts forming up for battlegrounds.
Red. RED.
I’ll run losing bgs/pvp with people for a decent amount of time, but holy fuck if you rage quit on me, we’re going to have problems.