
You know how tanks are always dying

Last night we attempted Heroic Stone Guard. I’m not quite sure we’re ready for heroics yet. We were losing people early on the first few attempts, so at Angey’s prompting I suggested we have healer assignments. Plus I noticed that I was outhealing both Tree and Dor, while ending the encounter at 70-90% mp and they were totally OOM. I said I would take Nilvana and Dor would take Silly, and Tree would raid heal.

From then on, Silly was generally the first to die, every attempt afterwards. I haven’t pally healed in a while, but I don’t think it’s changed all that much. His top 3 heals varied pull to pull and Holy Light was often the #2 heal. Unless I have it wrong, that would be like me using Heal, which I never do. Ever, seriously it’s not even on my bars any more. If I need a ‘heal’ I smite. There was also a lot of LoDing going on which struck me as odd for tank healing on a spread fight. Was the range mad boosted from Cata? I dunno.

It was more apparent this wasn’t going to fly when Dor was saying things like “I need to work in another CD”. Wut? You mean you weren’t using one? Holy pallies, as I recall, are kind of boss with their ‘hand’ CDs. We ended up switching tank healing and I got Silly, who I only lost once when he hit one of the traps and exploded, or when it was a full wipe.

We gave up on that and did it normal, then had a wipe on Garajal when no one went in to heal one totem and the adds got out of control. Last week when I had asked what Dor uses for raid healing, he said it was “Smart Debuff” which as far as I could tell looks and works like Decursive. I had said I use Vuhdo and it shows me who has the voodoo dolls, to the point that neither of us need to call out who has it, because it should be apparent. But alas I still have to call it out because he can’t see it I guess.

Another thing that confuses me, our hunter, Hotbrass. In vent the things he says makes him sound like a hard core elite raider, but then he dies A LOT to normal mechanics. I can’t quite reconcile the talk to the play.

Anyway hm we wiped on Elegon at least once too for dumb reasons and ended it at that point. I think we should stick to regulars for a while.

Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth

Hm let’s see.  So we cleared up to the wind lord last night though our kill of the Vizier was pretty bad.  I think it was down to me, Silly, Duriel, and Onenight on the actual kill.  I still don’t really understand the way we do loot.  I went to the bottom last week after Elegon for winning the mace, contested.  Since then we’ve done 7 bosses, people have gotten loot, but I remain at the bottom.  That seems wrong.

Anyway last night we wiped on the wind lord for 3 straight hours.  The last phase is where people drop like flies, and one attempt I think we were at 3%.  I have no idea how the guides say you can 2 heal that.  So much damage.  I think I died on tornados twice, once when I wasn’t really watching my health and did not get grabbed by one, and another time I was well past one and still got grabbed.  Ugh that fight. UGH.

Also yesterday when we won WG it was suggested by Crucifixion that we got VOA and I was like sure why not.  Why not indeed.


Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth.



On our Tues/Wed run, Khaoticmage did not show up and hasn’t been around since last week raid, so he’s off the group. Which is lovely when I kicked up such a bit about Spice being an ass about him and him saying things like “I want to make you look good”. Ugh.

In the last few weeks we’ve swapped out Iocane, Stoutspectre, and Khaotic for that slippery last dps spot.

We did ok this last run but tried the first boss in HoF over and over, and the Attenuate the boss does threw me for a loop repeatedly so badly I cursed in vent several times. Being holy and having glowies under my feet when he’s throwing out tons of glowing circles was annoying, and if I threw down Sanctuary, forget it. There were times I was POSITIVE I wasn’t touching a single ball thing and I die and another time I know I hit a few and didn’t take any damage. I was pissed.

Since then I’ve gone back to disc. I just feel awkward as holy even though I can play it and I much prefer disc. PVE is pretty good now but PVP is still bad. We go oom healing like I always have in like 30 seconds. Not sure what they are gonna do about that.

Fail Bags

My luck has been poor on loot lately, I think I need to be paired with a rogue again. I got the mooncloth pvp gloves from the Sha three times now, the LFR healing head piece twice and nothing else but gold and a sigil or two.

Nothing dropped for me last night either. Anyway those bags of gold just are oooh so taunting.


We got the first three bosses down in MV the last two days but wiped a lot on Elegon. The fight is a pain and much much harder than the first three. I almost want to go back to disc for that fight.

On the spiritbinder guy, sigh. I really … yeah. I don’t exactly mind when people suggest alternate ways to do a fight, but it seems Dor likes to suggest things that center on ignoring important mechanics. On Garajal it’s necessary for the healers to take turns going into the totem, both to heal up the dps in there so they can get back out (they can’t unless they are healed up) and to get a massive spirit regen for the healer. You cannot go in if you have the voodoo doll on you though.

My Vuhdo frames show me who has the doll so if I see he has it, I just go to the totem, I don’t need to be told. I don’t know what interface he is using but he suggested that every time a totem is out we both stand in it because whoever is dolled can’t go in anyway. The problem with that though, is the one time it was my turn to go in, he also ran in, and got pulled in. He was pulled in 3x in a row so I was outside the entire time doing all that healing and was nearly OOM at the end. This is why we have to take turns and not just ignored mechanics because someone has a problem with taking turns. I mentioned this at the end too. We had a similar thing happen back on heroic Hagara.

Ran a random and got Scholo after the raid with a full group trying to get Khaotic a better weapon, since he was still using a 450. On the plus side though, Price of Progress dropped and I got it.

In other news Relentless won’t be raiding until the end of the month, and apparently Nytok is going to heal them. Scuba mentioned it so I Pm’d him, a little in surprise. He said he was going to raid with them during the week. Interesting.