
Somewhat Bitey

“Baby turtles are sweet, even if they can be somewhat bitey”.  Oh my gosh whoever wrote Mylune’s dialog is brilliant!  And that leads to the quest, Punting Season, where you punt baby turtles back into the water.


and another quest runs you into this guy again


I’ve done about 12 marks of the world tree so far.  I’ve had a lot more time to get misc stuff done since I’m not on a regular raiding schedule any more.


So continuing from yesterday, I had an Ahune group with my priest where we wiped once after still not getting him down on the 3rd phase, then a second attempt where on the 4th he was at 40% and regenning. Left that one, got another and got it.

then picked up again on the Thrall quest where a giant version of him is being beaten up by doubts again.


and this one showed up where he’s wishing he could make peace.  Well, if that happens, who will I get to kill? I mean, someone needs killing.


Then it was off to the earth version of this where I was nice and left the horde alone.  This one you got to travel underground again like another quest out here that I can’t quite recall.



Then we’re off to Firelands where Thrall is on fire and you have to defend Aggra’s totems.  I joined up with two mages and killed a bunch of horde, and nearly died to a warrior, but other alliance helped peel him off me.  I’ve been getting a beat down by warriors quite a bit in fact, ran into THREE in TB that teamed up and killed me, and one persistent, difficult one by the name of Isenguard gave me a real hard time.  Was impressed honestly.



and, we saved Thrall and he proposes to his woman. Aww?  Meh orcs.

Anyway, I know this guy is a blue dragon and all,  but why can’t the human males look this decent, instead of retarded cave men?


Hyjal Quests

Today Firelands hit, and yay, fun!  So first from yesterday I got a 359 ring from a Croc in TB


Yes, screenie and it happened.

Secondly I am glad I did all the Hyjal quests so I could see the new firelands stuff.  I’m still not sure I’m into being friends with Horde like Thrall. I mean ok yeah he’s cool, but if I’m gonna be giggly with anyone it’s gonna be Blood Elves mmmkay?


So some bad assed twilight people show up, and kick Thralls ass or something.  Almost feels like playing one of those guys would be fun.  But if Deathwing destroys the world, then what? Just hanging out on an empty white screen?

After that I was transported by this guy


across Uldum in a tornado, which I thought was rather epic looking


and was dropped at this place where you have to save Thrall, or something.


But I saw something more interesting which was horde, including Zukk and Ukko all flagged.  I tried to throw Ukko off a ledge and ended up helping kill him, , but got killed when he blew me off the edge way into Fatigues-ville.  Came back later and MC’d at least one person off the side and got so preoccupied messing with horde that I haven’t finished that spot yet.  Ladiesman reminded me that TB was on and they were missing me, so I went to that and helped win it.  A new BH raid is out but I didn’t have time to try it.

On the way past the bridge I ran into a horde hunter who I feared, then grabbed with a MC still on his bike, and threw him off the cliff near the bridge.  /flex!  Gosh I never have fraps running for epic junk like that.  I heard there was pvp back at the Hyjal spot so I went back and MC’d an annoying arcane mage off a tree, where they were AB spamming people. Stupid mages.  I died to him and a shaman though since no one else was helping.

Ended up in vent with the team 3 from my old guild took on to discuss some stuff, and they asked me if my mage would like to raid sometimes, I said sure.  I guess the old guild wants to start doing 25m? It’s like uh really? We couldn’t even put together 2 10m teams.  Well, ok.

Like a Fart in the Wind

So, putting a few days together since I’ve been slacking. First a few quests that made me laugh again




Then I ran into Peejay, who apparently also collects npc gear, in Scarlet Crusader (or Onslaught think it’s the same thing) and switched to my mage in her stuff.


But, both Janusz and Leonz call him basically, a elitist, pompous, asshole.  I went in his guilds vent a few times, and he seems ok but I do trust both of their opinions.

Ladiesman is back playing, FINALLY, and we tussle out in TB a bit while I’m trying to quest.  I help an alliance rogue try to kill him but we were unable to.


though most people I’ve run into have said he’s a wuss, a cheater, etc.  It’s just using the rogue skills, to me.

I also ran a BWD with a pug with Almasi and Aster since our guild didn’t do that one, but it was a group that needed all the fights explained again, multiple wipes, and we only got two bosses, and it was clearly first kills for them.  It was nice to get some VP but I really don’t want to start over on these fights repeatedly.


Blizzard, how do I love thee, let me count the ways:


LOL  1




LOL 3, and the fact that Ragamuffins immediately swarm the bodies of the transients you are forced to kill and steal their shoes and stuff, is just precious.


Pure awesome, seriously!  And it doesn’t stop!


Alright back to other things, I didn’t realize you could pick up older pvp gear, and Leonz showed me a variation of my favorite armor, which is similar to what Bolvar wore at the Wrathgate.


I also queued for WG a few times, and one of those times it was just Rexe and I to start with.  Been wondering where Stout has  been during this, too.  Last logon, 25 days ago, and prior to that, a month gap or so? Getting worried TBH.

Back to questing, I feed the homeless out in Westfall, and the “grocery carts” some of them have is a nice touch.


I also get to see Ripsnarl in the stocks around the tower. This lady was bad assed, by the way, and she shoots 2 elite npcs guarding the tower you have to go into soon as they attack you, and whispers things like “boom headshot!”  and “not a chance”.


This reminds me of when this tower was for something else, a rogue quest I believe, when I first started playing.  I came to this tower which was surrounded by very difficult mobs and got myself killed (on my mage).  As I was running around as a ghost, I decided to go up the tower, where two NPCs were having a discussion.  I remember freaking out first, because I had never seen a scripted event in Lineage 2 like this, and because I thought they could see me as a ghost and was expecting to get trapped or something.

Back to Westfall stuff, you find out the lady, Hope, who gave you the stew for the poor people is really Vanessa VanCleef and she ties up everyone and her black guards set fire to the area. She rescues Ripsnarl also.


And, I can’t recall at what point I did it, but you also get to go into the Deadmines instance and view lower level versions of the bosses I have fought at 85.  You also get to see a recreation of adventurers killing Edwin VanCleef, only this time his daughter comes out and sees it.  Hm.  Boba Fett anyone?

Had quite the epic battle in TB today as well, I ran a few of them, but this one was a lot of fun and we did well on defense.


Ran arena with Leonz, and this time we had a loss due to a pizza delivery guy, but had some pretty good, long fights that turned into wins.  I did get SMOKED once by a priest who kept me feared, silenced and burned down in mp but overall, was fun and we made good use of our skills.