
Alliance need to be prettier

After the farming on my mage this morning, I go back to the priest and pick up some of my first.  First of course running into Stout in SEXAH FORM!


Back into the water in Vashj’ir I loot some treasures…


get to watch a hilarious cut scene where I put this awful squid thing on my head…


drain the life out of more Faceless creeps…


head back to Stormwind and get sprinkled with snow…


and get to meet Anduin, the King of Stormwinds now more grown up son.


I am impressed with his mechanics because he mounts up when you mount up, and gets on a flying mount when you fly.  This eliminates the hilarious pathing NPCs would do by climbing over impossible to climb areas like mountains just because they were chain AFing you.

Anyway to head to the docks and grill some dockworkers for information about the cult, and I LOVE that my casting bar literally says “Grilling”


We follow a trail of gruesome cow parts to an altar where a fight insues, and I get beat half to death so I didn’t manage to screenshot any of it.  But here I learn that the prince is part priest because he can cast Power Word Shield on himself. We head back to S7 and scout some stuff and then he hearthed out.


Deep in the Cathedral I have to fight this jerk, who vanishes and teleports around the room and reappears, throwing spells at me including Penance.  Jerk, those are mine!


then we unmark Major Samuelson who draws a dagger and tries to kill the King.


then after a beat down by the guards transforms..


into a Faceless looking thing.


That was cool wish I had been frapsing it.  Anyway after we killed that guy I get a trip on an airplane thing and end up passing out when it takes off FAST.


at the Twilight Highlands I get to kill Horde, but my holy spells aren’t doing so well and I get my ass kicked quite a bit.  Thanks to something I’ll rant about later, my survivability with my heals isn’t as good either. I spent some time after my 10 horde deaths farming herbs and get my Alchemy up to about 215.  I break down and buy overpriced gems on the AH to get it a few points higher by transmuting some gems.  Apparently the new transmutes have no cool down, but my wrath ones had a daily cool down just a few weeks ago? Ok?

Also even though I have spec’d into Flask making, not a single flask I made yesterday or today has proc’d, leaving me making one per attempt.  What’s up with that? Lame.

At night I run Vortex Pinnacle with a group new to the area and the run takes forever.  Even though I specifically tell everyone to stand in the triangle the boss makes, the hunter ignores everyone standing together, and doesn’t move during the storm one bit, and dies.  I get a new pair of pants here, which I enchant with the Ghost spellthread I was able to make thanks to Stout sending me all that Volatile Water on my mage.

After that I got a dungeon in progress with what else, Stonecore.  The DK dies during that stone boss by repeatedly taking massive damage by not… moving, out, or whatever melee are supposed to do there.  We also fail on the last boss, even though the paladin said to keep the adds off me, needless to say no one did and they beat me to death.  The paladin had a pretty name though, Sunwalk from Malfurion.  The tank says he has to leave and a dps goes with him.  I requeue and we get the boss down.  This one actually pulled the mobs off me though.  The Red Winter Hat drops but I did not win it. Ah well.

Rogues, what can you do?

I figured I may as well level the mage a LITTLE bit, so I head out to Hyjal just to look around but get hooked into several quests right away.

I kill some cultists, fire elementals, nearly get destroyed by a level 83 elite in a forest, etc.  I end up taking this night elf captive, and bringing him through the emerald dream (I believe that’s what the haze is) to a dragon who brings him to a safer place.


A few more quests in I get to ride the Spirit of Goldrinn, which is explained as an animals hunt instrict, also called “Lo’gosh” (which Varian was called by the dirty horde)


I also run into this fellow, who turns out to be a rogue.  Only a rogue, would get himself into such a situation XD


Of course he stealths and tells me to fight the ogres and he will not, and just follow me.  Well, I always did say I wanted to be flanked by a stealthed rogue but that was more about my protection than providing theirs.  What can you do?


The cave I was in at that point kept spawning Obsidium on a somewhat regular basis, and I got at least 4 nodes in there.  They are not nice nodes like Saronite was though, you normally get nothing but ore and only 2-3 at a time.  Sometimes you’ll get Volatile Earth but rarely.

As I was out questing I picked up a total of 3 stacks of this ore, but had to break out many of my old tricks to get it.  Such as, going invisible to get past aggro and mining, blinking and running like hell, or popping mirrors which focuses the mobs aggro, going invisible to drop my aggro, then mining and running like hell.  People were getting nodes almost as soon as they spawned, so flying around looking for it didn’t work as well as just questing in an area and being close to it when it spawns.

I also fly to Uldum and pick up nearly a stack of Elementium and yes again, you must pick it up nearly soon as it spawns or someone else will get it.  In fact if you just stand there after you mine something, you’ll have 2-3 people drop on you shortly after. It’s just as bad as herbing.

I hit 81, and get access to the new fire orb spell.  I may switch my arcane spec, which is still boring, to fire I think.

The AH

Since I spent most of the day farming on my mage, I didn’t hit 84 as planned, though I ended up with 2 bars to go.

I queued for a dungeon and yet again got an in progress Stonecore, which we finished fine, then we queue again and got Stonecore because that was the only one available to the group. We did a full clear and the tank didn’t want to do it again so it broke up.

I did a few more quests in Vashj’ir but it looks like I won’t ding tonight, so I check out the AH, and it looks like buying items to transmute would not be worthwhile. Transmute: Dream Emerald takes Stormvine, how much I can’t tell because the numbers are scrolled off, and 3 Jasper. Dream Emeralds are selling for 50-70g and the Jasper is selling for 90g per and I’d need three. So roughly 270g to make a gem worth 50. Hm. The Mythical Healing Potions are going for 70g per so I dump the 19 I have on the AH. I haven’t sold anything I’ve gathered yet for Cata but I need to start to cover some of my expenses and repairs. Then I log for the night.


Today was a bit of a busy day.  First I went out to Deepholm and meant to herb but ended up picking up some good quests.  I did the one where I put down a totem that helped me zap mobs


then went to the Alliance airship where everyone was killed by cultists that have infiltrated the area.


then I got to drag an unwilling ogre over the blades of the airship engines to convince him to talk


yes we do, but we’re still angry!  My favorite text from Stormcaller Mylra was “Doesn’t say a damn thing about dog-ugly ogres” in reference to what her code of contact refers to.


when she reveals she had elementals waiting to catch him should he drop, the ogre freaks out realizing what the Twilight people will do to him, and throws himself into the blades and gets shredded up. Wicked!

Then I get a visit from my rogue friend!


then blow kisses at this guy, who is underwater.. just chilling, I guess?


And see, this herb? Yes it’s floating mid air.  I think only a druid in their cheating flight form would be able to get it.  Herbing is very hard any time of the day right now, basically you either never see an herb, or if you do it’s lagged and vanishes soon as you set down, or it vanishes as you are trying to pick it.  The new flasks and such take upwards of 12 herbs per, so trying to farm has been very difficult.


As I am flying around Twilight Highlands trying to get my Alchemy up, I run into this sad, sad area of chained, and slaughtered red dragons.


I’m too low to do anything about it, yet.  Sadface red dragons!

In the interest of herbs, thanks to Stouts advice I go pick up the scenic quests to get to Uldum. We head out on a caravan.


and we are taken prisoner.


But! I am out here to herb so I don’t do any questing right then and head back to herbing. I find I have to fly low to the ground to have a chance at getting anything.

Later on I get a guild group and run VP, but I’m unable to get into their dungeons at 85, and someone in the party is unable to get into any dungeons I have open because they didn’t find the entrances yet or something.  I leave group and queue up for more, and get Stonecore, which is in progress, and their healer once again has ditched them mid mobs.  We finish that no problem, then I queue up for Throne of Tides.

That went ok, other than the paladin getting himself killed twice by standing in green mess.  Twice. I only had to sit and rest/drink once, then the DK started telling me to stop using Greater Heal.  I asked why and he said to only use Heal because it’s cheaper.  Well, yes, but it’s just as slow as Greater Heal and heals for at least 50% less.  And long story short, with hp pools being giant it’s not really efficient to spam cast a 2.3 second heal for 700 mp and heal for 6-10k several times when everyone is taking a lot of damage, all the time.  Yes, I use Heal when no damage is incoming and a non tank class needs a heal.  But a Heal on a tank is like 2% of their hp, it’s not worth it.

In fact the damage in the new dungeons vs heals not being any stronger, makes it so even the strong heals get “eaten up” as I call it.   In other words, a tank takes damage, you throw say, Penance, and their hp stays the same because the damage they took was equal to what you just healed for. I think that needs some adjusting.


Tonight I decide to visit Hyjal and the first thing I see is his epic flaming building.




then ZOMG it’s Ragnaros!!


After all that fun I queue up for dungeons and first get Stonecore, and I’m complimented on my healing for surviving multiple waves of adds that the DK keeps pulling, until they kick him.  Oh and I get called a “he”


After that I do Vortex Pinnacle and we die near the end when someone pulls the boss on top of the sparks, and there is just no outhealing that.  No drops for me this time, and now 30% into 83.  I head back to SW and sort my junk then log out.