Tag Archive | Dungeons

I don’t like it when I can’t get in TB

Last night I ran a regular Stonecore with Pauldie’s warlock, since I still need regular JP for some upgrades. It’s been slow going since I’ve been trying to get other things done too.

I did the warding quest in Deepholm as well, and tried to queue for Tol Barad but didn’t get in. I rarely get in, it’s annoying.

I queued up for a random and get AV, and we get CRUSHED all the way back to our starting point and lose like 540 to 20. UGH.

Grim Batol

Today I logged in and ran Twin Peaks bg and we won, earned 198 honor, and earned two achievements, Drag a Maw and Twin Peaks Perfection. I wait in the Tol Barad queue for about 14 mins and do not get in right away, and rather than wasting time waiting for it I queue up for a normal dungeon.

I get an in progress Grim Batol. They comment after the first boss, on how bad the other healer was.


We do ok until the last boss where half the dps clearly doesn’t know the right and are not getting in the center of the shadow gale thing. We wipe, then the boomkin leaves, which is fine because they are under 5k dps anyway. We get that boss down.

Leonz tells me he wants an invite to the guild so I do so. We then run Tol’vir together. One paladin down, one more to go XD  The DK tank is lagging like hell but Leonz picked up the slack and tanks all the laggy spots, and we finish it even with the tank dead.  Sometime during this I hit Revered with Hyjal so I can go pick up the head enchant

Does Cloth Exist?

I switch my off spec to holy and try to get use to it in some battlegrounds.  Not having shields is difficult to get use to though, it’s just part of my play style so much I’m going to have to really get use to another way.

Pauldie invites me to a guild run of Heroic Lost City of the Tol’vir, and we wipe once on a boss, due to me getting bounced around (I didn’t know the fight) and another time I lost the druid, but we got it down.  Not a single cloth piece drops, which seems to be the theme for this expansion.  I get that achievement though.


We also get guild level 6 during this run.


Oh gosh, I’ve been behind in updates.  I will get the pictures up after I write this all down.

First I have me in showing off my winter gear to Stout!


Then in Tol Barad I am unfortunately surrounded by flagged Horde who are childishly spitting on me and making rude remarks and such.


To stop the abuse I use one of those neat Lifegiving Seeds and turn into a bush, which they cannot target so the spitting stops.  XD


When the battle starts I run around and find Janusz, and I have to account for him running around in stealth a lot by making it not as obvious I’m traveling with someone.


We win that one, but I don’t think it’s quite as fun as WG.  I spent a lot of time in the swamp hogging up all the Whiptail, which I sell on the AH for 400g A STACK.  Of course the next day, the stack prices are greatly reduced, which is the way of the market.  Still I made at like 2k off of that, which is good because I spent a lot of money getting the last 10 points for my mages tailoring.

That night I form up with Stout and Lladin and we attempt to do Heroic Deadmines.   The first tank is a bear that I can barely keep alive spamming the balls out of Greater Heal, Penance and shields.  He drops after the first boss.

The second bear tank gets in, pulls a whole room and there is no outhealing that and we all die.  He says he thought it was regular Deadmines and I “seriously?”‘d that and Lladin made similar unbelieving comments and the tank left.


Then we got a warrior named Onehitdan and I am able to use the stupid efficient Heal quite a bit.  And people need to shut up and stop telling me to use that heal, when I clearly know it won’t work.  I am well versed in estimating incoming damage and speed vs strength/ power, and speed of my own heals from Lineage 2.   If a tank goes from 90% to 70 to 50 in the matter of seconds, I have to use my 2.3 second Greater Heal to heal for 20-30k if Penance is down or if more heals are needed.  A 2.3 seconds 5-10k heal is not going to cut it.  In both cases with the bear tanks I needed spam Gheals just to keep them from dying.  A lower powered heal of the same speed, wouldn’t have worked.  So dps? Be QUIET.

On the third boss we wiped about 3 times, and I wasn’t in the mood so I said I had to go.  I ended up running 2-3 bgs with Jan where we get this compliment.


the thanks in the picture was to me for healing that person when they were almost dead, from atop the ledge in this room.

Leap of Faith

Today was basically not an enjoyable day FOR PVP. I spent most of the afternoon discussing my talents and gear with Janusz, and ran a few bgs where we got destroyed repeatedly. Not a single win.

We messed around with Leap of Faith, which I shall hereby be calling “life grip” and testing at what range you can pull a person around.  You can’t pull them off buildings, or up to buildings anyway.


I then play around with that disguise potion I get, and it seems it will mirror whoever you have targeted and I mirror Rawrn (Nilvana).


Later I get in a Tol Barad and I learn that whoever owns it will always own it, due to how it works, unless you get in at like 3 am where few people are queued and most are afk.  Apparently you need to control and cap for 3 minutes 3 bases and with even player sides that is almost impossible, because one side can just gang up and wipe one area at a time and prevent the attackers from splitting into three and defending against that.

I get into this late but manage to locate Janusz and more or less keep in touch during the battle.


I guess I’m high enough for heroics now and I immediately get a queue from Grim Batol, we wipe on the first boss and they say they are giving up and boot me so I won’t have the deserter buff.  Ok.  Then I get heroic VP and I absolutely cannot keep up with the amount of damage being dished out and taken.  It’s impossible.  We wipe on trash twice, then wipe on the first boss.  The tank, who I can barely keep up throwing everything I got at him (whose fault that is I am not sure) tells me to “heal better”.  I snot back “take less damage”.  We die again on that boss and I say fuck this and leave.

I queue for normal dungeons and run Halls of Origination, we wipe twice but get it done, finally.  That group wasn’t too bad honestly.


I like when this boss puts up the shield, it’s very epic looking and the sound effects are awesome.  It’s very otherworldly sounding.