As I stand in Tol Barad

Tol Barad is now cross-realmed so, there are many players from many servers there.  Of course today it was only Alliance, but still.


I had been talking about this yesterday too, but I’ve made a lot of Horde friends over the years, when I was Alliance.  Other than that one rogue at the Crossroads, and Predator at Halaa, I can’t think of any Alliance friends I made when I was Horde. At any rate, I decided to write a refresher of those people.

Ladiesman, Blood Elf Rogue:  Met in Tol Barad when I played Ocyla, and he relentlessly targeted me and impressed everyone with how slippery he was avoiding death.  We were good friends for around 3 years when, at the end of 2014, he just went dark on game and Skype.

Fratricide, Blood Elf Paladin:  Met in Wintergrasp, as he was going after the 7k bounty Ladiesman put on me.  Ended up joining his guild when I went horde for a time.

Sealgaer, Blood elf hunter:  Met in Tol Barad, I nearly killed him but he misdirected Problim on me and I died.  I was impressed and went over to say “GG”.  Some time later, he remembered me, and we became friends and he joined my guild on Alliance. We still talk on and off.

Kuraha, rogue, can’t recall race: Met when I was world defending the towers out in Hellfire.  I got killed many times against he and his friend but, we had a friendly talk and I ended up joining his guild on Ghostlands as a rogue.

Deterrence/Predator: Human hunter: gave me a ridiculously hard time when I was Horde trying to defend Halaa.  I recall being scatter trapped into an ice trap, and then explosive trapped off the side, to my death in the deceptively shallow water.  That was one of those times where you take your hands off the keyboard and go “well shit”.  We use to do a lot of wpvp together.  We still talk sometimes.

Oltar, horde orc shaman:  Enhancement shaman who liked to cause trouble in Elwynn forest, who was cheeky!  I couldn’t 1v1 him for the life of me.  We did a lot of wpvp in the forest and played some OW, but, he disappeared entirely a while back.  I make a Frostwolf Ghostpup named after him run after me sometimes.

Shaco, undead horde rogue:  Use to cause trouble at the logging camp and I’d fight him on my priest.  I don’t remember him soloing me, but he likes to tell wild tales about how he masters all classes and beats up everyone all the time.  Rather annoying at this point.

Stabbs, horde rogue: We use to fight in Darkshire a lot, I would only win because glitter bombs were kind of OP back then.


Hmm.  All I can think of at the moment.

Mercy’s Rez

Well then.  Mercy has been through a lot of changes but most of which has been with her rez.  She started out where her ult was her rez that worked in an AOE fashion that would rez anyone near you with a counter to see how many dead souls were in your area.  You couldn’t move while rezzing but it was instant so you barely stopped moving at all.

I’m not going to talk again about how “hold ult rez and hide” game play was stupid, but not being able to move while rezzing was problematic because you were the only living target when casting the rez which usually meant getting headshot or otherwise gibbed soon as you cast it.

Then they made it castable while moving.  That was very nice but again you were still the only living and vulnerable target in the area (because the people rezzed are invulnerable for a second or two after rez) and usually got destroyed anyway.

They made Guardian Spirit be usable much more often which helped but, a smart ass Widow or whatever could still get you mid-flight which stunk.

THEN Mercy got to be invulnerable also when rezzing.  You know what that was good for? Yep, doing a single rez to live through standing in Hanzo’s ult like a moron, or surviving some other kind of nonsense.  So on top of the “hide and rez” bullshit you could cheat death at specific times. And of course the rez-reset stuff that made me want to throw my keyboard.

Needless to say all of that was a problem one way or another so they changed it where rez is now single target, and  you have to be quite close to the dead person to do it.  You got a double rez during your ult which does something else entirely now.

Only… the cool down imo was way way too frequent so you could take down a big target like a tank and expect a team with Mercy to just immediately bring them back up.  Every.  Damn.  time.   I’d almost say it was worse than the AOE rez because she wasn’t encouraged to save it for a good huge rez because it took a while to charge up, but the AOE rez was worse. But, not by much.

I heard a nerf is coming down where in addition to being close to the dead person, the cast time will now be something like 2 seconds.  That’s… curious.  I had hoped for a longer rez CD but, that may be a double bang by making the Mercy extra vulnerable both by getting closer AND being still.  She just might get shot before the rez and now the team is also down a healer.  Seems like a bit much but we’ll see.

Maybe I’m still salty about being headshot during a guardian spirit instant rez.

You have to buy boxes

Ever since the Chinese New Years event, possibly even the winter holiday, it was pretty obvious you have to buy boxes to get anything.

For instance I earned probably 25 boxes by playing during the summer games, and got 1-2 skins, neither of which I wanted.  I already talked about the coin nerf so I won’t do it again but for this Halloween event I got 2 new skin.  TWO.  I never play Zarya but I got her new Halloween skin and Torb’s skin. I really didn’t want either but they are ok.   I also got Hanzo’s last years Halloween skin, and some non-event skins, but mostly voice lines, sprays, and player icons. Lots and lots of sprays, sometimes even duplicate sprays!  Ravenshield commented that he was getting a lot of duplicates, but I thought he was exaggerating.  Because they fixed duplicates, right?



He wasn’t.

I also couldn’t get anywhere near 3,000 coins to buy a skin of my choice.  I spent 3k on Mercy’s skin at the summer event, which was the last one, but barely earned 1k since then.

I hit roughly around 2200 the last day of the event, not enough to get any skin.  I really wanted the Symmetra skin, Ana’s, possibly McCree’s too.  Nope, I got NONE of those.  I bought 10 boxes and still got no Halloween skins, but barely got enough coins to purchase a single one, Symmetra’s.

Same problem with the summer games, bought Mercy’s new skin but then had no more money.  They really need to reduce the cost of skins, but, I bet they won’t because as I said, YOU HAVE TO BUY BOXES TO GET WHAT YOU WANT.  That is clear.

The Queues

I’m not sure why, but lately if I queue for battlegrounds, especially when solo, you can have mismatched teams for a significant amount of time.  I did a Gilneas a while back where we went pretty much the whole game with 9/10 players.  I did a WSG where we were down 4 players for 3-4 minutes.  I did another WSG where 2 players left and again, 2-3 minutes before anyone queued in.  What gives?

Also, whenever a dungeon shows up with extra loot, you are in for a bad time.  I did an Eye of Azshara tonight for the awards and first had a tank afk for several minutes so he could “do a shot” with his druid guild mate.  Then I blocked the druid for randomly saying “penis” and then the tank for using racism.  Yep, it always goes that way.

Quiet on the front

I haven’t had a whole lot to post lately.  I’m in guilds that are effectively dead on Sargeras, Whisperwind, and Ghostlands.  I’m not on a raid team, nor a pvp group.  World pvp is not a thing both because the world defense messages are gone, and it’s far too imbalanced.  You can get rocked almost instantly with a preemptive strike by someone else.

I’ve also been occupied by other activities such as my crochet projects and putting together my dad’s dads WW2 letters.