Tag Archive | Dungeons

Randoms are rough

Randoms have been rough on my mage lately. Did two tonight and both went poorly.

First up was in progress End Time, my favorite. We’re on Baine, I run to the platform and 2 people die on the way there. Rez up, pull the boss, healer lets the tank die at around 15%, I drop mirrors and go to town, we get it down. Apparently they had wiped on that a few times. Someone asks “how did we not wipe on that?” and another replies “stellar dps”. I was doing 40% of it.

Anyway it’s off to Murazond and the druid healer says to port out and back in to avoid the Baine trash on the way out. We’re there a while, CC the trash, and the healer still isn’t there. The tank pulls anyway, I say “healer is not here yet” and port out to avoid a wipe. We come back in, they rez up, healer lets the tank drop again. I finish off one of the mobs stunning it with my fire stuff and inviz on the last guy up. I mass rez, we kick the healer because they are bad. A new druid healer comes in, missing glyphs, gems, reforging, leather items, the works. I sigh and say, let’s just do it ok? We get it down ok.

Then my next one we get HoT and another druid healer, in TERRIBLE gear (several items under 333) lets the tank die, leaves. We get a paladin, get the boss down, PALADIN leaves. Finish the rest with another paladin. I’m pulling aggro CONSTANTLY, the tank is from my server but missing 5+ glyphs, enchants, etc. Well, whatever. We got it finished. So much for capping vp on my mage, it’s too frustrating.

I leveled Enchanting

Removed mining now that my pally has it, and spent all day the other day and about 13k or more, leveling enchanting.  It was an important profession I really should have done earlier, but end of expansion is a good time to do it. I meant to do it when I first started this character, since people always said tailoring and enchanting went well together but as a new player, it was not even remotely affordable and I needed mining for money.

Ran a WoE where I got lucky with RNG and hit nearly 125k at the last boss, and got this comment.


Anyway I got picked up for a 2/8 DS the other day, we got up to Madness then people had to go.  We had a mage named Epicsnoww as fire who only did 13k dps, then did 5k on Hagara then died.  He was kicked.  We had a healer in 3 blues with no gems/enchants which didn’t help either.  Nothing dropped I could even roll on.

Queueing as dps stinks

I really, really hate solo queuing with my mage. Got in WoE and the tank goes offline straight away. The healer then leaves. We get a new tank/healer who both immediately leave. So frustrating. I then do 40% of the dps in that group.

Before we got to the first boss, the 3rd healer left and another came in.

Reins of the Blue Protodrake

Ran UP with Subzero even though he wanted to run like other dungeons after it. He kept telling me to not use freeze because he was tanking (and taking a beating doing it) and I said 1) I can solo this place and 2) my frost freezies give me more damage besides the crowd control.

At the last boss the sword he wanted dropped, and it looked quite good so I didn’t roll right away. I let him sweat a bit and repeatedly ask “plz I need it plez can I have it plz” before I passed. Kids.

I solo’d UP the next day and got Reins of the Blue Protodrake. :) yay! I told him about it and just got a “…. ” lol.

Inconsiderate Idiot Type

So, I think my new pally healer friend is either an inconsiderate idiot type or just that age that screams “inconsiderate idiot type”. I logged on and he invited me to a group, I said I want to queue for a dungeon (since I’m working on Wildhammer rep) and we just sat there in group for a while doing nothing. I left party and said look I’m gonna queue and queued up. He invited me again and said he was just getting some noggenfogger elixir or whatever it’s called.

This is stuff I hate like a cat hates baths. I do not want to WAIT to queue. I want to queue RIGHT NOW, especially as dps. Sure having a healer with you is instant queue but if I have to wait 5-10 minutes for a healer to be ready, I may as well have sat in a queue during that time. Maybe that’s bratty of me but I really do hate waiting on other people for things I can do myself.

At any rate we queued up and he said he wanted to leave at the first boss Arcurion in Hour of Twilight because he hates this dungeon. I said it made no difference to me, but it was pretty easy to heal.

We got the first boss down and the tank left, then he was like “I gtg” and left, leaving me with another 8 minute queue wait. If there is much more “Soulprince” behavior I’m out of this real id thing. I’m also being called a “bro or gal” even though my name is clearly female in real id /shrug. lol