Tag Archive | Wintergrasp

Ugh the Lich King

Logged in and queue for WG, when I first popped in it was me and one other person.


but it worked its way up to 6 whole people later on.  It was very close, with the horde gathering up 6-8 vehicles at a time and nearly getting the relic door down, we end up winning with a combination of calling our incomings, people focusing on beating down the vehicles (which is easy with not enough people to defend the vehicles), staying close to the fort, with the minimum required to break down the towers.  So we won, but barely, but a win is a win.

Nearly me being in as a healer had a huge impact as I was the only one, and probably was a big part of our win.  Them not being able to be healed, and me healing people was a significant advantage.

I get in on another WG where we are defending and we’re doing better than ever now.  I run off more than once to start beating on a horde and receive assistance from several other ally  just in time to finish them off.


This mage got me once and then I ran after them later, and unfortunately for them they ran back towards me and into the loving arms of the Alliance and she was whooped down at least 3 times. We win, with the horde only making a token resistance.

Later that night I got on and totally forgot that we had a RS going on for Relentless.  We stand around trying to find people for like 40 mins which is my entire play time tonight.  Sigh.  I didn’t meant to raid tonight and I forgot I signed up. So we fart around not getting a tank for about an hour then call it.  Fine waste of time.

We decide to try for LK because they say the title will be taken out tomorrow, and claim we’ll get it no problem. The other priest complains we don’t need two disc priests so to prevent whining I switch to holy.  Despite the positive outlook, we   fail repeatedly during the Valks and Defile.  On the 5th or so attempt I get picked up, someone drops a Defile right under the Valk, and I get carried off and dropped to my death.


Shortly after the raid wipes again and I have to leave.  Pretty sure this is like my 100th fail raid, I mean really what are the chances? I may go play the lottery now. I log off in a bit of a huff.

My healing as holy wasn’t very high, but my overhealing was only about 20%, which in my experience is about 40% lower than what most holy priests do. I really don’t like to heal if nothing is incoming.

No one home?

I get in game and only one other person is on in this new guild and they are not talking. I queue with Leonz for a BG and get AB. A horde mage and druid are repeatedly running to LM over and over and someone says they are “AFKers” meaning BG bots. Sigh. We beat them off repeatedly and everyone is doing a great job of calling out incs, but we still lose. 64 honor. I purchased my pvp wand, which is better overall than the PVE one I had.

I try to queue up for WG but get please wait, then get invited to a guild run on my mage. I switch.

Blood Queen

I run Strand and although we do very good, and the battleground groups seem much more fair, compared to our usual groups, we lose.  I get 68 honor.  I do not like Strand very much just because we always seem to defend it fine, then we’ll almost get their door down, but we lose anyway.  Eh yeah I suppose I should read up on how that works. I do get an honorable mention in this one though.


and I withstand several horde repeatedly for quite a while


WG is up in 3 mins  and I queue for it, but it tells me I’m not called in for about 10 mins.  When I do get in the horde have already taken down a tower or two, we’ve made no progress on the walls, and even attempting to defend the sieges rolling in we’re no match for players standing near the dead guns shooting down, or anyone hell bent on running under the vehicles and breaking them up.  I mean, I do that personally as well, the sieges/demo can’t hit you, and it requires some kind of CC to stop you from suicide-ing to take it down.  Sieges and demos should have some kind of body-crush skill or not allow players to run THROUGH it.  IMO.

We get done one wall but end up losing. Well, I’m up to enough honor to get another Wrathful piece at any rate.  The items at the Veteran Arena Vendor are now correctly showing no arena rating required for the lower end items. I buy the hood and gem and enchant it.

I need to level cooking some more, and my next highest recipe requires eggs from the raptors around Menethil Harbor.


I remember hating these guys on my mage since they would call for help and I’d get beat to death shortly after.

Now the shoe, she is on the other foot!


It takes something like 50 Raptor Eggs to get the Curiously Tasty Omelet down to green on the cooking list.

I queue for WG again and we lose.  The horde can easily repel all our vehicles with their own plus defenders since we only broke through a single wall, which just makes a murder hole.  Sigh.


Later I run a AV and someone maps out plans at the start but eventually, we lose pretty badly.  Epic battles though so I enjoyed myself, and I got another compliment from a warrior. (had to merge several images to get it all on one)


I queue up for WG but do not get in. We win it that time though.

Queued for WG again, and I solo a hunter down to .03 health but I was screwing around going on offensive so I died before he did.  Shame!  Even though I’m shouting the entire time that all we have to do is bust up their vehicles and mostly play defense, there was only a handful of people doing defense and the horde rolls us 15 minutes in. Alliance doesn’t like to work together.

Again, queued for WG and we failed something hard.  Horde was defending, they got 10 vehicles before we had any, managed to take nearly all the workshops, then bust all the sieges we had coming out of sunken, and we didn’t even get a wall down.  I have no idea what we were even doing because we weren’t killing their vehicles, weren’t defending the towers (which they got all down), and weren’t getting vehicles.  Oooh I was furious.  We LOST.

At night I have the regular 25 man.  We do fine until Putricide where we wipe, due to the person in the abom not slowing down the oranges, then later the greens not being killed quickly, and I died when the green zapped me and no one was around to share the damage. We get it the second time though.

I do think the trash before the blood princes is, a little overpowered, when they destroy 2 of the tanks and 2 healers in like 30 seconds. These guys, they suck.


During the Blood Queen a rogue gets MC’d and kicks the living hell out of everyone.  I run back up only to get smoked, along with everyone else “safely” waiting in the queens room when someone pulled one of the Valkyr in the rooms below and all the adds ran up to get us.  There must have been like 20 trash mobs running around up there.

People were not biting or biting the wrong people, (I got bitten once, again), not running the flames OUT of the group, and not meeting up for that connection spell thing. This is the last thing I see before we decide to not do this boss tonight since the RL is tired, and I am too.


We get down Val and then call it a night.  My rolls are fantastic tonight and I don’t have a single roll above 20, and that was over 4 rolls.  I had like, 18, 11, 12, 14. Lovely.

Queued, please wait? Since when?

Logged in and I still have zero add ons and not even the add ons tab.  I try to queue for WG and it says something about how I’ve been queued and please wait, which I’ve never seen before.  When the battle starts it gives me the please wait again.  I dequeued and queued again, same thing please wait.  I went to the WG npc and tried to queue, and please wait.


Well, that guy won’t let me queue so I run off the fly there, only 2 mins in the Horde already has 5 vehicles, already has 2 walls down.  Rexe pm’s me and asks if the battle is going on and I say yes but the queue isn’t working and he says he’s “OMW”.  Shortly after they take the fort since we had roughly 10 people in raid.  Total, BS.

There is some discussion in trade about who makes Goblin Rocket Fuel and, thanks to Arashikage who gave me the recipe, I link it from Alchemy.  Apparently there is none on the AH, so I take the required Fireblooms out of my bank, then head to Stranglethorn Vale to farm the Volative Rum needed to make it.


the drop rate is abysmal, I killed at least 20 mobs with nothing.  I get around 3 after switching to the other beach area but that still takes around 30 mobs. Ugh.  It’s like farming in L2 again.

I notice one of the rifts out here, for  some reason, and iI see a Bloodsail Swashbuckler start attacking the mobs.  Kind of funny!  I have to AOE the mobs to kill them all at once to break the rift.


which then leaves behind a Mysterious Device.  After farming the booze for a while, I head back to SW and see it’s selling for 1g per, which totally isn’t worth it.  Upset at my add ons I delete all the add ons and reload everything, and now everything is happy again and loading.  And Quartz is remembering where I saved it last.  Awesome!

Now that WG has been made even on both sides now, no one will have tenacity any more.  To prove this I kill a blood elf paladin named Sevuf (ooh, another handsome red head)  and shortly after, a horde priest whose name I did not catch, solo.


I get myself killed multiple times making stabs at breaking down their vehicles, disc spec or no, and healing up other Alliance.  East is a bad place to be and I die oh, many times.  I mention this horde death pit in raid.

Unfortunately even though I said East was a bad place to go, Alliance rolls several sieges through there which are busted up by all the horde I said were there, and the breach clear through to the inner CY from west that someone else announced, is totally ignored and we LOSE.  I foresee us losing a lot.

Later I run my dungeon which is CoS, AGAIN.

Fing Tenacity

I log in for the last 2 bosses for ICC 25, but WG is up in 5 so I ask if it’s ok to run that.  Yes.  I fight against a warlock for a few minutes, and a rogue assists me, but he kills us both.  Fing tenacity.  I also dislike non healing classes that can heal themselves, that seems to be unfair.   Anyway I run into Rexe as per usual 🙂


We win and I get my 100 wins and earn Wintergrasp Veteran achievement.

We start ICC up and once again on Sindragosa, some people need the fight explained.  I’m sorry but this late in the expansion, if you don’t know the fights, go watch a tankspot video, read up on it on wowhead, something.  There is no excuse for not knowing fights that are 6+ months old. None.  We wipe on the first air phase immediately when the ice blocks come out since someone didn’t run down the stairs, and it’s painfully obvious who because of the symbols placed on everyone.  Besides that we had several people die in first phase.

Second run, was also a wipe. The fail rogue from last night, is busy being fail again tonight as well, and explains his dps isn’t that high because he’s trying not to wipe us.  Of course that angry’s up the blood because his fail is wiping an entire raid.  Why he was invited back I don’t know.  This fight is aggravating  because it just takes one person to hose the entire raid.


Third run we got to the third phase, and I survived the wipe.  It’s pointed out the fail rogue is wearing mostly pvp gear. sigh.  We fail again at last phase the 4th time, but I survive again due to someone getting me in their ice block.   Everyone starts discussing blame and someone says “Roll for blame” and I LOL for real on that. Next go I die in an ice tomb, even throwing a renew on myself before it hit.  Well, at least I don’t have to do much dead. Dying gives one good picture opportunities though.   After that point though I lose track of the wipes.  We get it finally and I get Exalted with Ashen and get my new ring. I was dead through that, however, died at like 100k health on the boss.

The LK run went slightly better than last time, and we got into the Defile stages but after 2 attempts people said they had to go.


They talked about reforming for 10 man and said to stay in raid if you wanted to go, which I did, only I was kicked or disbanded and not needed.  Sigh.  I’m destined to never get that title, EVER.  Maice on Nilvana promises he’ll get it for me though.  No pressure, man 😀

Turns out the reformed 10 man got the LK kill sometime within the hour after the 25 man broke up.  So depressing!  I only seem to get into the fail runs, over and over, never the ones that get it.