Tag Archive | Ragers

Worst RBGS ever

I got in a yolo rbg tonight with a guardian druid named Skilex.  ilevel a whopping 516, no gems, no enchants, no reforging, had as much health in bear form as my druid in no form.

First one, WSG, we lost.  We had absolutely no O.

Second one, WSG.  We won, but had to cap the fucking flag 4x before the idiot druid capped it.

Third one, AB.  We got two bases, the druid threw a hissy we didn’t follow directions and rage quit.  Then another person, and another.  We got 5 capped and lost quick.  The other team was all 1700 to our average of probably 500.  Lovely.

Alliance in general, well at least in randoms and yolo rbgs, have no idea how to pvp.  The mage was yelling to turtle with 18 mins left in WSG, then again at 13 mins.  I just, omg.  It’s awful.

I think Horde are Jerkier

I’ve been mostly on my Alliance priest lately, but I noticed Horde attack towns way more often than Alliance.  They seem to constantly bother Darkshire, Goldshire in particular.  I know Alliance hits up Crossroads and Silvermoon, but not really with the same amount of sustained trouble.  It could be that no Alliance bother to go stop them, too.

Oh and Hunar admitted he was previously Frostrated/DKmohawk/Junktoko. I figured.  I used the phrase “you sound like Sealan” as a bait (per Sealan) when he was rude again in guild chat.  The guild announcement said to sign up for events on the calendar, only no events were on the calendar.  I asked if we do RBGs and he smartly replied “no, we don’t pvp we’re a raiding guild” and some other snarky crap.

Should have just gquit right then, I’ll probably regret staying in the guild with that guy.

And man.  Hunters /sigh


Can’t be an officer? GQUIT!!!

I was musing today again about the state of disc priests in pvp, when a mage we had decided to log into his priest and tell me how things should be done.  I have 2 priests, I know.  They said they use smite, and solace, and be sure to shield yourself.  I just sighed.  No one takes solace in pvp and you aren’t going to be using smite for any meaningful heals.  Shortly after, he gquit.  Turns out he wanted to be an officer and was told they didn’t need one right now.  He joined 2 days ago.

The Randomess of Low Level Behavior

In the course of doing battlegrounds and dungeons at low level, I really have come into variety of behavior.

Sometimes I get compliments:


Sometimes I get called a retarded Sasquatch, who needs to exit the bg and never play again,  told I’m a terrible healer who sucks, is afraid to leave a base, and is losing the bg for us:


Sometimes I have dungeons where the hunter afk’s because he’s “smoking a blunt” and another saying they are lagging because they are streaming porn, and likens the dragons in Sunken Temple to dildos.  I’m not making this stuff up:
